
in STEEM CN/中文26 days ago (edited)







Buddhism was born in India and is now a world-class religion with followers throughout East and Southeast Asia. In his native country, India has completely disappeared, which also dates back to the origin of Buddhism. Buddhism was born out of Brahmanism. Brahmanism was established by the Aryan conquerors combining their own shamanic nature worship with the Vedic thoughts of Indus native culture, supplemented by the hierarchical caste system, and brainwashed by the reincarnation world view, and formed a set of political and religious forms that included both profound thinking and theocracy, the core of which was to maintain the supremacy of Brahmanism. It is clearly a whole system of class oppression, and where there is oppression, there is resistance. So by the 4th century B.C., a number of anti-caste Samanist ideas had begun to emerge, and the one that stood out was Buddhism, founded by Buddha Sakyamuni.

The core idea of Buddhism is to emphasize the equality of all beings. This being includes not only human beings, but also all sentient beings, even ants. At the same time, Buddhism also talks about reincarnation, but Buddhism and Taoism are similar in that the origin of the world is emptiness. Taoism believes that the origin of the world is Tao, but an important characteristic of Tao is nothing. So Buddhism believes that there is no specific thing in this world. Everything is essentially an illusion, and everything, including man, is actually a collection of causal relationships. The so-called convergence of causes and causes forms a certain thing, and the separation of causes and causes leads to the end of things. This view is fairly close to modern particle physics. Modern physics sees things in the world as nothing more than a large number of elementary particles. These basic examples include electrons, photons, and quarks, which form a family of particles that we call the Standard Model. And these elementary particles move through space-time, and these particles come together at a certain time and space coordinate to form you and me. And with the change of time and space, mainly time, they will disperse, that is, our life will disappear from this world. This is a step up from Brahmanism. Brahmanism holds that the human body is temporary, but there is also a soul-like concept called Atman that is eternal. Atman is usually called me, and this Atman is the subject of reincarnation. Buddhists believe that only cause and effect are constantly reincarnated, so they advocate "no self" - Anotman. The purpose of Buddhist practice is to awaken to understand the nature of the world through arduous practice and enlightenment, and to jump out of the cycle of cause and effect, and awakened people are called Buddhas.

It can be seen that Buddhism denies the existence of the soul. And his understanding of the origin of the world has almost reached the same level or even higher than that of modern quantum physics. Strictly speaking, Buddhism is almost an atheist religion, and its threshold for belief is actually very, very high. And to be honest, most ordinary people are motivated by very utilitarian beliefs. To put it bluntly, they all believe in religion because they want to use God's power to solve their own problems, such as eliminating disasters and avoiding disasters, promoting officials and getting rich. Of course, some people are seeking spiritual relief and comfort, overcoming the fear of death and so on. But overall, there is a high degree of practical purpose. Buddhism, on the other hand, is more like a philosophical thinking, which does not help you solve any practical problems, but allows you to wake up and see the nature of the world. So it's a religion that demands a lot of personal wisdom. Although Buddhism actively encourages its followers to preach, it is still difficult for it to catch on.

The true rise of Buddhism is attributed to Ashoka, one of the great Kings of the Maurya Dynasty in India. Like Qin Shi Huang, he unified most of India and established the Maurya Dynasty. He killed a large number of prisoners of war in the war to unify India, but was shocked by the brutal scenes and became regretful and converted to Buddhism. Later, he established Buddhism as the state religion and called for eminent monks from all over the country to gather and debate Dharma. This is similar to the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great who saw the miracle of the cross and made Christianity the state religion. Of course, being influenced by the Dharma was only a small factor in Ashoka's promotion of Buddhism. As a politician, the logic of his actions is still based on politics. The caste system of Brahmanism placed military nobles like King Ashoka second to the Brahmin priests, and Ashoka needed to replace Brahmanism with a Buddhist emphasis on the equality of all beings and deny the caste system. At the same time, Buddhist monks were mainly engaged in practice and debate, and did not participate in politics as extensively as Brahmin priests, nor did they pose a threat to royal power. These factors made Buddhism the state religion as defined by King Ashoka.


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