SEC-S17 /W2| "What if you were the president of your country?"

in Steem For Pakistan3 months ago

Thank you the team of Steem For Pakistan for organising the Engagement challenge in the season 17 on the topics SEC-S17 / W2 | What if you were the president of your country?. I'm glad to participate in the challenge.


✍️ If you were the president of your country, what would be your top three priorities and why?
  1. Employment for all youths at least self employed. Youth should not be dependent on any kind of family mercy or freebies. Such things make the youth weak morally.

  2. No citizen shall suffer from hunger. Even if one person has to starve that is the extreme shame of the nation. It should be provided at his doorstep in case of disability.

  3. All citizens shall get minimum health care facilities. If a nation cannot provide adequate medical infrastructure that nation is in extreme poor living conditions.

Droupadi_Murmu_official_portrait,_2022.jpgWikimedia President of India

✍️ As president, what specific steps would you take to improve education and healthcare systems in your country?
  1. In our country EFA (Education for al) is implemented and they also provides the mid day meal at schools. But actual no monitoring is done. There is no video conferencing for feedback from students regarding their satisfaction about the quality of study, teaching and food. The school inspection activities shall be monitored regularly.

  2. Though there are free health service scheme for all, but there are no adequate facilities for all. We have noticed the scarcity of hospital bed and inadequate medical staff during acute crisis of pandemic. There were no supply of essential medicines and oxygen.
    There is also issues of distribution of facilities which are highly city oriented. It has be uniformly distributed throughout the country.
    According to law the medical vehicle shall be provided to discharged patient as well as dead body. No one should be seen returning home, carrying dead body on their shoulder.

✍️ As a president, what challenges you could face in improving the overall condition of your country?

There is always some resistance from some corner due to malafide intention in case anyone trys to do something good for all.

If bank NPA is analysed for digging the truth there will be some internal resistance and political pressure because there is virus in the antidote.

In case the interest (fame) of famous people is hampered by some honest approach of a person, his life may become vulnerable.

One has to be careful in taking steps against any influential person's hiden or antisocial activities.

Assassination and political power is very synonyms.

✍️ Would you do something new to write the history of your country? What will it be?


I think the truth of Indian independence history is same with Pakistan. The most irepairable part of independence is the partion.

I published one post on this earlier also.

Anyways many freedom fighters didn't receive due respect or honorarium in due time.

Also the mention of some of national heroes of India are not appropriately done.

Before I conclude I would like to invite three fellow Steemians to participate in the contest. @crismenia @joymm @eveetim

Thank you for reading my post.


 3 months ago 

Greetings dear @impersonal
As the president of a country, we have many ideas in our mind that we want to fulfill. But some issues occur within us due to which we are not able to fulfill them. Because as a president we have a lot of responsibility and we have to do a lot of things. But still, you have taken into account the steps in which you will work for youth employment. And besides, you won't let anyone go to bed hungry, that's a very good step you're taking. Similarly, we should identify all health facilities in every area where people are growing due to disease. Or they are dying because there are hospitals there. After all, those hospitals don't have enough resources to save their lives. So we have to lead our country keeping all things in mind. Thank you for posting here, you have made your points very clearly. I wish you the best of luck.
Regards: @ahsansharif

 3 months ago 

Thank you for visiting my post and supportive comment.

 3 months ago 

You are absolutely right that our government is providing education, food and activities to the children in government schools. There is no evidence whether parents and children are satisfied with it or not. Because there is neither video conferencing nor is it checked as to what kind of food they are getting. We have seen in many videos that if government school teachers do not know even small spellings, then they cannot be kept in the category of education. It can only be said that children's lives are being played with. There is a dire need to improve such systems. You have written your thoughts very well.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for visiting my post and expressing your views.

 3 months ago 

You are welcome

En tu publicación planteas algo que muchas veces no se toma en cuenta. D nada sirve implementar los mejor planes para el mejoramiento y beneficio de la ciudadanía, si los mismos no poseen un seguimiento.

Es indispensable la realización de una supervisión real de los programas que se implementan para el mejoramiento de cada cuidadano centro de la nacion.

Es que lamentablemente existe ese mal social llamado corrupción que hace que los mejores planes puedan resultar ineficaces.

Lo mas irónico de esta situación es que, muchas veces, son los corruptos quienes denuncian los actos de corrupción del estado que esta representado por el dirigente del mismo.

Es mas fácil culpar al líder que asumir que somos parte del problema.

Hasta la próxima...

 3 months ago 

I agree with you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

 3 months ago 

Hi my friend, I have seen you love India and you have decided to be there, becoming a president will be helpful to you. But you need keep your citizens healthy and strong. Wish you success

 3 months ago 

Thank you for good wishes.

 3 months ago 

Hello dear! your post is thought-provoking and addresses crucial issues facing your country. Highlighting priorities like youth employment, hunger eradication, and healthcare access demonstrates your commitment to societal well being. Best wishes for you for the contest

 3 months ago 

Thank you for supportive comment and good wishes.

 3 months ago 

You are welcome dear! Sending supportive comments and good wishes your way is my pleasure.

You have really good plans if you were the president of your country. Creation of job employment is very important, because when people are employed they'll be able to oay their bills and the level of poverty will also reduce.

Instituting free healthcare and education are necessary but like you've stated, they need close monitoring because humans are funny and untruthful.

Best wishes and thank you for the invitation.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for good wishes and supportive comment.

Thank you so much for sharing your views with us. When I was reading your post I had feeling tat a good ruler should have these milestones in mind. And it reminded me of an incident from the life of Hazrat Umer Farooq who was companion of Holy Prophet PBUH and second caliph of Muslims. Once he saw an old women who was vulnerable and helped her with food and money. She told Hazrat Umer who was in disguise that if you happened to see Umer convey him my grudge. Hazrat Umer replied that how would Umer know about your plight. The woman replied that if he cannot know our plight ask him to leave his designation.

So a good ruler should know plight of its masses and address them on time. I wish you all the best for the contest.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of Hazrat Umer Farooq .

pleasure is mine, i m glad you liked the story of Hazrat Umer Farooq.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for sharing the beautiful story of Hazrat Umer Farooq .

I am glad you liked it. And I hope you know that many reforms which are implemented in developed countries were introduced by Hazrat Umer Farooq.

Greeting my dear friend,

Your all three priorities are really good. It would be very difficult for you because it is not easy to ensure thay everyone wil l be happy. But i wish you success. Good luck for your vision.


 3 months ago 

Thank you for good wishes.

I can see you are glad to be part of the challenge. As president, your priorities would be employment for all youths, ensuring no citizen goes hungry, and providing minimum healthcare for all. To improve education and healthcare, monitoring systems need to be strengthened. Challenges may arise from resistance, political pressure, and protecting the vulnerable against powerful interests.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for understanding.

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