in Tron Fan Club5 months ago


Good day to you all members of this wonderful community how goes your day, i hope all is well. It is your favorite blogger @awesononso here again to wow you with today's post.

Today, as the above topic indicates I will be writing about the concept of proof of work. Proof of work is a mechanism which serves as the foundation and Chief cornerstone of block chain and cryptocurrency mining.

Proof of work can be said to be the chief corner stone of block chain seeing as it provides security and consensus for decentralized network. It is a cryptographic protocol that requires cryptocurrency miners to find computationally solutions to hash functions or mathematical puzzels inorder to secure and validate transactions on the block chain network.

The mechanisms that is proof of work basically necessitate and ensures the solving of the cryptographic hash function and the rewarding of the first cryptocurrency miner with newly mined cryptocurrency and free transaction fees who successfully provides a solution to the puzzle.

You may wonder how this all works, well first thing you need to know on how the proof of work system work is that it is a competition among cryptocurrency miners, each miner struggle to find a hash value that meets the given criteria set by the network.

Using a random number called nonce miners repeatedly hash a block's data, it is a trial and error method process until the hash value which meets the set criteria of the network.


The importance of Proof of work cannot be over stressed has it has several significance. Proof of work first of all allows and enables consensus among the decentralized network on any transaction or order and thus ensuring a secure and trusted ledger without needing any central authority.

Another importance is in mining of new coins, in cryptocurrency mining proof of work plays a vital role as it is the protocol rewards miners with newly minted coins after ensuring that they have successfully solved the cryptographic hash function.

Another importance is security and network resilience because of the computational effort that proof of work requires before issuing new coins makes it impossible for it processes to be altered or cheated.

It's distributed nature also ensures that the network is resilient and immune to manipulate or points of failure.


Regardless of the significance and importance of proof of work in achieving and creating consensus and network security, proof of Work also brings with it some setbacks and challenges.

One of this is energy Consumption in following and implementing the proof of work mechanism in cryptocurrency mining especially the amount of energy consumed is so that it raises concerns about it's adverse effect on the environment and need for change.

Another setback or challenge is scalability limit, the computational overhead of proof of work causes and gives rise to scalability challenges and thus limiting the transactional throughput and thereby limiting if not hindering the network's ability to carryout high transaction efficiently in large volumes.


As we have come to see proof of Work stands as a foundational, fundamental mechanism that is underpinning the security, consensus, and integrity of block chain networks which includes cryptocurrency mining.

Also that it imposes several setbacks and challenges despite its efficacy in securing the block chain network.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Your article is very good. Nicely explained about proof of work. I hope you write articles like this in the future.Thank you.

Thanks I really appreciate

Thanks for the detailed explanation as it concerns the proof of work consensus mechanism. You did well in this content you have shared.

Thanks for stopping by

Good concept. You explained it professionally. Best of luck.

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