Contest | “Correlation Between Parenting And Child Behaviour"

in Hindwhale Community2 months ago (edited)

Train your child in a very good way so that when he or she grow up, they will never depart from it
As parents, we are the pillars of our family and also when we take good care of our children they will grow and be happy with us and also have a good and bright future.
Thanks to @manisha.jain9 for coming up with this wonderful contest idea.

How does parenting affect child behaviour?

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Parenting really affects the behaviour of a child, and it depends on our family background whether we have good or bad parenting guidance.
I am very lucky to have good parenting from my parents and it really affected my life in a positive way because the love, care and good treatment that I received from my parents have played a huge role to my success in life.

Parenting is simply the act of raising a child and providing him or her with every assistance that they need to succeed in life

Our parents gave birth to us, and after God, it is our parents that we respect most, and anything that they tell us to do, we will definitely do it.


When you are unlucky to have bad parenting, it will affect your life in a negative way because you will become a bad influence on society, when your parents refuse to take good care of you.
It will be very hard for you not to engage yourself in bad activities, so overall parenting really affects a child.

It advisable for parents to hive their children good guidance and everything that they need to succeed in life because their future depends on you and if it's bright you will enjoy the fruit of your labour or end up suffering depending on how you take your responsibility as a parent.

Is there any correlation between them?


Yes, there's a correlation between them because every successful man or woman out there received good parenting, and most of the bad people out there were due to bad parenting that they find themselves when they are.
I have seen a person who was a bad influence, and when I confronted him, he told me that he grew up without parenting it was so sad to hear.

Is parenting alone responsible for child behaviour, or are there any other factors, too? What are they? Explain.

Parenting only play a huge role in the behaviour of a child but the society that we live also have some responsibility in making a child to have a good behaviour and also our elder ones also play their part in making sure that a child have a good behaviour.


Some children are unfortunate to come from a very bad home that their parents doesn't even care about their wellbeing which make them to have bad behaviour, but God made us not to be equal that is why we have elder ones that will take good care of us and also teach us how to behave good to people.

Sometimes the environment that we leave affects the behaviour of children, which is why we should always be careful when building or renting a house, so we can raise our children in a healthy environment

Also, when we go to church, we listen to the word of God, and it enriches us to do the will of God which will affect our life in a positive way and also make us to have good behaviour so as to be a good influence to the society.
The behaviour of a child is very important and I am very happy that my parents taught me how to behave well and also people around me and also our priest in the church who always make sure that I do the right thing.

Can we change a child’s behaviour after they are grown up?


No it will take only the grace of God to change the behaviour of a grown-up child, because God gave them to use so that we will take good care of them and also make them to have good character and behaviour.

We should try to give our children good behaviour when they are still young so that they will never depart from it

When a child is grown up his behaviour must have turned into a habit to him and it is impossible to change his behaviour at that moment, that is way we should lay a good foundation in the life is our children.

I am using this opportunity to invite @josepha, @simonnwigwe, @pandora2010, @goodybest and @rdp89 to join me and participate in this wonderful contest

10% goes to @hindwhale


What an amazing post you got ther keep up the good work.


Hello fellow bonaventure24, I appreciate your invitation, hope you are successful my friend.

I have read your publication and you have given an excellent opinion on each question, it depends on the parents' upbringing of the children, that is the difference in their behavior, adults who are parents must give a good education and upbringing to their children.

Greetings and blessings to you friend.

Thanks my friend for the good wishes i really appreciate ❤️ 🙏
Do have a nice day 😊 and i wish you all the best 👍

Too wishes a good Day for You friend bonaventure24.

What a thoughtful and insightful post! Your emphasis on the significance of parenting in shaping a child's behavior and future is well-articulated. It's evident that you value the positive impact of good parenting and acknowledge the role of society, environment, and faith in influencing a child's behavior. Your personal testimony about the positive guidance you received from your parents and community is heartwarming. Your conclusion that laying a strong foundation in early childhood is crucial, as changing behavior later in life can be challenging, is a valuable reminder for parents and caregivers. Thank you for sharing this thoughtful post with us..

Success to you in this contest...

Thanks my friend for this wonderful comment i do appreciate 🙏

 2 months ago 

It is very true that parenting have great effects in our lives and family background also affects a child behavior.
I must say that you are very lucky to grow up in a family where your parents showered you with maximum love, care and treated you well and it has sharpened you to become this responsible today.

Alot of children do not have this kind of opportunity that you had while growing up, you need to be thankful to your parents. You are very lucky I must confess!!

You have written so well dear friend and I wish you success in this contest 😊

Thank you so 💓 much for this wonderful comment i really appreciate it 😊

I wish you success too 🙏 ✨️

 2 months ago 

I appreciate a lot 🙏🥰

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