SEC-S17W6 "Saving Humanity ".

in Scouts y sus Amigos5 months ago (edited)

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Greetings my able steemians in scouts y sus amigos community, I believe you're all doing great and your day was full of excitement. It's finally week-6 of the engagement challenge and it's my pleasure to try again by expatiate my perspective about disease.

Diseases are the distress and displeasure humanity has ever encountered in this world, it's influence to man is full of heartbreak, sorrows, displeasure and devastated to man and it's family. Diseases of all kinds has inherit the whole world and it's only God that has the extreme power eliminate it for man to rest. Journey with me as a share my opinion about the topic "Saving Humanity".

If we had the power to eradicate any one of those diseases (just one) which one would you prefer to see go away? Describe your opinion.


Malaria!! In Nigeria, malaria is a very common diseases that affects people easily in a blick of eyes. This disease call malaria mainly attack human through a mosquito bite known as plasmodium parasite which is very common in our environment making it complicated to fight or prevent ourselves from malaria.

Malaria is very common to the extent that even the water we drink can develop malaria except the water is well treated. Due to people unstable financial or lack of financial income, treating a tank of water is very cost and only few families can afford to pay the bill, what happened to families whom cannot afford to pay the bills? Maleria become their basic disease of which so much thousand of naira are spent to cure which later will surely comes back.

Malaria is very stubborn that it can affect a child right from childbirth and it can possibly lead to a condition which we know as congenital malaria, this congenital malaria is the main reason a child developed fever week to week.

If I had the chance to eradicate disease, it will be malaria. According to a news I read earlier this year, approximately 249 million cases of malaria in 2022 were counted. This disease has claimed the life of love one, friends, colleagues and families, what a disaster!!!

Have you known people who have suffered from that disease?

Yes!!! I've known and I've witnessed a lot of people who suffered from maleria fluently in my locality and unfortunately I also does suffered from malaria, the thing is maleria is a life torturing disease and like I said earlier, it is transmitted through plasmodium parasite (mosquito), contaminated water and the likes of them.

My cousin.

Earlier last month April, a cousin of mine was infected and he suffered seriously for one week, he couldn't eat nor walked, couldn't bathe or talk. Thousands of Naira was spent because the disease live inside him for a longer time without showing sign, when it shows it was worse in a short time.


my sick face and injected hand at the local hospital treating maleria.

In the past two months i was infected by maleria but I treated it as soon as the sign came out. Even though the signs came out earlier, I took four good days to treat maleria and even with the duration, I was fully recovered after six days passed. I was pain and threaten because of this disease call malaria.

I believe the Nigerian steemians here can also confirm that malaria has captured a millions of people which most of then including me are still fighting to conquer but sadly some soul's has gone because of maleria.

Do you think the world would be a much better place if that disease did not exist?

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I sincerely and confidently believe that the world will become much better place if maleria is no more. Imagine living in a world of no inheritance of disease, a world free from displeasure cause by a disease like maleria, a world which water is drink without the instinct of infected by disease, such world will be surely much better to live and it will be a pleasure.


In conclusion, we can't eradicate or eliminate diseases of any kind in this world entirely but we can prevent them from harming us by being carefully select our daily meal, water and keeping our environment clean. In the meantime, we should be happy because the kingdom of God will establish a new world where disease like maleria will be eradicate and eliminate from the world, our world will become a better place to live.

I place my humble invitation to @alli001 @fortwis09 and @bossj23 to take part on this contest.


Best regards KIDI40
 5 months ago 

Muchas gracias por compartir sus contenidos originales y creativos en "X".

Con esto estamos apoyando la campaña de promoción de nuestra plataforma steemit en la red social de "X", buscando atraer muchos más usuarios que hagan vida y compartan sus contenidos en nuestra plataforma.

Le invitamos a que siga promocionado y a invitar a sus amigos a hacerlo.


Thanks for the appreciation, it will be a pleasure to comply with you guys.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

He leído noticias donde relatan detalles sobre el avance que tiene la Malaria en Nigeria y, te confieso que no dejo de sentir molestia porque, la Organización Mundial de la Salud en diversas ocasiones ha dicho que esta enfermedad fue erradicada... E incluso, en otros países también han habido brotes y, ellos solo dicen que es un simple pequeño foco.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo 💚

There no way a disease will be eradicate or eliminate in this world by humans but humans has tried their best to bring out cure for some disease while some are prevention and we appreciate their efforts for this fact. Only God kingdom will bring establish a world where all kinds of diseases will be eradicated. Thanks for spending your time on my post and dropping a valid feedback to me, I really appreciate..🤗

I feel very bad for what happened to your cousin. I hope he's fine now? The world would actually be a better place someday, sometime. Thanks for sharing. I'm impressed by your words and invitation

Yes sir, he's okay now. But you know maleria isn't a disease that when treated it goes forever instead it comes back after sometimes. Someday the world would be a better place and I hope it comes fast. Thanks for spending your time reading my post and dropping a valid comment. I appreciate.. 🤗

Malaria is a common diseases everywhere from left right and center, infact I must say there's no one who have not been infected by it. Our actions sometimes is the main cause of malaria, when we don't keep oir environment clean, mosquitoes will lay egg in a stagenant water and that's they reproduce. We can prevent this as well by making sure our environment is cleaned, no stagnant water, no dirty gutter around our home and drinking boiled or treated water. Good luck bro.

You just add an extra sense to my post sir, you're actually right on your perspective. Malaria is common and I can we're used to it because it affects us almost every week and month. Our environment determines if malaria will come to us or not therefore keeping our environment clean is a great way to prevent ourselves from malaria although it'll still come in other means. Thanks for your valuable reply.🤗

This disease call malaria mainly attack human through a mosquito bite known as plasmodium parasite which is very common in our environment making it complicated to fight or prevent ourselves from malaria.

Being an biology student, I have studied about this in very deep and I very well know how much hazardous it is .

happened to families whom cannot afford to pay the bills

Oh my goodness it brings nightmare then !

249 million cases of malaria in 2022 were counted.

I pray to god to keep you and everyone safe .

In the past two months i was infected by maleria but I treated it as soon as the sign came out. Even though the signs came out earlier, I took four good days to treat maleria and even with the duration, I was fully recovered after six days passed.

You are working so perfectly that it got hard for me to even guess that there was something wrong with your post . Please get well soon my young handsome friend. Also it was smart of you to treat in early stages but still your sickness.... may God make you fit again .

In the meantime, we should be happy because the kingdom of God will establish a new world where disease like maleria will be eradicate and eliminate from the world, our world will become a better place to live.

I agree with your words my friend!

I sincerely wish for you to win this week . You deserve it ! May they choose you ! ❤

You were well taught, malaria is really hazardous to human life especially here in Nigeria and it is really stubborn, it's really a nightmare to anyone who contact it because it's accumulate pains and displeasure. I'm already fit as you can see. Thanks for wishing me success in this contest and I hope it happen. I sincerely appreciate all the precious time you spent reading and dropping a valuable comment to my post. Thank you miss..🤗

Hii @kidi40

Saving Humanity is no doubt boon for our country. I feel that person should think about others. Unkind person may live and breathe but is dead from heart. This is unlived life. And unlived life is worst of all cases. Caring for others helps in innergrowth of our hearts 💕 💞.
Thank you

Thanks for your words in my post, you're actually right my friend, we should be kind to everyone at all means. I wish this your pieces of comments reach a lot of people because you've made important comments to post. I agree with you that unlived life is the worst life ever. I appreciate all the time you spent in my post, thank you.🤗

Honestly that disease is a serious wish, I would love to eradicate it too.

It's is such a pest, sparing mo one even little children, most children have died from it as a result of poor treatment.

My condolences to your cousin, I hope e is able to get well soon, I hope you also get well soon so you can keep on posting for us to.
This is such a nice piece, thanks for sharing this interesting one with us, how to hear from u again.

I believe everyone has got a reason to eradicate any disease of their choice, probably every disease deserves to the eliminated because all are dangerous when we humans contact it. I accept your condolences to my cousin and I want to say, he's good now and I'm good as well too I sincerely appreciate all the time you spent reading my post and dropping a valuable feedback, thank you miss..🤗

Greetings @kidi40

I've thoroughly gone through your post and i can see the reasons why you choose to get rid of malaria only if you had the power to do that. 249 million cases of malaria in 2022 being recorded is something one can't comprehend. I'm very sorry about your cousin's health, hope he's getting better now. It's advisable we mosquito net when sleeping to avoid those parasites. Do you have a mosquito net, if yes, please use it. I'm sorry for the stress the malaria caused you and your cousin. Please stay safe.

Thanks for going through my post and being kind to drop a positive feedback to me, actually malaria is one of the most stubborn silent disease that distress us, thanks for caring about my cousin health, he's good now. You're right, mosquito net is one way to escape maleria and I have it. I appreciate all the time you spent reading my post..🤗🤗

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