[Iceland summer 2] Golden circle : Geysir + Gulfoss


You may be richer than me, but you will never be free like me


I'm traveler @rbaggo
who is finding 'Humanism' in


Summer of June 2016

14 days in Iceland.

Half of second day.

After going to a dark lava cave yesterday, I went camping on a soft leaves. The weather looks really nice today. There are not many cars in this area, so hitchhiking takes sometime. As I looked around Iceland's topography, which is famous for its beauty while walking around.

Today I'm going to go to the Golden Circle. The Golden Circle is one of the most popular courses in Iceland. Because it's relatively close to the capital, Reykjavik, and it's in one area.

Selfoss is the gist of transportation that connects this golden circle with Reykjavik and other cities in the south and east. Located in the direction of 12 o'clock from Selfos, 'Þingvellir National Park' is. This is the boundary between Europe and the Americas and the continental plates. Unfortunately, I didn't go there because I was too lazy to go, but I heard tehre is amazing place.

And to the right, there's a geysir, which water and gas rises under pressure. And beautiful waterfall, Gulfoss.

A lady from Iceland who was going to camping for her children in Lugarvatn, near the Golden Circle, gave me a ride.

This is Laugarvatn. There was a lake in this area, and I think there was a camp nearby. Her son was expected to be about the age of a middle school student, because it seemed to be a camp hosted by a school or a camp organization. I liked this place because it's a nice mountain and airy environment.

Hitchhiking continues to head for Geysir and Gulfoss. Icelandic man was on his way to his summer house. Icelandic people usually have separate summer house to enjoy their summer vacation in addition to their home.

Next, the Polish guy who was going to take a video of Geysir and gave me a ride to send it to his friend.

Here's something to watch out for!! For now, the opening time is 8 a.m. and the closing time is 10 p.m. and visitors can only walk in, not ride. Of course, we shouldn't smoke in this place where sulfur gas is emitted underground due to volcanic topography, right?

Previously, When I traveled Philippines, I saw some stupid people who smoke right next to the flight just before they got on, and they caught by security and turned it off and boarded...

I didn't visit to Gaysir when I traveled Iceland in the winter, and I thought there was only one geysir hole that came out, but there were surprisingly many.

It explains how water spills out of the basement. As the temperature of the water rises with the gas below the ground, pressure builds up and it expands and rises above the ground.

Of course, the water is hot. Sulfur smoke pours out ceaselessly.


I was holding a camera in one hand and GoPro action camera in the other for an hour to make this picture. And I took a picture of that moment in the video. It's starting to rise under pressure.

Repeat, water comes up and goes down through the hole, and when the pressure is full inside, it spouts out the water with gas.


And then it rises like this. Water splashes in the direction of the wind, so you'd better wear a hoodie hat.

The air in Iceland is very clear, but it's sold separately in cans. The price is 1,100 k.k., about 10 USD?

At the entrance to Geisir, there was a parking lot, as well as a place where various souvenirs and food were sold. I was looking for something to eat, and the sandwich with ham and cheese was about 7 USD. All kinds of hamburgers are about 8 USD and so on. I won't eat it. No, I can't...

Later, I moved to Gulfoss, the most popular waterfall!

Gulfoss was a sight to behold. When I came here in winter, it was covered with snow, so I wasn't very impressed. But n the day I went, the rainbow was so pretty.

It's not the biggest waterfall in Iceland, but it's one of the most beautiful waterfalls along with 'Seljalandsfoss'.

Most people come through this route, but very few turn around looking for directions to the other side of the river. If I go again, I really want too. I'd have to rent a car to get there, but on the other side, I think it'd be great to see the water flowing down the waterfall.

This is Barry, an Australian who drove me from Gaysir to Gulfoss. I e-mailed him for sending nice picture after the trip, and he was very satisfied with pictures.

Now, if I go to Thinkbellier(Þingvellir) National Park,

I'll see all three golden circles, and but what happened to me? It will continue in the next episode.


Nice trip and pictures!

Hello, @twinner.

I just started 'PeakD' and 'communities' so actually don't know how to share my post. I wrote in your community what I wrote today in PeakD.
I'm sorry that I don't understand correctly.

PeakD is on HIVE, you are here on STEEM.

You have an account on HIVE too


Thank you for your explanation!
Then is it fine to upload same contents in here and PeakD at same day?
I'm sorry that I don't know the rule of new system. I took a rest for a year.

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