
in STEEM CN/中文last year (edited)







Recently, there was quite interesting news that an elderly man in the countryside built a pontoon bridge on a river at his own expense for passing vehicles to collect tolls for crossing the bridge. As a result, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison. I don't know much about the specifics, and I don't know which law was violated? Because of the current law, legislators do not communicate with the public at all, and they are all leaders patting their heads. It's just that this matter is understood from common sense, it is very incredible, isn't it a good thing to build roads and bridges? How can I still end up in prison, this really corresponds to the common saying: "Murder and set fire to the gold belt, build bridges and repair roads without corpses." "Come to think of it, the reason why there will be controversy, and even judicial intervention, is because of one thing, he collected the bridge toll.

Even this old man himself spoke out on the Internet, justified himself, and asked for leniency is that he did not have a mandatory fee for repairing this bridge, 10 yuan for a big car and 5 yuan for a small car, and if he is willing to give it, he will not give it if he is not willing to give it, and he built this pontoon bridge, which cost about a hundred thousand, and the employment fee received was only tens of thousands of yuan, and he did not make money at all. Judging from his defense, the conviction should be, what illegal profit and so on, since I didn't make money at all, I can't come to convict me of this crime again. Although his words were for self-preservation. However, it is not conducive to improving his image and winning the sympathy of public opinion. Because this statement is completely illogical and inhuman. Will anyone do a loss-making business? If you are willing to give, you will not give if you are not willing to give, will anyone give money? This on the contrary, it makes him seem a little hypocritical.

In fact, I think that I should support this behavior of the old man, and he should boldly say that I am just to make money, make money without guilt, and make money justified. Wuhan is a river city, the Yangtze River runs through the city, after the reform and opening up, a number of Yangtze River bridges were built on it, many of which were charged bridge fees after completion. Why hasn't anyone come out to question this behavior? Because it is the government that builds the bridge, is it the state? If the government can do one thing, then ordinary residents can do it even more, even the Qin Dynasty, which pursues autocracy, is based on officials. What the government can do, of course, the common people can do. Not to mention public welfare. Government bridge construction is a public welfare undertaking, you can charge bridge fees, and private bridge construction is naturally possible.

Some people will say, some people say that this river belongs to natural resources, the state owns, is public property, the old man has no right to build a bridge on it, this is listening to some truth, but there is a logical hard wound, the river obstructs traffic, drivers need to detour long distances, spend more time and gasoline, it is not a resource, but a difficulty to overcome, or in marketing terms, a pain point that needs to be overcome. The old man saw this and solved this pain point with his own resources to create income for himself, which is very typical of entrepreneurial behavior. Perfectly reasonable and legal, it has also been said that in such rural areas, the enforcement of management is low and the rule of law is not perfect. Being able to build a bridge over a river and charge a fee is a village bully. There is no difference from bullies blocking and robbery, this is even more nonsense, roadblock robbery, there is a very important element, that is, compulsion, you will be hurt if you do not give money, or even lose your life. And here can not cross the bridge, is completely non-mandatory, if you are not willing to pay, you can not cross the bridge, choose to detour. According to some later interviews and reports, the old man's bridge fee, the pricing is still very methodical, not what he said, a simple big car ten yuan small car five yuan, but empty load and full load, etc., according to different tonnage, there are different prices. What he said was that if he was willing to give, he would not give if he was not willing to give, that should be said to acquaintances in his village, if acquaintances could not grind face, they would naturally give, and if they pulled down, he was embarrassed to ask for acquaintances. So this is fundamentally different from roadblock robbery.

In short, this is a reasonable and legal act that conforms to the laws of the market economy. Eighteen years in prison is too speechless, and the economy is not good now. As a government, you also want to get the economy right? In this way, fiscal revenue can be guaranteed, so how can we do a good job in the economy? If this can't be done, then it can't be done, this is also illegal, that's also illegal, everyone looks at the river in front of them, dare not build a bridge on it, for fear that others say that it is to charge for road robbery, and be arrested and jailed. Will anyone still start a business? So is this economy still good? It is still necessary to change the law and public perception, and do not feel that making money is a shameful thing. Only then can the economy truly get on the right track of development.


Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

不赞同. 首先并没有判18年, 而是有期徒刑两年,缓刑两年, 现在还在申诉中, 并没有执行. 另外, 修桥确实应该报备,特别是能够通行机动车的, 因为有安全隐患,需要专业论证和监测。至于收费,属于营业活动,应有营业执照,不能私自收费。当然这个事情,还有很多有争议的地方,但是还是应该依据现有法律框架来讨论,不能太主观。



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