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RE: SEC-S19W2: "Life Without Electricity"

Yes, electricity has brought and continues to bring us a lot of relief. No, not always for our own good...

I wouldn't want to do without it completely, but I don't feel quite so lost after all. For entertainment purposes - we don't use TV or video games, but we read and play chess - it's dispensable. Light can be produced alternatively, cooking is possible not least on gas cookers and over an open fire. The petrol can also be pumped into the tank manually and the construction drawing, which cannot also be created on the drawing board, has probably not been fundamentally understood...

Seriously: it works well without electricity. It could be more satisfying and more relaxed. We would go back to outdoor physical activities. We wouldn't have to waste quite so many resources and I suspect we'd be healthier...


Es difícil que algo que genere bienestar y comodidad no tenga su contraparte, creo que es una lógica natural que nos lleva (o debería llevarnos) a buscar un equilibrio en esto, pero ese equilibrio puede que no sea tan fácil de lograr, al menos no en la práctica.

Seguro que la gente antes, cuando no había electricidad,la gente se reunía más, hablaba más, valoraba mucho más el contacto humano, debo asumir que era así. Al no tener tantos distractores, claro.

 22 hours ago 

So, you want to banish electricity to the void forever? 😂

No, of course not. I am in favour of as much electrification as necessary rather than as much as possible. We would be doing ourselves a favour with such restraint.

 21 hours ago (edited)

... little mistake?


Thanks for pointing out

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