Weekly Contest - Best Diary Game | Beautiful Occasion Day

in Steem For Pakistan11 months ago (edited)

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum
I am @selina1
From #bangladesh
dear friends


made by canva

How are you all Hope everyone is well and healthy by God's grace. Alhamdulillah, I am also well and healthy with your prayers. First of all I would like to thank @hive180106 steem for pakistan community for organizing such a nice contest. Every day we are busy with various activities or celebrating the day in various ways. Today I will participate in this contact means I will share with you my whole day activities or my dairy game of 19 August 2023. Hope you all will like it inshallah. So let's get started.


In the morning

Like every day, I woke up around 6:30 in the morning. Then I washed my hands and got fresh. Since I am a housewife, first I finished some other morning chores by sweeping the house. Then I cooked rice, fried prawns, fried eggs and shutki bharta for the morning. It was almost 9:00 pm while I was cooking. Then all the members of the house woke up and we all had breakfast together. At the end of the meal, I set the table and took some rest.Around ten in the morning my husband went to the shop. After some time, my husband brought a pipe for me and we both ate together.




I gave us some clothes and then took a bath, it was around 11:30. Today I will not cook in the afternoon because we have a wedding invitation. Meanwhile my mother in law told me to go to dawa. to be So I called my husband and asked him to come home and I started preparing to go home. I had my niece in our house so I will take her with us. So I told him to prepare. It was half past twelve to get ready. The marriage house is a little far from our house. So my husband and I will go by motorcycle and my mother-in-law will go by that. They left earlier and we left for the wedding house after another 15 minutes.



At lunch

When we arrived at the wedding house, it was 1 pm. I went there and saw that preparations were being made to serve food to the guests. So we also sat at the first table there for food. Food items were roast chicken, beef, polao, borhani, jorda rice. Khasi meat was made for those who don't eat beef. Borhani was my favorite. Another guest like us sat down to eat with us. We all play with great joy.



In the evening

This wedding was basically my cousin's. So after Lunch I went to meet her. She just got dressed from the parlor. So I took some pictures of her. After that I sat with some other cousins ​​and chatted for a long time. Our house was empty. So my husband and I left home before the groom arrived.



At night

It was evening when he came home. So after coming home, after finishing some work in the evening, I went to the room to take rest and started watching YouTube on my phone.Later in the evening, my in-laws came from there, I gave them some food and ate those foods. After eating I came to my room and prepared for sleep.



Thanks everyone for reading my post.

I would like to invite some of my friends to participate in this contest. They are: @sandimal @khokhar43 @monirm

STEEM For Pakistan Community





Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.


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