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RE: Steemit Engagement Challenge S7-W5 | Be Creative : Write A Short Story

in Steem For Pakistanlast year

Greetings @fajrulakmal99

I find it strange that the content presented in your publication is the exact translation of what was shared by the friend @alanasteemit in her recent participation, this can be considered as plagiarism, so, I invite you to share original content.

Find out here what is considered as plagiarism, spam or abuse on the Steemit platform.

@shohana1, @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02, @enamul17

 last year 

It is unfortunate that this user who has shared another user's content seeking to circumvent the work of the moderators, has received 2 additional votes from @steemcurator02, and even worse, keeping the vote left in the post with plagiarized content, this only promotes this bad practice that only dirty the platform.

On the other hand, the user has not shown any apology message after being discovered. Finally, I see unnecessary the effort on the part of some users to identify cases of plagiarism if the corrective measures are not met.

@steemcurator01, @alanasteemit

 last year 

I think it should tag more moderators so that they at least place the plagiarism warning in their tag in this post.
@suboohi @malikusman1 @faran-nabeel

 last year (edited)

@suboohi, @malikusman1, @faran-nabeel, @enamul17
Ceo que como administradores deben sentar un precedente en este caso de "PLAGIO EVIDENTE" descubierto por @adeljose.
Porque parece que no ha pasado nada aquí, esto como comunidad debería ser algo a lo que se le preste atención, no puede ser, o al menos no según lo veo como administrador comunitario, que se hagan de pjos ciegos aquí.

Es absurdo que ni el usuario @fajrulakmal99 se ha pronunciado. Al menos para pedir disculpas por la grave falta.

@suboohi, @malikusman1, @faran-nabeel, @enamul17
I believe that as administrators you should set a precedent in this case of "EVIDENT PLAGIARISM " discovered by @adeljose.
Because it seems that nothing has happened here, this as a community should be something to pay attention to, it can not be, or at least not as I see it as a community administrator, that they play blind eyes here.

It is absurd that not even the user @fajrulakmal99 has spoken out. At least to apologize for the serious fault.

 last year 

Sin duda es un golpe a la voluntad de quienes queremos ver cumplirse las políticas de contenido en la plataforma, porque si no corrigen los curadores @steemcurator01, @steemcurator02 que podemos hacer nosotros?. A lo mejor solo me gane enemigos por gusto.

Solo me limito a llamar a @dexsyluz, @norat23, @patjewell, qnancy0, @fredquantum @mcarol19 para que retiren sus votos y apoyar este tipo de contenidos.

 last year 

Hi @adeljose

Thanks for your work and nomination. As admin what should I do in this case. We have already set as mod @abuse-watcher last week for finding such theives and today I have muted @fajrulakmal99 from my community.

 last year 

Please @suboohi, unsilence this publication, users will believe that the case has already been solved, when it still has the reward of $34.

 last year 

I have muted him from community

This post was hidden due to low ratings. :-(
Before I could remove my vote.

 last year 

That's not a problem friend, you just have to hit "show" to be able to remove the vote.

Never too old to learn. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 last year 

That's right friend, thank you very much for the support.

 last year (edited)

Don't worry ma'am he got downvote from abuse monitoring team. I hope now everything will going well.

And i hope it is good lesson for all.

It saddens me to see things like this happening.
He is such a nice guy.
One stupid mistake can change your path forever.

Hola amigo, ya cambie mi voto de esta publicación. De igual manera utilice downvote en otra de sus publicaciones, cada persona debe cosechar lo que siembra.

 last year 

Estás en lo cierto, muchas gracias por el apoyo.

 last year 

We label him plagiarist and muted from our community now

Very unfortunate, I saw the evaluations of both of them, and even this person who plagiarized my content had a higher rating than me.

Esto si que está muy mal. No debe ser un usuario como este apoyado de tal manera. Alguien que ha incurrido en semejante plagio, descubierto, y ni se atreve a asumir su responsabilidad.

Hello friend @adeljose, seeing this type of case is really demotivating, because we understand that plagiarism is not tolerated here at #steemit and to see what is given support and a vote for @steemcurator1 and @steemcurator2 in a case like this, it is demotivating, when we have constant users who have not received votes for months, look what I can tell you that it is very sad.

I hope that the curators read and take into account your exposed case!

 last year 

Thanks friend @adeljose for finding this plagiarism. This is hard to find plagiarism when someone translating some other language and publishing it in English with #steemexclusive tag. If the vote should be withdrawn I would inform my team leader sir @pelon53 who can decide what to do on my behalf.

Thanks again!

Indeed, this person copied my story, he only changed the images.

This story is mine and it belongs to me so it is considered as Plagiarism.

Attached I leave my participation so you can compare:

Gracias @adeljose

This is so sad. Not something that I’ve expected from this Steemian and not something that will be tolerated.
@fajrulakmal99 kindly remove my name from your post.

 last year 

Let's hope that the friend @steemcurator02 reviews the content and removes the vote that it doesn't deserve.

Excelente descubrimiento @adeljose, y triste por el usuario @fajrulakmal99, porque después de ganar una reputación en esta plataforma ensuciarla de esta manera es pésima idea.
Espero que retiren los votos, porque el plagio no debe ser apoyado de ninguna manera.

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