Reality Of Being A Steemians As A Nigerian

in Steemit Türkiye2 years ago


To be a steemians is interesting but to be a steemians as a Nigerian calls for a lot of sacrifices trust me.
perhaps you are also experiencing Some Issues in your Country as a steemian because I know that no place is perfect. Each place has its own trouble, that’s for sure. But are there possible Solutions or suggestions to this trouble?

Well, my thoughts this morning anchor on those suggestions after spending over one week Now without electricity which is my key need as an active steemian.

So how about you grab a cup of coffee and relax while going through the highlights of some challenges faced by Nigerian Steemians and the solutions I provide at the end of this article. LET’S MEET THE REALITIES BELOW:

You need a good network signal

you and I know that a network signal is very important if you want to access the Internet, However, in Nigeria, we have some areas or zones where network signals are so challenging, that most steemians who are in these zones have to travel to a better position in other to make a post.

Sadly, most people miss making a post due to the fact that some days, they do not travel to a good position of a favorable network.

However, a good Numbers of steemians are also in some good locations where they can always make a post at ease because they have a good network signal from their network provider.

Another thing worth discussing under this heading is the internet data; When surfing the net here in Nigeria, we pay in kilobyte/seconds depending on the data bundle you purchase.

And we have daily subscriptions, weekly, monthly, and even up to three months subscriptions. And their prices range from Five Hundred Naira (N500) to One hundred and twenty-Five thousand Naira (N125,000). That is from 3 Steems to 723 Steems.

Personally, I went through my Financial record book last night and I discovered that in a month, I spent Fifteen thousand Naira (N15,000), which is equivalent to 90 steems in a Month.

Maybe the reason why it is high like that is that I use a laptop and I do a lot of research, I visit a lot of walls, profiles, and publications here on the steemit platform, and I spend roughly 12 hours or more each day in this blog.

Someone that uses a phone could spend less amount in a month Or someone that visits the blog fewer hours could spend less amount, but an average Nigerian User will spend nothing less than One thousand Five hundred Naira (N1,500) which is equivalent to 10 Steems.

We do not have any Free wifi here in Nigeria For public Users.

What’s my point? – As a steemian in Nigeria, a good internet signal and a reasonable amount of internet data is required before you post a publication.

Is it the same in your Country? Do you have free wifi at where you live? Do you pay less?

You need a power supply:

The power supply is very important as a steemians. Sadly, Nigeria is one of the Countries that is experiencing difficulties when it comes to electricity supply and as such, it always affects steemians.

A steemians here need to power their devices when it is low in other to remain active. But what happens when there is no electricity? It becomes Challenging.

Here is the sad reality, there are days we do not have electricity for days, weeks and even months due to some electrical faults in some transmission lines.

But the annoying part is that even when there are no faults, the Electricity Power Company will still cease the electricity in the name of load Shading. Guess what?

This might stay longer than you thought. It could stay for days, weeks, and months. But at the end of the month, we are still going to pay for the bill.

This unstable electricity condition affects steemians a lot in Nigeria. Sadly, if you noticed my wall last week Saturday and Sunday which was 6th and 7th May 2022, I couldn’t make a post due to lack of Electricity and some reasonable measures I took to use any available means in my zone were to no avail.

Our zone has electricity Issues.

The horrible information I heard this morning over the News is that it could take a long time before this is fixed, roughly a month or more.

What effect could this caused on Steemians?

It could discourage steemians who have all the zeal to be fully committed, in other words, being active in the platform, but due to this Electricity situation, it could become a problem.

But will you let the bull hit you with his horn or will you strike a balance to defeat?
Alright, guys, I will strike a balance to defeat this, I hope you do too.

Here are some possible Effective Suggestions

  • If you are using a mobile smartphone, I’ll suggest that you get a power bank, at least 20,000mAh (Milliampere), which is Ten thousand Naira (N10,000) equivalent to 60 seems. Have a look at it below.


  • Get a portable gasoline Generator if you can. This would be able to power both your phone, and laptop, and even power your room where you can enjoy your fan to reduce heat. Have a look at it below.


Running time Duration would be less than 24 hours, if you exceed and put it on like that every day, it will get spoilt. But you can run it at least up to 6hours and that would be moderate.

This cost about Forty thousand Naira (N40,000), equivalent to 235 steems. But in this case, you will still set out money to buy Petrol each day Want to put it On.

  • Get a portable Solar Inverter with at least 40 to 1000 watts, this will helps power both your phone, laptop, and your entire room With your fan On and even a Tv if you have one.


Running time Duration is 24 hours, it can run the whole week and even Months without going off.
During my market survey, I noticed that their prices differ depending on the wattage and the peripherals.

For Example, if one needs a 1000watt Solar inverter with all the peripherals including both the solar pan and battery it will cost about One hundred and Fifty thousand Naira (N150,000) which is equivalent to 882 Steems.

I also saw the one of Eighty-five thousand Naira (N85, 000) which is equivalent to 500 Steems.
Running time is still 24hours, a week, and even a month.

Since I am using a Laptop, I think, the second and third option is good for me, but the best among the two is the last one which is a Solar inverter because after buying it, I wouldn’t have to buy any fuel before I use it, it’s just to put it On and Start Using. It works with the Sun and we always have that here.

I hope these Suggestions help you too. Let’s Nothing stop us from being active. What's Your Input?

About Me


First of all, I am so sorry for being absent from the platform recently due to my the ascalation of the work load. Wish you and the team are in the best condition

These kinda problems are happening worldwide, what we can do in World Smile Project in Nigeria is find a sustainable solution for such a problem. I know that electricity is a public need and should be the government's responsibility.

The main concern of the WSP Nigeria which is rolled by @ubongudofot and WSP is the sustainability of the program and reasonable and also available budget for implementing a program

We may think of implementing Solar Panel Program for the most needed area, because it can be a more sustainable solution. Futhermore discussion can be done in our WSP International WA group

best regard

cc: @ubongudofot

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much sir for your response, and sure i would get intourch in our WA group.

I really appreciate.🙏

These are certainly very difficult conditions! It's amazing that you still have so many committed users.

The power supply is quite stable here in Germany. Apart from a few incidents, there is enough energy available for everyone. Theoretically, that is. Since we pay one of the highest electricity tariffs here (about 36 cents/kWh), there are more and more people who can't pay their monthly electricity bills. Their electricity is then cut off. Getting out of such a trap is usually really difficult... In addition, there are great fears about what will happen to the electricity supply when our coal and nuclear power plants are taken off the grid - and they will be. There could then also be shortages, perhaps rationing. We'll see...

Your data tariffs already amazed me the other day. I told you I have a mobile data tariff for €15 (that would be about 50 Steem as of today). It's for fast internet and 10GB of data. If I need more, the speed is throttled. So theoretically ;-)) We also have white spots on the map here where there is zero reception and then you're just standing there. Offline. Since I'm on the road a lot, a landline is not worth it for me, then it looks more affordable again. Although I also hear many complaints...

By the way, in big cities there are many places with free Wi-Fi, but I consider that a security risk and would not log in there with my devices...

As you rightly say: it's probably not perfect anywhere - maybe in Estonia, where every tree has wifi...;-))

Das sind sicher sehr erschwerte Bedingungen! Erstaunlich, daß Ihr dennoch so viele engagierte Nutzer habt.

Die Stromversorgung ist hier, in Deutschland, schon recht stabil. Bis auf wenige Störfälle ist genügend Energie für alle und jeden verfügbar. Also theoretisch. Da wir hier mit den höchsten Stromtarif zahlen (ca. 36ct/kWh), werden es immer mehr Leute, die ihre monatlichen Stromrechnungen nicht bezahlen können. Denen wird der Strom dann gesperrt. Aus so einer Falle wieder herauszukommen, gestaltet sich meist wirklich schwierig... Außerdem gibt es große Befürchtungen, wie es mit dem Stromangebot aussieht, wenn unsere Kohle- und Atomkraftwerke vom Netz genommen werden - und das werden sie. Es könnte dann auch zu Knappheit kommen, vielleicht zu Rationierung. Wir werden es erleben...

Eure Datentarife haben mich neulich schon verblüfft. Ich erzählte Dir ja, ich habe einen mobilen Datentarif für 15,-€ (das wären Stand heute etwa 50 Steem). Der gilt für schnelles Internet und 10GB Datenvolumen. Wenn ich mehr brauche, wird die Geschwindigkeit gedrosselt. Also theoretisch ;-)) Wir haben hier auch so weiße Flecken auf der Landkarte, wo Null Empfang ist und dann steht man halt da. Offline. Da ich viel unterwegs bin, lohnt sich ein Festnetzanschluß nicht für mich, da sieht es dann schon wieder günstiger aus. Obwohl ich auch viele Klagen höre...

In Großstädten gibt es übrigens viele lätze mit freiem WLAN, allerdings halte ich das für ein Sicherheitsrisiko und würde mich nicht mit meinen Geräten dort einloggen...

Wie Du richtig sagst: perfekt ist es wahrscheinlich nirgends - vielleicht in Estland, wo jeder Baum WLAN hat...;-))

 2 years ago 

Rightly said. Well , its quit sad because this is what i will have to go through for such a long time and other steemians too. If you know most Nigerians might have noticed that thier post or activities has lessen these few days due to power outage in some zone.

Though some zone don't have this issue but my Zone does.

Though, i will have to look for solution as soon as possible, because i can't stay without beign here in the blog🥲. It will look as if i am sick, so definitely i will have to look for solution, it's difficult, but i'll try my best.

Talking about free wifi.., yeah its not good especially when not trusted. A lot of people get hacked as a result of using a free wifi.

But if you subscribe your Internet data , then you have control over it.

Germany is a develope Country, but i know they also face thier own trouble too 😊, everyone does.
But i hope this particular one i am facing get fix soon.
I hope there is going to be solution to this.

Thank you Ma, for your contribution, i appreciate.

 2 years ago 

Elektrik kesintisi yaşamak çok zor bir durum. Sizi çok iyi anlıyorum. Umarım en kısa zamanda bu sorunu çözersiniz. Ben de internet için aylık 100 steem civarında harcama yapıyorum. Sizin gibi tüm günüm burada geçiyor diyebilirim.

 2 years ago 

Yeah, it is a difficult situation, honestly.

As for fixing this, i am not relying any more on this electricity companies, they will have to fix that for a long time.

The cause of this is as a result of the fire outbreak in one of the filling stations in my zone, it spoilt a lot of transmission wires and poles, it was a big fire outbreak , it spoiled so many folks properties, it destroys peoples shops with goods worth thousands of steems.

Now, the owners are requesting payment of damages without that, they wont allow Electricity company to fix the whole faults.

This might take months upon Months...

So i'll rather look for alternative, i must remain a steemian and active.

 2 years ago 

Umarım güzel çözümler bulursunuz 🙏

 2 years ago 

Thank you, sure😊

A difficult situation for a country if it continues to experience power outages. Do other steemian in your country have a solution, for example, to raise funds so that the solar inverter can be purchased at a price like you said above?

 2 years ago 

It is very difficult. Actually most steemians do not have that...while few have.

Personally, i don't.

We have alot of steemians scattered all over the country.

Most of them that are living in Government Residential Areas or most developed environment and they are not experiencing this electricity issue.

But we who live outside such environment are facing this.

However, i must look for means to remain active here as usual, i can't imagine not making publications here in a day or not reading people's publications here in a day.

So i really need means to fight this.

How many steemian are in one location for a power outage in your area?

 2 years ago 

Presently, we are about 6 steemians in my Area, the rest are also in their different zone.

I really congratulate you for the effort you put into staying active on the platform in such a difficult situation.

Electricity and internet are two indispensable elements of our age, I will do some research in order to provide this in the most appropriate way.

The situation is really difficult for other steminas in your region, do you have any other solutions or suggestions for this?

If there is anything we can do, please contact us and we will try our best to support you.

As a solution, an account can be created under the name of the Nigeria aid fund and shared to meet the monthly needs of the members.

All income and expenses are calculated and monthly reports are prepared, in this way, you can create funds for internet connection packages and other equipment you need for electricity.

In this regard, you can also apply to the world smile project. I think that other charities and curators on the platform will be sensitive to this issue.

I hope all our problems will be resolved as soon as possible.

cc @irawandedy


Don't you want to add South Africa to your tags?

Data availability and electricity sucks in SA!
"Loadshedding" is the word known by millions of South Africans from young to old.

I have my brother from Thailand visiting and he is complaining no stop. He has been calling these two problems, foil, frustrating, irritating, annoying, balk... and the list goes on.
Will it ever get better? I suppose only time will tell but deep down I doubt it.

 2 years ago 

You are right. I think Africa as a whole is facing this badly. I also doubt if this could be solved easily.

If one was to have the means, i think the best is just to get any of the listed items depending on the one suitable for you. That solve it.

Thanks for your contribution and sorry for also facing that over there.

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