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Talk about real estate, recently there are a lot of news related to real estate, one is Evergrande Group finally filed for bankruptcy, but it is in the United States to apply for bankruptcy, although not very understand, but this in the United States to apply for bankruptcy must still have some way, because as we all know, the former president of the United States Dong Wang Trump is a real estate millionaire, and in his business experience, He has filed for bankruptcy several times, but this does not detract from his millionaire status. Honestly, the world is weirdly unfair. If the average person does a business like this, insolvent, owing trillions, it is estimated that he would have found a place to jump off a building, and Evergrande's boss Xu did not listen to reports that he was anxious to get angry and could not eat or sleep for more than a year.

In addition to Evergrande, there is another large housing enterprise Country Garden has also defaulted on its debt, and its total debt is also more than one trillion, so it seems that no one can plug the hole. Why did real estate come to this field? It used to be a pillar industry, and everyone's concept is that house prices will always rise, but now no one is interested? What was the logic behind the previous two decades of rising prices?

It may all start with Zhu Rongji's tax-sharing reform when he was premier. There have been many reforms in Chinese history, such as Shang Yang's Reform in the Warring States Period, Wang Anshi's reform in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Zhang Juzheng's whip method in the Ming Dynasty. Because China entered the era of reform and opening up after the Cultural Revolution, reform was the main theme, so these people were also touted as reformers, who were supposed to break up old interest groups, introduce new laws, and make the country strong representative historical figures. In fact, the reform carried out by people like Shang Yang, Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng is different from the essence of reform and opening up. In short, the reform of these ancient reformers was actually the state advancing and the people retreating, reaping the wealth of the people to enrich the power of the state, while the reform and opening up was the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, making the state retreating and the people advancing, which was completely different in essence. But there are two sides to Premier Zhu Rongji. On the one hand, like those ancient reformers, he carried out the tax sharing reform, the purpose of which was to strengthen the central finance's absorption of the local economy, and expand the share of the central finance in the financial revenue generated by the local economy. This is not fundamentally different from Shang Yang, Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng. But on the other hand, he also promoted China's accession to the WTO, so that China into the globalization of the market economy, the degree of China's market economy to a great step, but also for the later China to become the world's factory laid the foreshadowing.

Zhu Rongji's reform of the tax sharing system allowed the central government to take more of the cake from the local governments, strengthening the power and authority of the central government. Naturally, local governments will have a smaller share of the pie, but they still have to do a lot of grass-roots work, which costs money, especially the construction of infrastructure. In the early 21st century, when inflation was not obvious, a kilometer of subway cost hundreds of millions of yuan, where did such a large amount of money come from? It is far from enough to rely only on the tax revenue distributed to the local government, so the local government has found another source of revenue, that is, land finance - by selling land for real estate development to obtain financial revenue.

Before entering the era of market economy, people experienced a long period of house distribution, so people did not have the concept of spending money to buy a house, nor did they think that house prices would rise to the sky. To some extent, housing prices are not inflated by strong demand, but a financial game played by local governments, developers and banks. For the most part, real estate speculation does not require much capital, as long as you can have enough connections in the government and banks. Of course, this article shows that you are not rich or expensive, you can get the approval of the land from the government, and then use this to go to the bank to mortgage, loan out loans, buy the land with loans, and then find the construction team to start. In the period of real estate rise, many construction teams are cushion development, and do not need real estate developers to pay much money, the house is not done, the developer can pre-sell part of the money, repay the loan, and take more land, loan more money, like this snowball big is very easy. This is also why developers like Evergrande and Country Garden can owe trillions of dollars in loans to banks, because as long as they can continue to take land from the government, they can continue to borrow.

But it is not objective to say that the housing price boom is just a financial game played by the government, developers and banks, all of which must be passed on to home buyers. It is precisely because of the rapid development of China's economy after China's accession to the WTO that more and more people have shared the fruits of economic development and their income has increased greatly, so that their expectations for the future have become more positive and they believe that their income and living standards will continue to rise, which is why they put their savings into real estate. Therefore, in the final analysis, the fundamental driving force for real estate to rise to this height is economic development and the improvement of people's living standards.

Now with the continuous explosion of the head housing enterprises, the rising trend of house prices seems to have stopped, so there are many bricks jumped out to save the real estate economy. Because to save the housing market is to save the economy, this is in effect an inversion of cause and effect. Only through fiscal policies and monetary policies to continuously release water, so that the real estate financial game can be played between developers, banks and the government, is not enough to continue to blow up this already big bubble, without the final people to take over, this game is impossible to play. Only when the economy improves and everyone restores good expectations for the future can the real estate market continue to develop upward. Talk about real estate, recently there are a lot of news related to real estate, one is Evergrande Group finally filed for bankruptcy, but it is in the United States to apply for bankruptcy, although not very understand, but this in the United States to apply for bankruptcy must still have some way, because as we all know, the former president of the United States Dong Wang Trump is a real estate millionaire, and in his business experience, He has filed for bankruptcy several times, but this does not detract from his millionaire status. Honestly, the world is weirdly unfair. If the average person does a business like this, insolvent, owing trillions, it is estimated that he would have found a place to jump off a building, and Evergrande's boss Xu did not listen to reports that he was anxious to get angry and could not eat or sleep for more than a year.

In addition to Evergrande, there is another large housing enterprise Country Garden has also defaulted on its debt, and its total debt is also more than one trillion, so it seems that no one can plug the hole. Why did real estate come to this field? It used to be a pillar industry, and everyone's concept is that house prices will always rise, but now no one is interested? What was the logic behind the previous two decades of rising prices?

It may all start with Zhu Rongji's tax-sharing reform when he was premier. There have been many reforms in Chinese history, such as Shang Yang's Reform in the Warring States Period, Wang Anshi's reform in the Northern Song Dynasty, and Zhang Juzheng's whip method in the Ming Dynasty. Because China entered the era of reform and opening up after the Cultural Revolution, reform was the main theme, so these people were also touted as reformers, who were supposed to break up old interest groups, introduce new laws, and make the country strong representative historical figures. In fact, the reform carried out by people like Shang Yang, Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng is different from the essence of reform and opening up. In short, the reform of these ancient reformers was actually the state advancing and the people retreating, reaping the wealth of the people to enrich the power of the state, while the reform and opening up was the transition from the planned economy to the market economy, making the state retreating and the people advancing, which was completely different in essence. But there are two sides to Premier Zhu Rongji. On the one hand, like those ancient reformers, he carried out the tax sharing reform, the purpose of which was to strengthen the central finance's absorption of the local economy, and expand the share of the central finance in the financial revenue generated by the local economy. This is not fundamentally different from Shang Yang, Wang Anshi and Zhang Juzheng. But on the other hand, he also promoted China's accession to the WTO, so that China into the globalization of the market economy, the degree of China's market economy to a great step, but also for the later China to become the world's factory laid the foreshadowing.

Zhu Rongji's reform of the tax sharing system allowed the central government to take more of the cake from the local governments, strengthening the power and authority of the central government. Naturally, local governments will have a smaller share of the pie, but they still have to do a lot of grass-roots work, which costs money, especially the construction of infrastructure. In the early 21st century, when inflation was not obvious, a kilometer of subway cost hundreds of millions of yuan, where did such a large amount of money come from? It is far from enough to rely only on the tax revenue distributed to the local government, so the local government has found another source of revenue, that is, land finance - by selling land for real estate development to obtain financial revenue.

Before entering the era of market economy, people experienced a long period of house distribution, so people did not have the concept of spending money to buy a house, nor did they think that house prices would rise to the sky. To some extent, housing prices are not inflated by strong demand, but a financial game played by local governments, developers and banks. For the most part, real estate speculation does not require much capital, as long as you can have enough connections in the government and banks. Of course, this article shows that you are not rich or expensive, you can get the approval of the land from the government, and then use this to go to the bank to mortgage, loan out loans, buy the land with loans, and then find the construction team to start. In the period of real estate rise, many construction teams are cushion development, and do not need real estate developers to pay much money, the house is not done, the developer can pre-sell part of the money, repay the loan, and take more land, loan more money, like this snowball big is very easy. This is also why developers like Evergrande and Country Garden can owe trillions of dollars in loans to banks, because as long as they can continue to take land from the government, they can continue to borrow.

But it is not objective to say that the housing price boom is just a financial game played by the government, developers and banks, all of which must be passed on to home buyers. It is precisely because of the rapid development of China's economy after China's accession to the WTO that more and more people have shared the fruits of economic development and their income has increased greatly, so that their expectations for the future have become more positive and they believe that their income and living standards will continue to rise, which is why they put their savings into real estate. Therefore, in the final analysis, the fundamental driving force for real estate to rise to this height is economic development and the improvement of people's living standards.

Now with the continuous explosion of the head housing enterprises, the rising trend of house prices seems to have stopped, so there are many bricks jumped out to save the real estate economy. Because to save the housing market is to save the economy, this is in effect an inversion of cause and effect. Only through fiscal policies and monetary policies to continuously release water, so that the real estate financial game can be played between developers, banks and the government, is not enough to continue to blow up this already big bubble, without the final people to take over, this game is impossible to play. Only when the economy improves and everyone restores good expectations for the future can the real estate market continue to develop upward.


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