Contest - Review Your Favourite Product | Cooking Gas

in Steem For Pakistan8 months ago

Hello guys,
It's a wonderful contest organized here in this community and I'm delighted to share with you all my entries. I hope you will enjoy reading through my post today. This contest is a contest in which everyone is supposed to participate and I wish to see many entries.


I will take out time to read through the posts and publications made by others with regards to this wonderful contest today. I also wish to see others read through my publication. I would like to start by answering the questions given below.

What is your favourite product, Review Your Favourite Product.

My favourite product as I have earlier mentioned in my heading is a cooking gas. Many will wonder why I choose cooking gas among many other things because of the history behind it in my life.

Due to the light problem in my area, I joined a raffle draw game which I won a cooking gas from the event. That was one of the items many tried to get because it is among the biggest items for the drew.

So I decided to make it more popular today by reviewing it because it has a great history behind it. So cooking gas has been in use by my family for quite a long period now.

How much do you use your favourite product in your daily routine?

I use the cooking gas every day. As you all know we all need to eat daily and to eat we have to cook so I try as much to ensure I cook at least once every day.

Apart from cooking, I also boil water for bathing and also making tea and doing other things. This has been the routine so far that the gas is used for.

So based on the question, I can say that I use my favourite product daily at least 2-3 times to cook and do other needful things.

What is the big advantage of that product for you?

There are many advantages associated with the product for me but I will only mention the most important ones. As you have read from the beginning, we don't have a steady power supply hence I use it daily for my cooking.

Also, I don't get to wash the back of the pot or do other things that are not necessary because the gas doesn't stain the back of the pot like the way stove and firewood do.

Since I got access to gas, cooking has become easier and faster because when you put on your gas you don't need to do anything until you are done cooking.

I want to invite @m-fdo, @josepha, and @yakspeace to join the contest in this community and share their entry participation.


Thank you, friend!
I'm @steem.history, who is steem witness.
Thank you for witnessvoting for me.
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The weight is reduced because of the lack of Voting Power. If you vote for me as a witness, you can get my little vote.

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

 8 months ago 

Thanks for participating in this contest. I wish you good luck in this contest. Keep engaged with other users posts by commenting and interact with others by replying


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