Why we failed to get support of communities and Curators ?

in Steem For Pakistan2 years ago (edited)


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Why we are failed to receive support in steemit

There are several reasons why we may not receive support or attention on Steemit. One reason could be that our content is not high quality or engaging. Another reason could be that we have not put in the effort to engage with the community, build relationships, and promote our content.

It could also be that we are not targeting the right audience or using the right tags to reach the right people. Additionally, we may be posting too frequently or not frequently enough. It is important to analyze our posting habits and make adjustments as needed to increase our chances of success on Steemit.

Create quality and creative content

To create quality and creative content on Steemit, it's important to start by identifying your niche or area of expertise. This will help you to focus your content and make it more targeted towards a specific audience.

Once you have identified your niche, you can start brainstorming ideas for interesting content. This could include conducting research on current trends in your industry, sharing personal experiences or case studies, or highlighting unique perspectives or viewpoints.

To make your content more engaging, consider incorporating visual elements such as images or videos. These can help to break up the text and make it more visually appealing to readers. You can also use formatting techniques such as headings, bullet points, and bolding to make your content easier to scan and more enjoyable to read.

Another key to creating successful content on Steemit is to be authentic and genuine. Write from the heart and share your passion for your topic. This will help to build trust and credibility with your audience and make your content more compelling.

Finally, be sure to proofread and edit your content carefully to ensure that it is free of errors and reads well. This will help to increase the chances of your content being successful on Steemit and ensure that it is well received by your audience.

Unique mark down style

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Markdown is important on Steemit because it allows users to format their posts and comments using a simple, easy-to-learn syntax. This makes it easier for users to create well-formatted content, which can improve the readability and presentation of their posts.

Additionally, using markdown can help users to create more visually appealing and engaging content, which can help to attract more attention and engagement from other users on the platform. Looking to learn more about Markdown Looking to learn more about Markdown ? Achievement 4 : Applying Markdown Check out this helpful post for a comprehensive overview of the formatting style , credit goes to @cryptokannon .

Copyright-Free and High-Quality Images
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Using copyright free and high quality images in Steemit is important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that you are not infringing on anyone's copyright and potentially facing legal consequences. It also helps to maintain the integrity and professional appearance of your content. There are a number of resources available for finding copyright free images, such as stock photo websites and Creative Commons licensed images. It is worth taking the time to find and use high quality images as they can enhance the overall appeal and effectiveness of your content. Just be sure to properly credit the source of any images you use.

1- Pixelhttps://www.pexels.com/
2 - Unsplashhttps://unsplash.com/
3 - Pixabayhttps://pixabay.com/

Keep in mind that while these images are free to use, some may require attribution. Be sure to check the terms of use for each image before using it.

Use appropriate tag in Content
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On Steemit, tags are used to classify the content of a post and make it easier for users to discover and interact with relevant content. It's important to use appropriate tags so that your post can reach the right audience and be properly organized within the platform.

Here are some tips for using tags effectively on Steemit:

  • Use relevant tags: Choose tags that accurately describe the content of your post. This will help users who are interested in the topic to find your post.

  • Use popular tags: Popular tags will increase the visibility of your post and attract more readers. You can use the Steemit tag browser to find popular tags in your niche.

  • Use up to 5 tags: Steemit allows you to use up to 5 tags per post. Choose the most relevant tags to maximize the effectiveness of your post.

  • Avoid spamming tags: Don't use irrelevant tags or try to stuff your post with too many tags. This can actually hurt the visibility of your post and may lead to it being flagged as spam.

Vote and interaction in communities

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Voting and interaction are integral parts of the Steemit platform and its various communities. Members of the platform can vote on content and comments they find valuable, with their votes contributing to the overall payout of the post or comment. This incentivizes users to create high-quality content and engage in meaningful discussions.

Interaction within Steemit communities often takes the form of commenting and responding to others' posts. By commenting and engaging with other users, members can build relationships and gain a larger following on the platform.

In addition to voting and interacting with individual users, Steemit also has a system of curation rewards which rewards users for discovering and promoting undervalued content. This helps to ensure that good content is not overlooked and can be fairly compensated.

Overall, the voting and interaction system on Steemit encourages users to create and share valuable content, as well as build connections and foster meaningful discussions within the community.

Continuously Power up

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Continuously powering up in Steemit can increase a user's reputation on the platform. When a user powers up, they are essentially converting their Steem cryptocurrency into Steem Power, which gives them more influence in the platform's voting and curation system. The more Steem Power a user has, the more weight their votes carry and the more they can earn from curating content.

A user's reputation on Steemit is also influenced by their activity and the quality of their contributions to the platform. By consistently powering up and actively participating in the community, a user can improve their reputation and potentially attract more followers.

In summary, continuously powering up in Steemit can increase a user's influence and reputation on the platform through their increased voting power and active participation in the community.

Set benificiary towards community official account


In Steemit, users can set a beneficiary for the payout of their posts. This means that a percentage of the payout for the post will go directly to the beneficiary rather than the author. Setting a beneficiary can be a way for users to support and show appreciation for others within the community.

By setting a beneficiary, users can potentially increase the chances of getting support from the community. This is because the beneficiary will also receive a portion of the payout, which can incentivize them to promote and support the post.

Overall, setting a beneficiary for a post payout in Steemit can be a way for users to show support for others in the community and potentially increase the chances of receiving support for their own content.

Creative publication qualities

There are a few things that you should avoid when trying to make your publication more creative:
  • Plagiarism: It is important to always give credit to the sources that you use in your publication. Plagiarism is not only unethical, but it can also lead to legal consequences.

  • Clichés: While it may be tempting to use familiar phrases and ideas, try to avoid relying on clichés in your writing. Instead, try to come up with original and creative ways to convey your ideas.

  • Overused words and phrases: Try to avoid using words and phrases that are overused and tired. Instead, use more descriptive language to add interest and variety to your writing.

  • Lack of originality: It's important to have your own voice and perspective in your writing. Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things in order to make your publication more creative and unique.

  • Poor organization: A well-organized publication is easier to read and understand. Make sure that your ideas are presented in a logical and coherent manner.

  • Poorly written or edited content: Take the time to proofread and edit your work to ensure it is well-written and error-free. Poorly written or edited content can be confusing or distracting for readers.

  • Sensitive or controversial topics: Be mindful of any sensitive or controversial topics you choose to write about. Consider the potential impact your content may have on your readers and approach these topics with sensitivity and respect.

By avoiding these pitfalls, you can create a publication that is engaging, original, and well-written.

Unique structure of content

Here are some ideas to help make your content more creative :

  • Use descriptive language: Use descriptive words and phrases to help paint a picture in the reader's mind and bring the content to life.

  • Use metaphors and similes: Metaphors and similes can help convey complex ideas in a more relatable and imaginative way.

  • Use storytelling techniques: Use techniques such as setting, plot, and characters to turn your content into a compelling story.

  • Use varied sentence structure: Mix up your sentence structure by using short and long sentences, as well as using active and passive voice.

  • Use rhetorical devices: Rhetorical devices such as repetition, rhetorical questions, and alliteration can add depth and interest to your content.

  • Use dialogue: Including dialogue can help bring your content to life and make it more engaging for the reader.

  • Use humor: Adding a touch of humor can help make your content more enjoyable and memorable for the reader.

Remember, the key to making your content more creative is to think outside the box and experiment with different writing techniques.

Title for content

Here are some tips for choosing a title for your content:

  • Keep it short and to the point - A title should clearly and concisely summarize the main topic of your content.

  • Use keywords - Include relevant keywords in your title so that it is easily searchable online.

  • Make it eye-catching - The title is what will grab the reader's attention and entice them to click on your content. Use catchy and engaging language.

  • Test different options - Try out a few different titles and see which one performs the best in terms of clicks and engagement.

  • Avoid clickbait - While you want to make your title eye-catching, avoid using sensational or misleading language to trick readers into clicking on your content. This will only lead to disappointment and may damage your credibility.

Accurate Image size

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Using accurate image sizes for Steemit is important because it ensures that the images display properly on the platform. If an image is too large, it may cause the page to load slowly or become distorted. On the other hand, if an image is too small, it may appear pixelated or blurry. It is recommended to use images that are at least 640 pixels wide and 480 pixels tall, but not larger than 2048 pixels in either dimension.

Using accurate image sizes also helps to improve the overall user experience and ensures that the content is presented in the best possible way. This can impact the perceived quality of the post and may lead to more engagement and interactions from the community.

Your gorgeous friend Hamad khan
steem on

Steem for pakistan is wonderful community work based technological advance works. Steem for pakistan is working day and night and educating steem family .

Achievement 1 post
As the sun sets on the day
And the night falls softly in
We close this chapter, dear reader
But the story's not yet done
Tomorrow's pages wait, unwritten


Steem4pakistan Team
@suboohi, @faran-nabeel, @malikusman1


You might want to check your first graphic...

Lets Make Our's Content Bride

Not sure what you mean by this - Bride is the female partner in a marriage / wedding.

And the apostrophe should be on Let's not on Our.

Try using Grammarly.com to help...

 2 years ago 

A very good post and guidlines for newcomers. I hope newcomers will learn a lot from it. Thank you so much for sharing.

 2 years ago 

Thank you for your kind words! It is always my goal to provide helpful and useful information for newcomers to the community. I am glad to hear that you think this post will be beneficial for them. I am always open to hearing feedback and ideas for improving the content I create.

 2 years ago 

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