SEC-S19W2: "Life Without Electricity"

in Hindwhale Community20 hours ago

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Life without electricity? It is like putting a modern man in the jungle with no GPS. As uninteresting and as weird as this concept may be, it is just as challenging. Just for a moment let’s think about it!

The first thing in the morning you wake up and you find out that there is no electricity. Your mobile battery is drained and therefore the alarm did not ring. You leave your dark room to go to the bathroom, and it's dark there too! No bulbs, nothing. You'll need to light a candle, if you can find one. 😄

Now, if you believe that you will be having coffee or tea without electricity, sorry, your electric kettle will not boil water. And if you're really out of luck and there's no gas either, well, breakfast is a no-go. Growling stomach, here we come!

Then, if you want to go to the office or school/college, the picture gets even gloomier. Laptop’s dead, no charger, so how will you work? and even if you make it to the office, it's like stepping into the Stone Age. No computers, no AC, just a bunch of grumpy people wondering what the heck to do.

If you had intended to spend a night at home with friends or family, watching a movie, forget it. The television will not function, the sound system will not function. Forget about watching a movie; if you think you will watch something on YouTube, how will you charge your mobile? And even if you have battery, where are you going to get data from?

Cooking? Ha! More like "how long can I hold my breath before I cave and eat something?" Your fridge is basically a box of soon-to-be-rotten food. If there's no gas, the stove won't work either. Now you either have to arrange a bonfire or eat raw vegetables.

Nights become a whole new adventure. If you're lucky, you might get some moonlight. If not, well, hope you're not afraid of the dark! Your house turns into a haunted house, complete with flickering candles and all.

If you want to talk to someone, even the landline won't work. We've already discussed the state of mobile phones. The communication system is completely down. If you feel like meeting someone, you'll have to go directly to their house or wait for the postman, that too if the post office is in the state you're imagining.

If there is no electricity, then there is no fun. The entertainment system is complete. Games are over, TV shows are over and social media is over as well. Now you are confined to the house to play traditional games. Playing cards, ludo, carrom board, and all these things which were popular in the old days will start getting a new life.

If you consider doing some work, just imagine, if you want to iron some clothes, the iron will not function. If there is no electricity, then the washing machine will not be of any use and you will have to wash clothes manually. And imagine this fun scenario: if it is winter and the geyser is not working then either take a cold shower or add another level to your troubles.

Living without electricity means that we will be living like in the old days. The time when people used oil lamps as source of light. When they rode on horses for communication and entertainment it was only stories and gossip.

Yes, of course, life without electricity is simple and natural, but the modern man cannot imagine his life like this. It is difficult to think of any part of our life that is not in some way related to electricity. Living without electricity is like living in a dead body.

Perhaps we will spend more time with our families, talking, and maybe our heads will also become less burdened. But still, it's difficult to even imagine modern life without electricity. Think about it, appreciate it, and use electricity wisely. Life is possible without electricity but life is more comfortable with electricity!

I trust that you enjoyed reading my article. 😊

I would like to invite @patjewell, @josevas217, @dove11, @soulfuldreamer, @weisser-rabe, @irawandedy, @steemdoctor1 and @ubongudofot to join this contest through this link, if they have not already taken part in it.

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 15-July-2024 | Achievement 1

Yes, electricity has brought and continues to bring us a lot of relief. No, not always for our own good...

I wouldn't want to do without it completely, but I don't feel quite so lost after all. For entertainment purposes - we don't use TV or video games, but we read and play chess - it's dispensable. Light can be produced alternatively, cooking is possible not least on gas cookers and over an open fire. The petrol can also be pumped into the tank manually and the construction drawing, which cannot also be created on the drawing board, has probably not been fundamentally understood...

Seriously: it works well without electricity. It could be more satisfying and more relaxed. We would go back to outdoor physical activities. We wouldn't have to waste quite so many resources and I suspect we'd be healthier...

Es difícil que algo que genere bienestar y comodidad no tenga su contraparte, creo que es una lógica natural que nos lleva (o debería llevarnos) a buscar un equilibrio en esto, pero ese equilibrio puede que no sea tan fácil de lograr, al menos no en la práctica.

Seguro que la gente antes, cuando no había electricidad,la gente se reunía más, hablaba más, valoraba mucho más el contacto humano, debo asumir que era así. Al no tener tantos distractores, claro.

 19 hours ago 

So, you want to banish electricity to the void forever? 😂

No, of course not. I am in favour of as much electrification as necessary rather than as much as possible. We would be doing ourselves a favour with such restraint.

 19 hours ago (edited)

... little mistake?


Thanks for pointing out

 18 hours ago 

First of all, I congratulate you for avoiding a question-answer typed essay writing and doing it in a flowing way. Second, the way you have described the situation my first thought was to go to the Himalayas and live there (Na hoga baans na bajegi bansuri".

Third the position of power is much better here in my city so I haven't faced the situation in ages. As far as in Australia, I have faced it just once, and that too they notified 2 weeks in advance and restored the power within minutes.

: Congratulations! This post has been curated using steemcurator06. We appreciate your efforts on making quality blogs and post relevant comments. Thank You 😊


Curated by : @pelon53
 15 hours ago 


 11 hours ago 

The Himalayas do sound like a fantastic escape! You could channel your inner yogi and master the art of living off the grid. 😄

 16 hours ago 

All of the things described in your blog are true, but imagine, if electricity had not yet been invented when you were born. So, what had happened to you? You've already adapted to it. We can no longer return; we must walk the new route. Good luck in the contest.

 10 hours ago 

We have become so dependent on electricity that we don't even want to think about living without it. Thanks for stopping by. 🙂

Hola @waqarahmadshah, este concurso me ha parecido interesante, seguro que habrá muchas participaciones, porque es un ejercicio mental que vale la pena hacer.
Has planteado muchas cosas relevantes, y es que hoy en día somos muy depndientes de la energía eléctrica. Podría decir que *demasiado dependientes, y esto no siempre es bueno, porque a pesra de las comodidades, hay algunas cosas que se están afectando a mal, sobre todo en lo social, en la capacidad de mantener nuestra salud, entre muchas cosas más. Estaré creando mi participación, saludos, muy buena semana para ti.

 11 hours ago 

Thank you for your thoughtful comment. 😊

Hola amigo, la vida sin electricidad sería un verdadero caos, porque estamos acostumbrados ese confort que ella nos ha proporcionado. Como tu dices nada de lo que tenemos en la actualidad funcionaría, ni el móvil, ni la televisión, ni la estufa eléctrica, ni las lámparas, todo sería oscuridad llegada la noche a no ser que cuentes con una vela.

Felicitaciones por tu post amigo.

 11 hours ago 

You're absolutely right; electricity has become such an integral part of our lives. It’s hard to imagine a world without it, especially with all the conveniences we rely on daily.

Exactly well said !!
Our generation can`t truly even imagine a life without electricity.
the fact that we have made our selves too much addicted with phone and other electricity powered resources that now it is really difficult for us to imagine life without it.
good luck for the contest.

 11 hours ago 

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.

Hii dear
How are you? I hope you are good and I'm safe and sound too Alhamdulillah by the grace of Allah Almighty. Our lives without electricity would be difficult and challenging. If there would be no electricity in this era we would adopt different traditional methods such as to lighten up our homes in the night we would rely on candles and oil lamps. But the people of modern society cannot imagine to live without electricity as now a days we totally depends on internet to convey messages, communicate with one another and also internet is a source of information and knowledge. Best of luck for contest.

 11 hours ago 

I am fine, Alhamdulillah. Thank you for your thoughtful comment. 😊

Welcome 🤗


Hi! Hope you are doing great. I read your post and i came to know that life without electricity harks back to a simpler time, reliant on natural light and manual labor. It fosters a deeper connection with nature, but also presents significant challenges in comfort and convenience. Modern tasks become monumental, highlighting our dependency on this crucial energy source.

It is like putting a modern man in the jungle with no GPS.

Gosh, this is crazy yet so true!
What happened to man?

If it weren't for electricity, we'd all be watching television by candlelight.

A message that was posted on our community WhatsApp group the other day. I could only smile.

Good luck, and thanks for the internet!
PS: Without electricity, there would not have been the slightest chance to chat up that sugar daddy. (•ิ‿•ิ)

 11 hours ago 

Without electricity, we'd all be sitting in the dark, trying to decipher smoke signals instead of emojis. As for chatting up that sugar daddy, well, I guess we'd be back to sending love letters by carrier pigeon. Oh, the romance! 😂

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