SEC-S17 /W4| "Why do you Prefer Steemit Only?

in Steem For Pakistan4 months ago (edited)

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Steemit!! Steemit!! Steemit!! A platform that base on crypto currency, an incredible platform with the fastest transaction. I was introduced by a friend of mine and I joined, since then I've experienced a lot of positivity which made me choose steemit only.

In this content, I want to draw people attention to the hope I got when joining the steemit platform, the challenges I faced, what inspired me and some of my happy moments here in the steemit platform, starting with👇👇

What were your hopes while signing up for Steemit for the first time?

Screenshot_20240430-075942.jpgScreenshot from my phone.

The first day I heard about the steemit platform, the sign and wonders it performed, its unique way of transforming people's life, how it enhanced people understanding and boosted people's confidence, it fast transaction, how it supported people financially, it eco-friendly environment and lots more. There this familiar hope I got.

Firstly, I hope that joining the steemit platform would be the right approach to pursue life financially. I derived this hope the moment I saw some amount of compensation on people's post and the compensation was through $Dollar(USDT) which I ever wanted.

Secondly, I hope that joining the steemit platform would improve my blogging skill. I got this hope the minute I saw some creativity and written skills on Posts, I knew that investing my time reading an experienced bloggers post would extremely straighten my writing skills in a range miles.

Thirdly, I got this hope when I saw friendly comments and replies on Posts, I knew that it would be possible to make friends across the world. These hopes made me so captivated about the steemit platform.

Your challenges faced while achieving your financial or blogging goals?


Even with all hope I got, I came to realize that I have to face and overcome some challenges before i successfully achieved those tones of hope I got. Let highlight them.

Not getting vote regularly.

As a newbie, I thought I was going to receive support like the experience bloggers. But my mindset was actually outside the box because such was impossible. It was a great challenge especially when the support I received wasn't up to $1, the feeling was extremely intense that I felt like giving up, I'm happy because i later discovered that giving up is not an option.

Would people consider my post quality?

This question really hitted me high when I started blogging newly. I was scared to post because I thought no one would read my post. This impression came when I read people's posts and saw their genuine way of constructing words, their write up was impressive and wonderful whereas I wasn't up to half of such skills. It was really a tough fight to me.


In my achievement 1 verification Post, I was told that consistency is one character that would lead me to success in the steemit platform. I was scared because coming back from my offline work and starting blogging in the steemit platform was really difficult, I remembered when I used to slept off while my phone and data are still active.

Those were the challenges I had to face while archiving my financial blogging goals. My kind of challenge was really creepy and they almost took me away from the steemit platform.

All I needed to survive all the challenges was patience, I needed patience to wait for curators no matter how long it takes before receiving their support, I needed patience to keep learning from the best and learn to be myself. I needed patience to keep trying and strive to be consistent slowly. I'm not yet at the top but for sure I'm not gonna rest until I get there, I know it will actually take a long time but I'll patiently keep doing my best.

Your inspiration on Steemit?

I was and I'm still inspired by the hard working bloggers who put all their efforts to bring out their best form here in steemit platform. These people's I called them my mom, my friends and my brothers/sisters because they always try to help me improve and realize what I can do.

Most of these people started blogging just like I do and they faced and overcame the same challenge I'm into, they were able to faced their weaknesses and at last won. Whenever I heard about their storyline, how they survive right from day one till today, how the handsomely dominated their weaknesses, I am always inspired how?

I come to understand that nothing is new, all the challenges I'm facing today, people had already faced them but what makes them unique and spectacular is their ability to withstand their challenges until the defeated it. If those friends of mine had faced and defeated their challenges, me too can defeat my challenges too, it all about Time.

Your happy story due to Steemit?

My happy story here on the steemit platform is so immense. I've got a lot of happiness here on steemit and I think it's the best time to share with you all.

Support from the small and big curators.

We all know about steemcurator01 which is the highest curator account here on steemit. The first day I received his or her support, I was greatly happy because the support he gave me was too high. I don't know if steemcurator01 is a mystery man because no one knows him but I want to say that the first support I received in my post is still here in my heart.

I always feel happy whenever I received support from curators whether big or small and I always appreciate their efforts. Booming support also makes me happy because it compensated my work, this happiness will continue to remain in my heart.

Winning the engagement.

I never thought it would be possible to win the steemit engagement challenge but i did. During the engagement challenge like this, entries are always higher because everyone here wants the big support. Well I did a lot of hardwork and at last, the hard work, the consistency lead to success on the 15- 04- 2024 which I won the engagement challenge. I was very happy because I always dreamed about it.

Meeting with the steemians in state.

I was very excited meeting with a lot of steemians from different hometown in my state. It was @goodybest X6 dolphins celebration that made it possible. On that day a lot of activities were hold, we did introduction which I got to know a lot of steemians, the pills of motivation and inspiration were given by the successful and able steemians, we drink and dance. It was the first day I knew that I'm not the only steemians in my country, it was really a happy moments in life.

In conclusion the steemit platform have offer people the opportunity to make and live a meaning live. It has granted people the peace of mind and enhance people knowledge. I choose only steemit because it has helped me realize my potential and concerning financial state, I'm diving towards it, let's continue to steem on.

I placed my humble invitation to @eliany @patjewell @fortwis09 and @alli001.


Original picture is mine.


Best regards KIDI40

@kidi40 this is a nice contribution to Steemit for Parkistan on Why you prefer only steemit?
Your write up is clean and understandable
And also thank you for bringing to my attention this platform which I am very much grateful for being a part of the journey on crypto currency. Am looking forward to seeing your contribution expand through out the continent and beyond.

 4 months ago 

Ohhh... thanks for the comment of yours and for appreciating my post. Words like this inspire me enough.🤗🤗

Thanks for the invite.
Steemit is truly a great place to be, the association and encouragement from those associates is enough to keep you going.

I'm happy you kept up consistently posting despite the initial setbacks, I know you will continue to excel on the platform.

Thanks for sharing your post with us, hope to hear from you soon.

 4 months ago 

You're actually right, steemit is a great place to stay. Although at times it throws some setback on us but nothing good comes easy, the ability to keep enduring those setbacks with patience is what makes us special and outstanding. Thanks for responding to the invitation and adding value to my post.☺️🤗

Always my pleasure

 4 months ago 


 4 months ago 

Your hopes were damn high bro and it's interesting to see you still active and vibrant on the platform. I can imagine how consistency has really kept you up till this level you're pulling right now. It's surprising to see I'm your inspiration on steemit. Anyways, we rise by lifting others up and that's why steemit is a social media where you interact with different people round the globe. Thanks for mentioning me.

 4 months ago 

Of course, you and others are really a big inspiration to me, seeing your hardwork and consistency every day always gives me more reason to keep blogging everyday. I'm happy for knowing you guys... 😊😊

 4 months ago 

Awnnnnnnn. Same here

 4 months ago 


 4 months ago 

Hola amigo, Steemit es un gran ecosistema que le ha abierto las puertas a muchas personas de todas partes del mundo, asi que es una gran red social a parte de mantenerse comunicados entre todos genera un valor a nuestra publicacion.

Excelente entrada, te deseo mucha suerte en el concurso!!

 4 months ago 

You're right, steemit generate value from our content which we're compensated, thanks for commenting on my post, I appreciate. 🤗

 4 months ago 

Hello friend 😊
We all had dreams while joining the Steemit platform, but I must say, your hopes were big, which is good, and at the same time we are being faced by challenges and one of the most common challenges of them all is not getting votes😔 that is the worse challenge of them all, good luck with the contest 🎉

 4 months ago 

Thank you @woka-happiness for your contribution in my post, you're right I had a big hope and that makes me work harder to achieve them. Lack of vote is difficult to handle but with patience, it's always easy. Thanks for spending your time reading my post...🤗🤗

 4 months ago 

🥰 you are welcome,

 4 months ago 


 4 months ago 

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

 4 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

Ten la certeza de que todas esas esperanzas que tienes en Steemit, se van a cristalizar. Eso sí, ten presente que el recorrido no va a ser nada fácil porque, así como hay buenos momentos, también están los malos pero, si eres una persona con un enfoque definido, empleas la constancia, disciplina y dedicación, puedes lograr todo lo que te propongas así que ¡Adelante! Estas frente al camino que te llevará al éxito.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

 4 months ago 

Awww....these words of yours are inspiration enough to keep me going, you're very right there are good days and there are bad days, I'm not sleek but I'll focus when the bad moments comes around. Thanks for your lovely comment..🤗🤗

 4 months ago 

Your expectations when joining Steemit was high just like mine. When i go through my friends status on WhatsApp and see their earnings for just a diary game, i was moved with passion to join Steemit.

I understand the feelings of spending more than 3 hours just to come up with an eye-catching content, then it payout with zero dollars. But even during this hard times, you made up your mind and determined never to give up.

Your inspirations on Steemit like bossj, ngoenyi and goodybest are really boosting your confidence and consistency in this platform. @kidi40, I've been going through your blog everyday and i must say, you're one of the best blogger I've met on Steemit.

You made the right choice to join Steemit, don't let lack of support draw you back, instead instilled that mindset of pushing forward and never consider giving up an option. Goodluck my best blogger.

 4 months ago 

Yes you're actually right, I had a high hope when joining steemit, making money was the main subject but I come realized that they're more to acquire apart from making money. I've leaned a lot ever since I joined this platform and if I should give my remark, I'll say the steemit platform is the best among others

But you know the expectation was becoming fake because the support wasn't enough but I didn't let that draw me back, I was inspired by reading people's posts and my mentor, I had to let something go before staying till today, I gave my time.

Currently I'm beginning to feel scared as the government of my country are trying to stop PTP which we use to convert Steem to Nigeria currency naira, have you heard anything about this heartbroken news?

I really appreciate your kindness for supporting my post with a valuable comment, let's keep steeming with patients and consistency, we'll get to where we want.

Best regards..🤗

 4 months ago 

Yes, it's trending everywhere but that won't stop us from blogging. Nigerian government wants compensation, once that is done all p2p transaction via NGN will be restored. Steem on boss.

 4 months ago 

I hate when government try to destroy people destiny, it hurts to the core. Thanks for the information sir.🤗

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