Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - Life without electricity

in Hindwhale Communityyesterday (edited)
I am here to express my views in The Hindwhale community in the second week of the "Steemit Engagement Challenge Season19 Week2 - "SEC-S19 / W2 | " Life without electricity" " and I invite @weisser-rabe @josepha @mesola and @chant to take part in this contest.

I would like to acknowledge all my friends who invited me @waqarahmadshah and @senehasa to show my gratitude.

I will answer all three questions asked:

How would your daily life and work life be without electricity from now onwards?
What kind of equipment would be required to live a hassle-free life?
Would you be able to cope with life without electricity?


Source edited


Reading your question, I felt, "NO" but then I wondered if electricity had been there since the earth came into existence. If it were not there, who knows what would be our lives like or what happened? But then I remembered when I was born, there was no electricity in my area because my father was an agriculture engineer posted to an agriculture college in a rural area as a vice principal.

I lived my first seven years in that area in a government house with all the facilities, including orderlies doing all the lighting with the help of kerosine lamps kept on tall stools and a man pulling a big fan manually sitting outside with the help of rope and gears. I remember a funny incident one of the men responsible for filling the kerosene in the lamps used to drink it get drunk every evening.

I saw my first light bulb at the age of seven. But even if all were not there—the sun, moon, stars, forests, mountains, rivers, oceans, and human civilization—everything would have remained the same. Man would not be dependent on machines. I guess he would have become stronger and healthier by working hard, and there would be no gyms for bodybuilding.



Probably the hard work would have kept our belly fat at bay. I remember we used bikes along with army-auctioned Willy Jeeps and bullock carts. My grandfather was an engineer in the canal department, and he used a horse for official transportation along the canals.

But trust me, we would not be suffering from global warming. There would be no climate change but peace all around. Just imagine life outside of homes, hearing the sound of birds, and no noise pollution.

Maybe the life of a man would be physically comfortable, simple, and easy, but with limited resources. I guess people in my generation with limited power sources only in urban areas and no gadgets lived a decent life.

On the other hand, for the present generation, living without electricity would not be easy, as you don't realize how many items in your home need electricity, including food, water, transportation, air conditioning, entertainment, and communication.

We need electricity to power the gadgets we use every day. We have become dependent on it to carry out our everyday tasks, and we have built our lives around it. We are so dependent on electricity that it would be a shock to many if they did not have a regular supply.

However, some people prefer not to depend on electrical energy and opt for an off-the-grid lifestyle, using alternative energy sources for their different lifestyles. I know a couple of such experimental projects going on in different parts of our country.

They live and survive without electricity. So having no electricity will make no difference. They sleep early and wake up early to follow their own lifestyle.

I will give you a picture if there is no electricity. What will you miss? There will be no power to use your refrigerator; there will be no telephones. You will depend on traditional water supplies from wells, rivers, and ponds. Without electricity, there's no internet and Wi-Fi, but also no ATM, no lifts, no movies, no TV, and no petrol pumps.

The two most important things we need in our lives are food and water, and without electricity, both of these will not disappear from our lives. Air conditioning in our homes works with electricity, and water systems are dependent on pumps again with electricity, so even if the water in your home is accessible, you will need to purify it by boiling and filtering it before you drink it.

All of us are dependent on electricity. But what are the other options? What can we do without electricity? Living without electricity in the modern age can be an adjustment, but there is still a lot you can do to make up for it, and there are many alternative energy sources like solar and wind power. However, without electricity, these will not work either.

So what are the options we are left with? Those already living off the grid, rely on wood-burning stoves and natural raw materials for building their houses as well as for cooking. However, they will spend all their time stocking up on dry wood that you spend on gadgets. That means going back to the jungle, but I am already planning to make a hut in the Himalayas and live a happy life, but the only thing I will miss is Steemit. But trust me, if there was no electricity, our lives would be much better.

Having no TV and mobile sounds uncomfortable, but it would be better for us, wouldn't it? We would have spent time with our family, talking to them, and playing games outside, which we miss today because of the gadgets available to us.



Today we have gained some but also lost a lot, like the love of family and their company, as well as our eyes, our intellect, and our mental health. I feel that without electricity, I will invent ways to make my life healthier and happier.

I agree with a few points though, if there was no electricity, science would not be able to develop, and the people in the world would not be able to use all the modern facilities available to them, including treatment, transportation, and communication. But think of it, people would live an eco-friendly life, and there would be a much cleaner atmosphere.


I hope some of you agree with me

Thank you my friend for the invite, I already drop my entry this morning, I don't know if you saw it. I really agree with you about your fact about electricity. Life without electricity would be hard, but it could also be good for us and the planet. You shared interesting stories from your childhood that show how people can adapt and be happy without electricity.

But you know electricity is also important for progress in science, technology, and healthcare. Maybe the best way is to find a balance between using technology and living a simple, eco-friendly life.
Do have a nice day my friend. I wish you success


Yes, I agree that electricity is important but when the contest creator asked this question they should be ready to see both sides of the coin. I am prepared to live a life like I did in my childhood because I have learned the art of doing so. Yes, I can do it. Thanks for your response.

Ok now I see from your own point of view, been adaptable




I could found lot of valuable information from your blog. Good luck with the contest.


Thanks, I won't ask you what you learned from my post but I am sure you got my point. As a hard-core positive person, I am ready to go back to the stone age even if temporarily because I have been reading about such projects run in the Himalayan region.


Thank you for inviting me. I will take part tomorrow or next. Indeed staying without electricity in this modern world we are in would make someone even depressed. Good luck to you.


In fact, I have no objection even if I have to go back to my childhood when there was no electricity in our area. Although there is no such area left in India I have my plan to go to the Himalayas and make a holiday home in the lap of Mother Nature.

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Hi dear
How are you? I hope you are fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. In the modern society we cannot imagine to live without electricity. The people of our modern society use different home appliances to clean their homes such as vacuum cleaners and to wash their clothes use washing machines. Best of luck for contest. Wishing you success.


Yes, I thought the same as you mentioned in your post but on second thought I feel I can live without electricity if the need be. I have my plan to go back to the stone age and adopt that style 😄

Yes, exactly we would rely on traditional methods.

You are absolutely right that today's generation cannot imagine life without electricity, and it is not surprising that people can't tell when electricity will come from home. But if we look at the first people, as you said, there was no fat on their bodies because of hard work, this is absolutely true. Because of electricity, they don't work hard, but we sit and do all the hard work, and sometimes their ego becomes less, and on the ground, because of the back, they are so busy that even sitting next to others. We feel very different from each other. We thought it would be great if the electricity went out, but here are some things.

 21 hours ago 

I don't blame people who see the outage of electricity as a negative factor because our lives revolve around the gadgets and the facilities it provide. I expressed my views because I wanted to think just in case we went back to the era when electricity was not available.

 20 hours ago 

Greetings you have really made your insight on what life might be like without electricity very insightful, you bring out how the world has become so reliant on electricity in your descriptions of the contemporary society

I will say It is rather interesting to compare generations and lifestyles in a choice of words the author uses and your ideas provoke thoughts concerning the effect of technology on the schedules of our everyday lives thanks for sharing wish you all the best.

 20 hours ago 

Actually, I thought about it and then decided to express my views once I read a member of this site who also believes in the same, well, almost the same. I am ready to go back to the past even if for some time and live in a natural environment with no modern facilities. Thanks for you nice feedback!

Your post on life without electricity is extremelydetailing and thought to produce. your interesting to hear about your earlly experiencess in a world without on the electricity and how it shaped your perspective. stay blessed & take care for ur self..

 17 hours ago 

Let's see what can we do in this because using electricity the way we are using is asking for trouble in the long run. Let's not use it desperately but spairingly to make it last for a long time. I hope to got my point. Thank you for being here.

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