S16/W5 - "If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago
Greetings everyone of the Hindwhale Community

Today, I am here to participate in the contest
POST LINK announced inside the community.

Before that, I would love to invite @sampabiswas, @deepak94, and @jyoti-thelight to participate in the contest.

If you had the opportunity to settle overseas, which three countries would you choose?

I might dishearten my friends with my answer;
but if I ever get an opportunity to settle overseas anywhere in the world, I would decline and not prefer any other country instead of India.

My love for my country is something like we love our life.

So, my first to last choice would be India.
There are two types of people when picking a job.

Type 1:-
People scrutinize the salary scale and select a job.

Type 2:-
People think about job satisfaction and pick a job.

I come into the type two category.

If I can't accept the goods and drawbacks of anything,
then I can't adjust anywhere in this world.

(We are humble)

Now let me share a few facts about my country;
then you all might understand why I wouldn't love to settle in any other country!

  • Information technology(India is number one in the world).

  • The Taj Mahal (one of the seven wonders) is situated;
    in my country, India.

  • My country is the fifth largest economy country in the world according to 2024 (GDP-Gross domestic product).

  • India is a country from which Zero,
    Diamonds developed. Do you want to know more? Please search Google!

Varanasi a Holy historical place also famous for Banarasi saree and Banarasi paan(betel leaves)

India is the 12th most strong country globally!

  • My country comes in the second position;
    in terms of growing wheat and rice.

  • The third largest digitized country in the world is none other than my country, India.

(National library Kolkata- A historical and haunted place to visit)
(ITC Royal Bengal - A renowned hotel in Kolkata)
(Satyajit Ray - The Oscar winner film maker and novelist)
(Kolkata's dum biryani)
(Raita with biryani)

A country where people come to visit various historical places, and my country has already given shelter to various immigrant people;

Because I believe my country is one of the top among the many other countries.
We are believers in unity and peace.

I only shared a small portion of information about my country. If there is any next life;
then I would love to be born again in my Incredible India.

India- soney ki chidiya (golden bird)🇮🇳

I can visit various countries to travel, but the stalemate for my country's soil, like the bed I sleep in!
In this particular matter, I am a bit emotional;
not practical like so many people.

I was born and brought up in this country and want to perish here.

That's what I wanted to convey from my end.
East or West India is the best.

If I can't love the country where I was born, then I would be the most selfish person;
in my perspective. We can't leave our family if we don't love anyone's opinion;
simultaneously, I love whatever my country holds inside it.

The views were thoroughly mine;
numerous can contradict.



 3 months ago 

If there is any next life; then I would love to be born again in my Incredible India.

This statement resonates deeply with me. As someone who cherishes own cultural heritage and roots, I feel a strong sense of attachment to my homeland, INDIA. It's like the bond between a tree and its roots, unbreakable and enduring.

East or West India is the best.

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment. As someone who has traveled extensively, I've come to appreciate the beauty and diversity of India. It's like no other place on Earth, with its vibrant culture, rich history, and warm hospitality. India truly holds a special place in my heart, and I feel fortunate to call it home.

Good luck

 3 months ago 

My dear friend foremost I love to know that you think like me about India. The feeling are mutual that's the main part I love about your comment.

I couldn't agree more with this sentiment.

I couldn't stopped my laugh 🤣🤣🤣
You are absolutely right 👍
I am a Proud Indian like you.🇮🇳
Mera Bharat Mahan
Jai Hind!🫡

Your love and pride for your country shine through in your words. It's truly heartwarming to see your deep-rooted connection and loyalty to India. Your appreciation for its rich culture achievements and heritage is inspiring. Your commitment to staying and thriving in your homeland is admirable.

 3 months ago 

Before Independence we all were a single country, still I regret about reading the story of seperation.
However, I always believe we must respect where we born. Our country is our pride.
Thank you for your encouraging words my dear friend but those words are came from inside which I believe.💓🫂🇮🇳🫰🫡

 3 months ago 

Dear Mam
Your unwavering love and pride for India are truly inspiring. It's heartening to see your deep-rooted connection to your homeland, highlighted by your appreciation for its rich culture, achievements, and heritage. Your commitment to staying and thriving in India is admirable. Best wishes on your journey!

 3 months ago 

I wish we all can stay together, I know true Pakistani still believes in peace like Indian.
I love your comment, it makes me emotional.🫡🫰🇮🇳🫂💓

 3 months ago 

Ooh really... I agree with your point Mam because peace is everything and we should try to keep it. Anyways I have a great love for India and the people living in that beautiful country. Stay blessed ❤️

I totally understand where you're coming from. It's completely okay to have a strong attachment to your home country, India. Sometimes, our hearts are simply drawn to the place where we grew up, where our friends and family are, and where we feel most comfortable.

India is a beautiful and diverse country with its own unique culture, traditions, and opportunities. It's understandable that you wouldn't want to trade that for any other place in the world. Your love and loyalty for India shine through your words, and that's something to be proud of.

Remember, it's important to follow your heart and make choices that feel right for you. If staying in India brings you joy and fulfillment, then that's the path you should pursue. Your friends may have their own dreams and preferences, but it's okay to have different aspirations. Embrace your love for India and continue to cherish the experiences and connections that make it your home.

Wow! Our native countries have a lot of things which sometimes make us reach the conclusion of staying back and enjoy home. They say "No place like home", it's a very valid saying.

India is blessed in a lot of things, of course you have highlighted some of them. I can testify to India's vastness in IT, medicine and others. Great choice, @sduttaskitchen. Good luck.

 3 months ago 

I belong to India my friend and that's why my choice will be always my country rather to settle anywhere else. Thank you for you lovely comment and sorry for a bit late reply.

 3 months ago 

We all love our country. You also love your country India and you don't want to go anywhere other than India for settlement. You are satisfied with your country's education, economy, culture, food. India has many tourist attractions along with many tourist spots. India is self-sufficient in food production. I support your patriotism and not leaving the country. Best wishes to you.

 3 months ago 

Thank you for your support and by the way I only shared 5% information about India, because to elaborate my country it would required a month!🇮🇳🙏

 3 months ago 

India is a very large country in terms of population and size. I believe and know that this country has much to express, including its natural beauty. Thanks for your reply.

By reading your post I come to know that if you get any chance to go abroad you will deny it .It is a sign of a love for motherland.There are many reasons for love you homeland India.Such as medical sector, holy places, situated of Tajmahal ,as a digital country etc.There was many great people were born in India . Like (Satyajit Ray - The Oscar winner film maker and novelist). I read in various books that there are many historical places in your country. It is really a great love for country .Best wishes for you.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


I'd choose India above all. Its rich culture, economic strength, and achievements like the Taj Mahal make it unmatched. My heart's tied to its soil; settling elsewhere feels impossible. India's my dream hometown, and I'm proud of it.

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