in Steem Infinity Zone3 years ago


Technolgical advancements all over the world is the leading factor that has affected tne lives of many, both old and young alike. Today, I'll be sharing with us how technolgy has impacted in my life and which technology changed my life.


For the popular debate topic "technology has done more harm than good", I will definitely be a proponent. This is because I was privileged to live in both situations when I had access to technology and when I didn't. Technology is something the world has come to embrace because it not only makes life seamless but also eliminates unnecessary red-tapism and pollution im our environment. Chronologically, technology has made impact in my life in the following ways:

It has helped me access unlimited information from around the globe: Technology helped breach the barrier of distance between continents, countries, nations through the internet. Everyone, including me is able to access information from anywhere with internet services on the globe through the internet. Information rules the world and as such, easy access to information grants everyone a level playing field to impact in mankind. I was enlightened on many scholarships, grants, competitions etc missed out by others who had no access technology.

Technology has helped me get to far-distant places within a short period of time: I'm grateful to technology for providing mankind with cars and vehicles alike. The barrier of distance which was a problem for me in my early years is no more. With the power of information provided by technology, I can not only access the information I need promptly but also get to where I need to anywhere around the world promptly too. The advancements in air and rail travel is mind blowing and it has made positive impacts in my life. I didn't have to walk 2 kilometers daily for 12yrs just to get to school, cars made it easy and I'm grateful to technology for that.

Technology has also made home chores very fun: 7 years ago, I usually used firewood to cook for my family. Whenever it rains, cooking our meal for the night would be hindered because all the firewood would be wet. Recently, with the increasing technological advancements, I can easily turn on my electric gas cooker and I'll be done in a flash. It has reduced my frequent exposure to smoke and I'm sure my respiratory system is thankful to technology for that. Other home chores which I usually disliked as a kid, I enjoy doing them now because technology has made it easy. Like from cutting grasses with cutlasses to using mowers; from washing cushions to using vacuum cleaners; from chopping pepper and onion to using electric choppers. I can even blend fruits and make a juice off them which has an enormous health benefit.

Technology has made making money easier: I remember vividly when I was given a task to sell off a particular amount of product within one month. A profit margin was set. Due to technology, I was able to reach out to many customers within the shortest possible time and it got me my promotion. The money I got from that promotion helped me pay my school fees for the next session thus easing the burden from my parents.


The technology that changed my life is digital pianos. I've always admired the works of pianists like Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Bach. Classical music had always appeal to me right from childhood. I didn't have access to a grande piano because it was not portable and very costly. My mum got me a digital piano, Yamaha E463 which has served me up until this moment. I have been in practice for more than 3yrs and have tutored all my friends in my vicinity. A smart phone piano app couldn't get me the effects ot the digital piano technology, so I am grateful for the portable and affordabke digital piano made possible by technology. It has helped me tap into my potential as a musician and taken me to places.


Personally, digital pianos helped me learn the piano so well that I began to tutor others. The digital piano has changed my life in so many ways as follows
I found my best friend by playing the piano: I remember vividly the Sunday morning when I prepared for Sunday service. I had already learnt a piece, La Valse d'amelie by Yann Tiersien. She walked up to me and said "you played so well that I wept". I didn't believe my ears but up until today, we've been close friends for 4yrs and counting. She is older than me but the power in the love for music made our path cross and it has been a very beautiful relationship.

The piano has got me connections I never imagined I could have at my age: My dad loved music, but he didn't want me to combine it with medical school. The fact that I am a good pianist and at the same time, excel in my studies has brought me recognition at a young age. Couples invite me to play on their weddings, business men in my locality invite me to perform on their kid's birthdays, I got connected to senior colleagues in the medical field just through the piano. This is why my stay in medical school has been fruitful. The guidsnce and mentorship I ger from these seniors makes life in school easy, thanks to technology that made the digital piano.

I was privileged to play for a hospitalized patients: It has always been my dream to use music as an instrunment of healing when I become a medical doctor. I believe in reaching out to people's souls through music. I got to play for a lady hospitalized in a ward on her request. I had my piano sessions with my students and on my way back, I went to visit my friend's aunt in a hospital. It happened that she just delivered of a baby. I played her a lullaby with the permission of a doctor and at that moment, life was at its fullest, with the baby in her arms as she dozed off. It was beautiful and I will never forget

I was admitted into the best choir in the university: It is a herculean task to get admitted into the student's choir in my university. This is because they chose the best. When I got admitted, I performed with them at weddings, concerts, chorales etc and we have won different prizes and honours including monetary awards which we shared amongst ourselves. It helped me during the holidays to make money while I enjoyed what I do. All thanks to the technology that developed the digital piano.

Thanks to @siz-official for organising this contest.

I invite @samsteem1000, @kachimax and @omarion1 to participate in this contest.

 3 years ago 

Thanks for your participation. Best of luck for the contest

Thank you

 3 years ago 

Thank you for taking part in the contest and trusting in SIZ Community. We are giving you 40% upvote from our official community account @siz-official.

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Thank you @siz-official

Technology... Today I am glad I have a water closet (no more buckets filling, carrying), I am glad I have a washingmachine but said goodbye to dishwashers, dryers, the fridge, radio, computer and tv

Online banking, chatting (instead of writing a letter) is great but I miss normal post, the post office and online is hard and stressful if the internet is bad or the power switched off again. It damages electronics, batteries and so on.

I don't like house chores more because of technology and am happy I met Steemit but fear for the moment we all are switched off and governments rule our lives, money, education, health even more thean they do now. If tech means lack of freedom, free will and privacy it's better to do without.

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