SEC - S10W1 | My Most Significant Achievement.

in Scouts y sus Amigoslast year (edited)

Greetings to all the members and my dear friends of Scouts y sus Amigos Community

Again I have to say that this is going to be my first post in this community.

When responsibilities increase, and we want to disseminate our best;
At that time, some prospects we missed.

If we want to merge quality with that responsibilities;
and hence often, I couldn't manage time to participate in the challenge.
I believe in quality, not in quantity.

Nevertheless, There is a proverb, better late than never.' So here I am today to take part in the challenge announced:-POST LINK

This time I found the topic interesting too;
and within my scope of knowledge.

What have been your achievements so far (sports, social, academic, work, personal, etc.)

Before proceeding to answer;
Let me share my perspective on the word achievements.

A- Awareness
C- Courage.
H- Honesty.
I- Intention.
E- Enthusiasm.
V- Versatility.
E- Effort.
M- Management.
E- Energy.
N- Nourishing mind.
T- Target.
S- Set.

Now if I would look like towards of my basket of achievements;
then I would say a few things I was able to achieve and a few things I still have to enhance.

While working for the social cause(Various NGOs);
I got the opportunity to serve more than 2500 poor children and some pregnant women with medicine.

If it signifies my achievements, then the answer would be 'yes.' I have achieved blessings of thousands of people;
and a few certificates of that creation recognition.

What has been the most significant? How hard was it for you to achieve it?

The first experience of everything is always significant, and for me also when I was able to raise funds for the first time for a needy;
That was a noteworthy moment.

Now, after defending all those working hurdles, I can say it is our enthusiasm for scrutinizing our achievements;
that makes that task easy or formidable.

Just today, I was discussing with one of my community members that when I went for an interview in my first NGO (The name of the NGO was MSF- Médecins Sans Frontières or Doctors without Borders.);
I had negated the telephone round. But later, I was selected because my assistant manager was aware of my communication skills.

But in the first month, I was sitting at a zero and unable to raise funds;
and I went to my team leader and informed him that the job was not for me.

He also encouraged me a lot. Every day I come back home and think about those videos;
that was demonstrated to us during the training period.

How some people are going through critical situations, I never heard the terms pre and postnatal word;
and not aware of the conditions of mothers and newborn babies.

I don't know what happened to me from the second month to the last day;
I was the person on my team.
who raised the highest number of funds for these underprivileged people.

What has been the one you have had the hardest time reaching and why?

As I mentioned, everything that we face for the first time,
especially the challenges that life throws us all of a sudden;
fetch the leatheriest time.

I grew up at the age of twelve when my mother passed away;
and I still think that was the most challenging time in my life.

Because after that; the situation of my life changed in a three-sixty-degree slant.

After that, I not only apprehend the value of relationships;
but also recognized practical life is not colorful, honestly! It is black and white.

What is your next goal to achieve?


At present, my hundred percent focus is on the steemit platform;
and that I mentioned in my every application.

I am a bit stubborn type when I see people mix mindsets by judging one person against another;
Especially at that time, I became extensively stubborn.

So my next target is to become a steem representative. Twice I submitted my application but have not received any results yet.

Yes, that was all about my past and future achievements plans.

I would love to invite @patjewell, @inspiracion, @karianaporras, @kouba01, and @steemdoctor1 to participate in this challenge.



 last year 

A- Awareness C- Courage H- Honesty I- Intention E- Enthusiasm V- Versatility E- Effort M- Management E- Energy N- Nourishing mind T- Target S- Set

Wow! These words spell out exactly what "achievement" stands for. Well done!
You have clearly reached an excellent level of achievement, and today it is reflecting in who you are and your work here on Steemit.
I wish you all the best for the goal you have set for yourself on Steemit. Hopefully, soon you can tick it off as another achievement.
Good luck with the contest, and thank you for the invitation!

Thank you ma'am for your encouraging words and blessings.
From the beginning to till date working honestly and hard to achieve goal on this platform.

💕 🤗 😘

 last year 

It's a pleasure! 🎕

 last year 

Saludos estimada amiga.

La labor altruista es un logro admirable, el camino que hay que recorrer para lograr la ayuda para tantas personas es un tarea muy noble y admirable. Felicidades por ello.

Las cosas que más cuestan son las que más deseamos alcanzar, inténtalo todas las veces que sea necesario porque llegar en el momento justo y correcto a tu vida. Mientras siga trabajando duro para Steemit y fortaleciendo su cuenta.

Buena suerte y éxitos

Me alegro de que revises mi publicación, ya que esta es mi primera publicación en esta comunidad. Estoy emocionado de ver la respuesta. Todopoderoso nos creó para servir a la sociedad especialmente para aquellos que están en necesidad.Mi querido amigo, solo estoy representando una parte de la humanidad, nada más.

 last year 

Está comunidad es excelente, sus Moderadores y administradores muy buenas personas y nos apoyan mucho a todos, sea bienvenida y le deseo éxitos en su participación.


Congratulations! This comment has been upvoted through steemcurator04.

We support quality posts, and good comments anywhere with any tags.

Curated by : @sduttaskitchen

Trabajar en una ONG es una bella labor porque trabajas sin recibir ningún beneficio el mayor beneficio y satisfacción es ver la cara de felicidad de las personas que ayudas, te felicito por esa gran labor amiga has logrado grandes cosas para esas personas que tanto lo necesitan, se que pronto tendrás respuesta a tu solicitud para ser representante de país, te deseo mucha suerte en tu participación

¡Oooh! Me alegro mi querido amiga por tus mejores deseos. Ser representante de Steem es mi sueño, y estoy trabajando honestamente ya que trabajo exclusivamente para esta plataforma.

Tienes toda la razón, trabajar para una ONG es un servicio desinteresado y me siento afortunado de ser parte de tres ONG. Muchas gracias por pasar su valioso tiempo aquí.

With great emotion we notify you that this article has been curated by @alejos7ven, member of team #2 at 40%. Your content is amazing, keep working hard to opt for the weekly top.

Voting date: 09/06/2023

You are club75


Thank you so much for this encouraging support my friend @alejos7ven


Trabajar en una ONG, habla muy del hermoso corazón que tiene, a pesar de tener inicios difíciles no se rindió con perseverancia y dedicación logro recaudar muchos más fondos.
Darse por vencida nunca ha Sido una opción y se que con constancia en lo que hace algún día logrará ser Representante De Steem.
Le deseo muchos éxitos 🤗

Me alegro amiga por tus palabras de aliento. Cuando pasamos por la parte más dura de la vida nos damos cuenta del dolor de los demás. Espero que pueda ser seleccionado como representante de la corriente. Gracias de nuevo.

Gosh.. I think you deserve the Steem Representative Position. You've got an amazing experience on the Steemit platform and you've got charisma too. This is a position with great responsibility and saya are confident that you will succeed with your goals.
Good luck my sister 👌

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