Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

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Playing or Studying. Which is more important?

Playing is something that is important for a child. Without us even realizing, they actually learn more while playing. I think it's good for the child's motor development which makes their imagination more active. And it makes it possible for the child to have the ability to solve existing problems.


And of course, the most important thing for a child is to learn. We need to give them formal education such as math, reading and writing. But don't let learning overwhelm them. Some bad things can happen because of that.

So as a parent, we need to understand and take on the role of balancing the two. The best option for children is to play while learning. Let their imagination grow while providing formal education. The point is they get a fun learning experience.

Are today's children lagging behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain the reason.

I don't think so. Whether at school or anywhere else, sports are always fun for kids. When something is fun, it will be loved. Like soccer or other sports, of course it's very fun.


But nowadays, we see a lot of phenomena where technology dominates everything. Even some children are not interested in sports and tend to play with their gadgets. So physical activity is often neglected.

Therefore, the role of parents is again the main factor. Parents should introduce sports to children in a simple and fun way. I think that will make children love sports.

Is online education useful to your children?

I think online education has a huge impact on child development. Everything in this day and age is inseparable from the development of technology, one of which is online learning. It is a good thing because children can keep up with the times and also increase creativity.


However, there are always negative effects. Children can be too distracted by their gadgets and start to abandon their social interactions, which is one of the indicators of intelligence. So again I think the role of parents is needed to give direction about it.

How does online education effect your children's mental and physical health ?

Online learning forces a child to sit in front of a screen a lot. That's actually good but there are some bad effects for a child.

Sitting for a long time in front of a computer can cause physical activity to be greatly reduced and it makes a child's body weak. Then eye health can also be compromised due to frequent staring at the light from the computer.


Online learning also allows a child to experience anxiety because they feel isolated and because they rarely have social interactions at school. They may also worry about it and stay away from social interactions because they feel more comfortable interacting through social media.


Learning and playing have a great impact on a child's development. But the most important thing is the role of parents to direct and balance them. Because I think anything that is excessive is not good.

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Oh yes, when it comes to children, we need to strike a balance for their mental stability. Studying and playing is a good way for children to learn fast. Most times, online education keeps them focused and distracted from disturbance at home but they should be guided in this. Success to you Sir!

Wow thank u so much my friend, highly apreciated 🙏👍


Saludos cordiales gran amigo lil.albab, un gusto saludarte y leer tu participación, muchas gracias por la invitación a este reto.

Un equilibrio siempre es más sano, estudiar y jugar, ambos forman parte del sano desarrollo de un niño.

Te deseo un feliz, bonito, bendecido y productivo día.

Thank u so much my friend for ur feedback on my post 🙏

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Absolutely! Playing is so important for kids because they learn a lot while having fun. It helps their motor skills, sparks their imagination, and teaches them problem-solving.

But you're right, formal education is also crucial. We want our kids to learn math, reading, and writing. However, we don't want to overwhelm them either.

As parents, we have the awesome responsibility of finding the balance. Letting kids play and learn at the same time is the best approach. It allows their imagination to flourish while still providing them with formal education. They get to have a blast while learning new things.

So, let's encourage our kids to have a fun learning experience, my friend.

Thank u so much my friend for some kind words on my post 🙏🙏

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!😊

El juego es una herramienta que no solo aporta aprendizajes, también permite que los más pequeños de la casa desarrollen habilidades motoras para poder garantizar mejores destrezas en todas las actividades que se van a desempeñar durante el ciclo de la vida.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

Thank u so much my friend for stoping by on my post. Apreciated 🙏

 5 months ago 

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Thank u so much @hindwhale 🙏

Absolutely agree! Balancing play and formal education is crucial for a child's holistic development. Your emphasis on making learning fun and incorporating sports in a enjoyable way is spot on. Parents indeed play a key role in guiding and maintaining a healthy balance. Thanks for sharing your insights!

Thank you my friend for responding to my post. I just thought that it would be more fun if children can play while learning. Good day 🙏

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