Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W1 - "Power of communication skill"

in Hindwhale Community5 days ago

Hello, my dear Steemian friends, today I am here to participate in the Hind Whale contest. Communication is very important as it helps to convey our ideas clearly and understand others. Therefore, it is a very important topic to be discussed. Now let us see what I have to say about this topic.

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Do you agree with the statement "Communication skill is the power"? Why or why not?

Yes, I agree that communication skills are powerful. Communication skills are extremely significant since they enable us to express ourselves properly and understand others. Effective communication promotes positive connections both personally and professionally. If we have good communication skills, we can change our lives and shape the world. This allows us to express our thoughts clearly, solve problems, and develop meaningful relationships. Additionally, when our communication skills are better, we can influence others, share our knowledge, and create understanding. In our professional life, effective communication helps to improve teamwork and achieve success. People with good communication skills not only have a large number of friends all over the world, but they also create deep relationships. As the coordinating affairs person in my office, my effective communication skills were extremely useful in dealing with a lot of difficult situations.

Can you provide an example of a situation where "Communication skill is the power"?

Someone who coordinates tasks should be able to communicate effectively. Coordinating people must engage in numerous outside organizations, and organizing office functions. In such a situation, the person should be able to communicate effectively with outsiders. Consider, if any country organizes a country-wide exhibition, to sell their stalls in that exhibition, the Co-ordinating Affairs Manager must have effective communication skills. In addition, when organizing such a major event, a person must collaborate with other organizers; hence, communication skills are essential.

Consider an organization's telephone operator; he or she must have strong communication skills because outsiders will make their first contact with the operator. If the operator does not communicate effectively with that person, it will have a negative impact on the organization's image.

Communication is critical in business transactions since it helps them sell their products. That is why all firms hire people with strong communication abilities for their marketing roles. Therefore, I agree with the statement that "communication skills are the power."

Some historical examples where "Communication skill is the power" led to significant change?

Nelson Mandela, a South African leader, is a perfect example of how effective communication skills led to significant changes in his country. His speech and writings, both while in prison and afterward, inspired a South African fighting apartheid movement. Mandela's communication skills, as well as his vision of equality and reconciliation, helped to bring a divided nation together. Finally, it led to the establishment of a democratic South Africa.

In 1927, Mahatma Gandhi's visit to Sri Lanka and his speech on nonviolence and self-reliance motivated many Sri Lankans to achieve independence from the British Authority. His ability to communicate these principles enabled Sri Lankans to strive for freedom. These examples from history demonstrate that communication skills are powerful.

How can one improve their communication skills?

If somebody wishes to develop their communication skills, they must practice consistently. Listening actively can be achieved by a few easy actions. That means giving close attention to what others are saying without interrupting. Nod or comment to demonstrate your understanding. When communicating, use simple and direct language, avoiding complex words. Try to understand other people's feelings and opinions.

It is essential to keep eye contact while talking. This gives people the impression that he was trusted, which helps to create trust. When talking with others, one should use good body language, such as a pleasant smile and nod. Another important thing is to respond by asking a question, which will display a person’s keen attention. Other ways to develop communication skills include engaging in good conversations, joining speaking groups, and taking courses in public speaking to boost confidence.

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 4 days ago 

I agree with you that proper communication is incomplete unless it's a mixture of all the qualities. As you mentioned the front office also has a role to play because all official meetings start right from there.

 4 days ago 

Thanks for agreeing with me and your thoughtful comment.

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 4 days ago 

La comunicación nos ayuda en muchos ámbitos de la vida. Es tan importante saber comunicarse para poder transmitir lo que queremos expresar y que otros nos entiendan de manera clara y precisa y si se trata de los labores en el trabajo en necesario comunicarnos con mucha más claridad y precisión para que todo marche a cabalidad. Me alegra mucho de que mencioné a esos personajes históricos el cual e escuchado que marcaron la historia de muchos, debemos dia a dia practicar la comunicación y así podremos mejorar dia tras día, saludos y exitos para usted.

 4 days ago 

Thank for taking time to read my post and your kind feedback.

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Curated by : @shohana1
 4 days ago 

Hi, @shohana1 thanks for the support.

You're welcome, keep up sharing original content.

Hi @senehasa I really enjoy reading your entry I have been able to learn so much from it. I will say you have done a wonderful job by sharing this beautiful experience about communication. I wish you all the best and more success in this challenge. Best of luck my friend

 4 days ago 

Thank you for taking time to read my post and your kind feedback..

Hello @senehasa hope you are having a good day communication skills are really important they help us connect, understand each other, and succeed in life.

Leaders like Nelson Mandela showed how powerful communication can unite people and bring positive change ,thanks for sharing this wish you success 💖 🤗 🌸 💐.

 4 days ago 

My pleasure friend.

 4 days ago 

La comunicación es importante es nuestra vida realmente tienen un poder pero debemos haber expresarnos porque este poder puede ser positivo o negativo.
Saber escuchar El interlocutor y tratar de entender sus sentimientos y pensamientos puede hacer que nuestra comunicación sea eficaz y una manera de lograrlo es saber escuchar.

 3 days ago 

I appreciate your kind words.

Hello friend your entry was so useful to me I have really learnt alot from it you're such a genius, Good luck in the contest.

 3 days ago 

Thank you for taking time to read my post and your valued commnet.

 4 days ago 

Greetings, you have been supported by @hindwhale account for your post. To know more about our community, you can visit our introduction post here. To contact us directly, please visit our discord channel.

Moderator/Curator : @jyoti-thelight

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 3 days ago 

You are welcome.

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