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RE: Contest - My Proposal to Eliminate Plagiarism Spread by AI Bots

I share many of the opinions that are expressed here. An artificial intelligence can create a perfect publication, but lacking "the human touch" that provides the emotionality of the person who writes, although it is a matter of time before the progress of these manages to simulate the emotions of a writer.
However, we see that this type of practice occurs much more in research publications, some literature and educational, which are easier to execute by the AI, I have not yet seen poems, newspapers, in which this has been used. kind of techniques.
Platforms like Steemit were originally conceived as a space to demonstrate talent, resorting to this type of maneuver to create content is like celebrating passing an exam at university, having copied a classmate. Like @patjewell I'm old school and I don't see myself resorting to an AI to do what I like.
These types of tools should be used to facilitate certain things, not to do them for us. It is a subject that gives a lot, but it is only my opinion. My regards, brother @waqarahmadshah. Good luck!

 last year 

Thank you for your feedback Sir! 🙂

I am 100% with you! As long as I breath I will be presenting my own content. It is who I am and the value I add to my work. PLUS! I am proud of what I have written. I cannot be proud of work written by an AI.
I think you might like reading the following article;

I like more that of being a support tool for the writer, since it would save many hours of work in corrections and surely it would give coherence to the writing when it comes to addressing themes or topics that are little known to the author, such as science fiction writings. For example.
I don't see myself in that plan to tell an algorithm to write something about an idea that occurred to me and take credit for what the machine does, is unethical.
It is an excellent article is that it has recommended me, by the way, the page also has its own artificial intelligence for text editing.
Have a nice day my friend!

Two peas in a pot we are for sure.
Thank you, a beautiful day to you also.

 last year 

In fact, no artificial intelligence can bring life to your content unless you have personal touch in that.

Now this is so true!
It will never be able to cry with us when we write the post or burst out laughter in laughter when we read a post.

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