SEC - S10W2 | My Languages

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)

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I always consider learning another language as an asset. It could be strenuous but It’s very important to ease communication.

I was once told that a child of five years old can learn more than five different languages at a time, whereas, it could be very difficult for an adult like me who is 33 years to achieve that.

However, it is still possible to learn even more than five as an adult but it would be a little difficult. I always believe in possibilities.

I will use the contest questions as a guide to reply to all queries...

How many languages do you speak? Which of them are your native languages and which ones have you studied?

Basically, I can speak four different languages which are Ibibio, English, Pidgin English, and Igbo language of which Ibibio is my mother tongue. English is just our official language, not like it is our language and so it is among the language I learn while growing up.

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Ibibio is my mother tongue, I didn’t learn that, I just grew up knowing that I can speak it and it flows. I can speak and read it fluently.

English is used in schools, workplaces, and even business places. In fact, as a Nigerian, English is a must to learn and that’s why it is thought in schools from nursery to higher institutions. And by the way, we were colonized by the British and we still have strong ties with the British government. So, the English language will always remain our official language.

Next is Nigerian Pidgin English, which is still English but a broken English also called Naija. It is an English-based Creole language spoken as a lingua franca across Nigeria. It can be spoken as a pidgin, a creole, a dialect or a decreolised acrolect by different speakers, who may switch between these forms depending on the social setting-Reference

This language is not hard to speak because you don’t need to be conscious of English accuracy, which means you can say it freely the way you want to.

I have written a few articles on it and even conducted a tutorial sometime last year but since there was not much audience, I had to pause, I might still go back to organize that tutorial in the future.

You can read about them here below:




Whilst I didn’t have to learn the above, I invested a lot of time learning the Igbo language. The Igbo language is not my language, it is owned by one of the major tribes in Nigeria, specifically, the eastern part of the country.

I had the opportunity to learn this language because I attended my university in the eastern part of the Country and so I couldn’t escape that. This was one of the languages I studied.

What methods have you used to learn other languages?

Apart from the English Language which I learned in school through practice sessions, tests and examinations, I like making friends with children who speak a particular language I want to learn, this method has helped me a lot. In fact, that was how I learn the Igbo language so fast.

I also downloaded some language applications and listen to songs that are played in that language since I love music.

But the bottom line is interest, I developed a strong interest whenever I want to learn a new language.

In addition to the ones you already speak, what other language would you like to learn?

I will like to learn and speak Spanish, Korean, Indonesian and French languages. I am already receiving some Spanish language training from two Spanish speakers here in the blog, I have some great and unique plans of its kind coming up in the year 2024 on this blog, such that have never happened before….and NO I won’t tell you about it until then.


I also want to learn the American sign language.

What do you consider to be the most difficult thing about learning another language?

One difficult thing is to recognize a fitting facial expression when learning or speaking another language.

And one thing that can help one to achieve this is to think like someone from that language origin at that moment otherwise, the message would be lost. I have had this experience many times.

Remaining focused when we make a mistake on our first trial is another challenge of learning a new language.

Why do you think it is important to master several languages?

Without language, we can’t communicate. Language is one great tool for communication and so, it would even be of greater advantage if we learn several languages, because It means we can communicate with anybody from that background. And that’s a great relief for humanity.

I will like to invite @eliany, @irawandedy and @paholags to participate in this interesting contest.

Gracias, amigos!

Cast a witness vote for @pennsif.witness

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 last year 

¡Holaaa amigo!😊

Quedé impresionada con usted vale. ¿4 Idiomas? Mi admiración y respeto... Eso solo demuestra su vocación por el aprendizaje.

De los 4 que mencionó, solo conozco el ingles pero, así como me impresiona que los domine, también sucede al saber que está capacitado para educar a otras personas para que aprendan a hablarlo.

Usted es un gran maestro amigo. Me alegra saber que siempre está dispuesto a mejorar sus conocimientos. Un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank you so much and sorry for the late reply...

I really have a strong interest in learning another language. I am also happy that you know how to speak the English language. I could remember during our Interview last week, it was a good time listening to your English commands. Hopefully, we would do a project together in the future.

Saludos amigo!

Me he impresionado mucho saber que en Nigeria hay muchos idiomas en el mismo pais debe ser muy interesante saber esos idiomas. y usted los sabe.

Que grato saber que tiene quien le enseñe español y ya me da curiosidad de saber que hará en su blog el próximo año, estaré muy pendiente.

Saludos y suerte en el concurso!

Hola estimado amigo.

Guao que gran entrada, además que bueno que sea un extraordinario maestro, es admirable que compartas tus conocimientos con otros, sobre todo si son niños, es fundamental enseñarles ahe los idiomas le habrían muchas puestas .

Es fascinante poder adquirir conocimientos a lo largo de nuestra vida, y por todo lo que leí en tu publicación se ve que eres un apasionado del conocimiento.

Fue un verdadero placer leerte. Te deseo la mayor de las suertes en el concurso y Bendiciones para ti vida .

Gracias amigo!

I love learning new things, especialy when it has to do with language. Though it's not always easy to learn a new language at my age. But I believe with interest, I can succeed in this.

Thank you for stopping by.

If I didn't read your post, I might not have known some of the information I didn't know. Because out of the four languages ​​you mentioned, I am only familiar with English and this is the first time I heard the name of the other three languages.

But it is good to know that in your country English language is prevalent in offices, courts and schools. And I will memorize even a few words of your mother tongue Ibibio today and if possible I will also watch a movie in your mother tongue. There will be an end to the grain in the mind.

Am glad you could know about these other languages now.

Ibibio and Igbo is only used in my country but Nigerian Pidgin...other wise known as west African pidgin is used in most west African Countries like Ghana, Cameroon, Serra leone etc..., though each of this countries has their style of speaking it.

In a sense, someone who speak that language understands all from the the different west African countries.

My language is minority, hopefully you can get some videos on youtube.

Thanks for your comment.

If you want to learn the language of any country, you can listen to the radio of that country. Remember, the more you listen, the more familiar you will become with the language If you know almost any language, you can regularly listen to the radio of that language to improve.i wish you my best

That sounds like a great idea!
Thanks for your input.

 last year 

Wooaaoo Migo, UD es todo un lingüista que no solo habla los cuatro idiomas señalados, sino que además, puede instruir a otros en los mismos y eso tiene mucho valor, por lo menos para mí. A mí me encantaría dominar varios a la perfección, entre ellos el inglés, francés, alemán y me llamo mucho la atención el nigeriano entrecortado que menciono o Naja, me pareció muy interesante. Exitos en su estupenda entrada. Saludos cordiales!

Thank you for your feedback...., I am glad you have discovered Naija pidgin now..., it's easy to speak and Nigerians use it mostly when performing unofficial duties.

 last year 

Wow! hablas 4 idiomas! eso es muy bueno! no sabía que existía ese inglés pidgin, guardaré este post para ver tus tutoriales cuando llegue a la casa!

mucho éxito en el desafío!!

Yes, it exist!
In fact, 95% of Nigerians use that outside of official duties.

And today, 100% of Nigerian music make use of that..., you hardly see anybody using the standard English in their songs.

Thank you for stopping by..

 last year 

Hola amigo. Muchas gracias por participar en el concurso!

Hablar 4 idiomas es genial,te felicito. Desconocía el inglés pidgin. Qué bueno que en tu país Nigeria sea imprescindible hablar inglés eso les abre muchas puertas desde pequeños debemos empezar aprender varios idiomas además del nuestro. Espero aprendas a hablar español y nos cuentes antes del 2024 los planes que tienes jaja.

Amigo olvidó colocar la fuente de su última imagen.

Éxitos en el concurso.

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Date of Verification12/06/2023

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Thank you so much for the verification...., I am glad you now know about Pidgin English..., it's a very interesting language here.

PS: Thank you so much about the image reminder...., I have made the correction now, it was an oversight. Thanks my friend.

Interesting 🤓 it is good to know different languages so that anywhere you see yourself communication would not be a hindrance, I commend you for learning this languages and your intentions to learn more, your method of learning is interesting too.

Thank you for inviting me, I wish you success

That's the more reason you should join me in learning atleast one more language. Thanks for responding to my invitation...

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @malikusman1, member of team #2. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 12/06/2023


Thank you for your support @malikusman1, enjoy your curation day.

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