SEC-S17W1- "Influence of SBDs on your growth ".


Hello friends, here we are in the first week of the season 17 engagement challenge, I'm gladly taking part to narrate my part on the influence of SBD on our growth on steemit.

The arrival of SBD after sometime of it's disappearance is making steemit users happy, it's not only making us happy it's greatly influencing our growth . As we can see this days many are grabbing the dolphin club so easily.

Did you know about sbd or is it something new to you?


I have little knowledge about SBD, when I joined newly I was getting it as reward after post payout, until it stopped printing . SBD known as Steem Backed Dollar is part of rewards users of steemit blockchain earn at the end of their post pay out , and the printing of SBD is determined by the market price and value of Steem , as at 2022 because of the Steem market price it stopped printing which caused so much fear and worry in the mind of the users, recently this year the price of Steem increased again and it started printing bringing back more users to the ecosystem , so I can say Yes I'm aware of Steem Backed Dollar (SBD). It's not new for me because I have been enjoying it for some time now.

How has the arrival of SBDs influenced your growth?

I call SBD the ladder of growth 📈 , the level at which steemit users are moving can never be compared without SBD. Imagine converting 30SBDs to Steem the results is awesome. The arrival of SBD has helped my growth I wish it can stay forever.
I'm earning almost 200steem within a shortest time compared to those days when there was no SBD. The growth during this SBD is massive.

Do you consider that it is better to receive rewards directly in Steem or do you prefer them in SBD? Why?


Haven experienced the existence of the two rewards in my wallet I think I prefer SBD. Like I said when we receive SBD and convert it into Steem is bigger. So why wouldn't I want to earn in something that can give me bigger Steem.

Tell us your story with SBDs as a reward?

The coming back of SBD to steemit blockchain has been incredibly good, I received my first SBD when I heard 01 vote on my post , when it paid out and I converted it to Steem it marvelled me . I was joyous all through that day.

With SBD rewards I'm gradually hitting to double dolphin. My steempower is growing faster.

Anytime I earn sbd I'm always hopeful and happy knowing that it will add value to my Steem power.


SBD influence on our growth is so amazing, let's continue with support of power up and burnsteem initiative to keep the market price going up so that we can enjoy more of this SBD.

This is my entry in this week's enegement challenge. I'm inviting @inspiracion @alee75 @talktofaith

 2 months ago 

Es fantástico escuchar cómo los SBD han desempeñado un papel importante para acelerar tu crecimiento y contribuir a una experiencia positiva en Steemit.

La explicación que das de los SBD como una "escalera de crecimiento", es bastante acertada, debo decir. La capacidad de convertir SBD a Steem y presenciar resultados sustanciales, es, de hecho, un factor de motivación para muchos usuarios, y ver cómo los SBD han influido en su viaje para lograr el estatus de doble delfín y hacer crecer su poder de Steem a un ritmo más rápido, es maravilloso.

Su preferencia por recibir recompensas en SBD en lugar de Steem, tiene mucho sentido, dadas las ventajas que ofrece en términos de crecimiento potencial y valor.

Tu llamado a seguir apoyando iniciativas como el Power Up y el burnsteem para mantener e incrementar el precio de mercado de los SBD es encomiable, aunque esto último, no garantiza que el precio del STEEM suba, pues, intervienen otros factores al mismo tiempo.

Mis mejores deseos para ti, en este reto.

Wow, this is an awesome feedback. Thank you very much for your kind words.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Friend, I am very happy that the SBD has served as a ladder for the growth of your account.

Yes . It has really being of help to my growth. Thanks for commenting

Me emociona leerte amiga.
Es muy satisfactorio observar el crecimiento de nuestras cuentas.

El crecimiento en Steemit no sólo se refiere al poder, también se refiere, así lo veo yo, a un crecimiento personal.

Espero seguir leyendo tu progreso.

Éxitos en la competencia.

Thank you very much my friend.


This is amazing, yes the arrival of sbd after a long while is something to celebrate about.
Congratulations on your achievements so far.
So nice to read that you make 200 steem in a very short while.
That's a lot actually.
Congratulations once more.

Thanks for the invite, I'll be right back with my post Participation.

Success in your entry.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Your post has been successfully curated by @eliany at 35%.

Thanks for setting your post to 25% for @null.
We invite you to continue publishing quality content. In this way you could have the option of being selected in the weekly Top of our curation team.

Team Burn (1).png

Burning STEEM by sending it to the @null account helps reduce the supply of STEEM and so increase its price.

Thank you very much.

The growth that we have now in steemit blockchain is so amazing and I believe everyone steemian is enjoying the retiof the SBD.

 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Ten mucha fe en los SBD porque, esta moneda te va a dar la grata oportunidad de que tu crecimiento sea 2 e incluso, 3 veces mayor al que tenías cuando el Steem era parte de nuestro sistema de recompensa principal.

El camino no será tan sencillo pero, tu constancia, disciplina y dedicación te permitirán lograr grandes metas con los SBD.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

You are correct my friend. Have a pleasant day.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66139.00
ETH 3537.52
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.16