SEC S16W1 : Which is very important for children's brain development: Studying or Playing?

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It's great to be able to participate in this great community again in the 16th season of the Steemit Engagement Challenge and in this first week. First of all, I would like to congratulate this Community on being selected as one of the organizers of this season's Engagement Challenge.

Which is more important for children in their childhood, playing or learning?


At an early age, children are going through stages of growth and development that determine their future. In this matter there are many debates between the importance of "playing or learning?". Both have positive values ​​and can be a collaboration in educating and forming a child's character.

  • Playing has a good impact on children's development, especially in improving motor skills and being able to develop a child's imagination and creativity. The importance of providing play opportunities for children to accelerate the stimulation of children's thinking power.

  • Learning is also the most important and fundamental thing for a child's development. However, learning for children is more emphasized on the "learning while playing" method. This can be done with an approach to the environment and interactive games. Children need to be introduced to basic concepts of knowledge such as numbers, letters or colors.

Are today's children behind in studies and sports? If yes, explain why.

Seeing current technological developments, children are more busy with mobile phones with various game applications and other entertainment applications. This shows a negative indication of the studies and sports they should be doing.

Children should be directed to focus more on school lessons and other knowledge including sports so that they have a more collective life and are able to interact with their friends.

Is online education beneficial for your child?


Yes, of course this is very useful in gaining children's skills and knowledge, especially in this modern era. Parents don't need to worry too much about the various obstacles their children face if they study directly or face to face.

With the online learning method, children can improve their skills in the fields of computer and internet science which are very important for their future development.

Parents only need to accompany and supervise when their children study online. This will make children more focused and serious in learning.

How does online education affect your child's mental and physical health?


In general, online education also has a negative impact on children. They will easily get stressed to a certain level. For example, when children feel bored and exhausted by the many assignments they get from school, this will have a negative impact on their mental health.

Children will also feel burdened and feel isolated due to this online learning method. They should be able to have social interactions with their friends or the learning environment, but with the online learning system they have to study independently at home.

Conclusion: It is important to take a serious approach and supervision to find out the development of our children when learning online so that parents can take appropriate action when children experience problems or pressure in their activities in the online teaching and learning process.

This is the end of my participation in this Challenge. I want to invite friends @arispranata5 @sailawana and @rumaisha.






Banyak hal yang perlu kita perhatikan ketika mendidik dan membentuk karakteristik anak, antara lain adalah sisi positif dan negatifnya dimana setiap anak punya karakter yang berbeda-beda, apalagi pengaruh lingkungan dimana ia dibesarkan, paling tidak juga dapat mempengaruhi jiwa, karakter, pola pikir dan sebagainya. Intinya, semua berpulang pada tiap diri kita dalam mengambil langkah yang tepat untuk masa depannya. Terimakasih atas undangannya kawan baik, mohon maaf atas beberapa kali undangan saya tidak bisa hadir. Saya berharap yang terbaik untuk minggu pertama ini. Salam


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Memang benar bahwa anak-anak harus dibekali ilmu yang bermanfaat untuk masa depannya. Untuk anak-anak yang masih usia dini alangkah baiknya jika kita memberikan waktu kepada mereka untuk belajar sambil bermain, ini penting mengingat masa pertumbuhan dan perkembangan otak anak-anak.

Terimakasih banyak telah berkunjung dan menerima undangan saya,, saya berharap anda akan memiliki waktu luang untuk melakukan banyak Keterlibatan di platform..

Sukses selalu untuk anda my friend 😉

Agree with you that when you would focus on online education of children then definitely it would improves operating computer skills in your children and it would make your children to move more with the modern age as this age is of technology and not only this it is also very important that parents should also be very attentive that what they are watching by using the Internet services.

I wish you success in this challenge....

Children should be given education on the basis of the internet so that they have basic computer skills.

Thank you very much for your visit and wish you blessings.

 5 months ago 

Hello dear! Your insights on the importance of both playing and learning in children's development are invaluable. It is crucial to strike a balance between the two to ensure holistic growth. Your perspective on the role of online education highlights its potential benefits and the need for parental guidance to maximize its effectiveness.Best regards for you.

Of course buddy, we have to do a balance between play and learning for our children especially for those who are here
Providing basic knowledge about the internet is also necessary to teach children about the basics of computer science.

Thank you very much for visiting and commenting..

Both playing and learning have their own benefits for a child's development. Playing helps with motor skills, imagination, and creativity, while learning introduces important concepts like numbers and letters. It's all about finding a balance and making sure kids have a mix of both. And yeah, with all the tech stuff these days, it's important to guide them and encourage a collective life with school, knowledge, and sports. That way, they can have fun, learn, and interact with friends too.

As parents we must give freedom to children to be able to play according to their age. In addition, we also need to provide education to stimulate creativity and development.

Thank you very much for your visit and good luck..


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Greetings success my good sister 👏

 5 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

El aprendizaje apoyado con juegos, genera que el conocimiento no solo sea significativo sino, un agente que permite el desarrollo de habilidades motoras por ello, no sería una excelente opción separar los estudios del juego y en caso de evitar que las cosas se salgan de control, se aplica el equilibrio entre ambas.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

We have collaborated between learning and playing for our children and as a result they more easily understand what we teach
It is important to provide education to early childhood children and provide enough play time for them.

Thank you very much for your visit and wish my best friend..

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Since the children of these days are called internet children, they have their minds placed on phones and mobile... They love to play and when they watch most of these children's rhymes, they want to act what they see most times. They believe that the kids they see online are more like them so they also could learn as they play. Although the focus is studying but accompanied by play to make it a success.

When I was little, I love Barney and friends, it was favorite because I have so much to learn from it and my parents allowed me vut sometimes they proof to be African parents..

Success to you!

You are right my friend, children are very easily influenced by their viewing on the internet. As parents we must pay attention and supervision to their activities on the internet.
You have had a wonderful childhood with your parents who have always been supportive and provide a good education for you.

Best wishes my sister and thank you for your visit..

Hello friend, you are right, both education and play are important for the comprehensive development of children, because they help children develop their skills.

Technology is very helpful for education, but as you mentioned, children must be guided so that it is used correctly, because many times they start studying and end up distracted.

If we maintain good use of technology it would be beneficial for our children.

Success and blessings in the contest.

I think learning and playing are both very important for our children. We only need to do good supervision when children do their activities.
In providing online lessons to children, we should accompany them so as not to do deviant things.

Thank you very much for your visit and support.. 👏

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