"SEC-S17W4- "Extraterrestrials"

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hello everyone
The discussion about outer space is a very interesting discussion for me who really likes the conspiracies that exist in this universe. Of course, I will not waste a great opportunity to share things about the lives of creatures outside that I know. This time, I am participating in the fourth week of the steemit engagement challenge held by the @hive-181136 community with a discussion about Aliens.
Do you believe that extraterrestrials exist?


In my personal opinion, the existence of aliens is still a big conspiracy and is still being talked about until now. I somewhat believe in the existence of extraterrestrial beings such as aliens. Because the universe consists of billions of galaxies and billions of very large planets, there is still a possibility of other life besides on Earth. Moreover, there is some evidence indicating the existence of signs of life outside of space even though the evidence is not so concrete.

Do you know of anyone who claims to have seen them?


At this time, I have never known or met anyone who claims that they have seen Aliens directly. However, I am a person who likes to discuss conspiracies, especially those related to the deep sea and outer space. Therefore, I often watch videos on YouTube and read articles about Aliens and discuss them again with my friends. My interest in Aliens has increased since the United States held a meeting to discuss sightings of outer space objects and showed some videos and the testimonies of people who have seen outer space objects (UFO).

What do you think of those who claim that they have always been here and have helped mankind? Give examples.


In my opinion, that opinion cannot be trusted 100% because there is no concrete evidence to support it. One example is the discussion about the construction of the pyramids in Egypt which was assisted by Aliens, which is a hot topic always talked about in the world of conspiracy. However, scientists have studied it scientifically and logically. Experts have also discussed how to lift such large stones in ancient times logically. I believe that there will be a lot of differences of opinion in this discussion. If it is true that it involves the hands of extraterrestrial creatures, it means that humans have succeeded in building social relationships with intergalactic beings 😁.

Will we ever know the truth about this subject?


I am sure that as time goes by, there is a great possibility for us to find out whether extraterrestrial beings are real, especially with the rapid development of technology and the expertise of astronomers working in the field of Astronomy, it will certainly soon be revealed. It would be very exciting if we could interact and build social relationships not only with friends from other countries, but also between planets or even between galaxies.

That's my opinion about the existence of Aliens in this universe. Thank you for reading until the end

especially to @ibnu1 @aspariah @Amirudin I invite you to also participate in this contest.

terimakasih, wassalam

29 april 2024


About me

 3 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

En una ocasión vi en un documental donde decían que la teoría de los extraterrestres surgió de los Iluminaties cuando estaban en el primer proceso del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Ahora bien, si analizamos esto no es descabellado porque, todo lo que gira sobre este tema es ficción y conspiración.

Para el tiempo que ha avanzado de este tema, era para que estuviera comprobado pero, la ciencia se siente más cómoda alimentando algo que no es cierto.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Dear @paholags, it's really exciting the topic of discussion this time. We can share our perspectives on Aliens. Until now, Aliens are still one of the hot conspiracy topics to talk about, hopefully the truth will be revealed soon 👽.


Hello friend greetings to you, hope you are doing well and good there.

You have beautifully present this topic dear. You say that their are millions of galaxies and their is possiblity that their could be creature such as human at any galaxy. Maybe this is true, but we haven't any solid proof of it which makes the concept of aliens a mythical one. You haven't seen anyone in your practical life claiming they have seen Aliens nor I. I think this is a gothic character of literature.

I wish you best of luck in the contest dear friend. Keep blessing.

Amigo concuerdo con usted completamente, de echo sin darme cuenta hablamos de casi lo mismo en nuestros post jajaja, también soy fanática de estos sucesos de conspiración, entre muchas otras cosas que nos ocultan, pero que tal vez es para un bien mayor, no sabemos lo que hay allí afuera... Pero estoy casi seguro de que no son malos, ya que si no no estuviera escribiendo esto...

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