Steemit Engagement Challenge / S19/W2 - "Life Without Electricity"

Electricity has made our lives easier and everything that is related to our daily tasks evolve around electricity; business, education, communication, healthcare, transportation and most importantly our household functionality. I can't imagine our lives with total shot down of electricity.

IMG_5547.jpegMy photo: electric pole and wire

For the purpose of this contest, I will use the contest tips given by the community to present my entry below;

How my Daily/ Work Life Would be Without Electricity from Now Onwards

Like I said earlier, I can't imagine my daily life without electricity. Everything around me evolve around electricity and each time there is breakout, the frustrating is always unbearable. As a business owner, in order to complete and deliver my costumer's orders, I would one way or the other use electricity. My activeness on steemit platform is also because of constant electricity. Without electricity, there will be hindrance to my daily activities; I won't be able to work ( both on steemit and my physical business), no proper communication with family, friends and customers online. I think that might likely put me into serious depression.

The Kind of Equipment that Would be Required to Live a Hassle-free Life

I am just grateful to life and brilliant people around the world that are always ready to provide solution to problems. If probably, we wake up to the reality of no electricity, the first equipment that would cross my mind would be SOLAR.

IMG_4414.jpegMy photo: Solar panels and batteries

The panels and batteries are life safer and it will definitely serves us better without fear as long as there is constant sun energy. With SOLAR, proper planning and management, we can live comfortably without electricity.

IMG_4919.jpegMy photo: Solar street lights

I choose SOLAR as an alternative because it is renewable/ sustainable energy source that we can use to power various appliances at home.

Would you be Able to Cope with Life Without Electricity

I have experienced life in the past and even currently without electricity, I have stayed for weeks without it and with the help of power bank I was able to cope. My productivity dropped from 100% to 10%, the stress and frustration that comes with it was unbearable.

A life without light, no way to preserve leftover meals, bulk food items at home getting spoilt, no proper communication and lack of productivity in business are all negative impacts of lack of electricity. Oops, with these little experience, I don't think I can cope with life without electricity. The anxiety would be too much.

Last week we stayed for three days without electricity, I felt really unproductive coupled with the stress that almost got me into depression. I hope to get forever solution to electricity problem someday and soonest which is installing SOLAR in my home for my appliances. Honestly, I can’t cope with a life of total DARKNESS!

I will invite @eliany, @anasuleidy and @josepha to join the contest. Thank you!


Banyak sekali kecanggihan elektronik yang membutuhkan tenaga listrik, jika listrik padam maka semuanya akan berhenti begitu saja. Apalagi dalam dunia pekerjaan tentu saja akan banyak mengalami kerugian jika listrik berhenti. Saya sendiri percaya listrik salah satu bagian penting dalam hidup yang memudahkan kita dalam banyak urusan. Semoga anda sukses kawan.

You are right, there will be great loss in many areas of life if someday we wake up to a world without electricity. Thank you for your contribution!

 18 hours ago 

You have nice points to prove why you can't live your life without electricity and how you manage in case of an outage of power. I was a bit confused in the beginning but then I remembered what happened during my childhood and decided to go to this contest a go. Best of luck for the contest!

Thank you for the valuable contribution. I would like to know what happened during your childhood if it’s okay to share. I am curious 😃

 9 hours ago 

I will be posting tomorrow to let you know.

 16 hours ago 

In this technological age, power is essential. Otherwise, our lives will remain in darkness. However, because we have nothing to do during the day, we may maintain positive relationships with our closest friends.

The past generations were able to cope comfortably without electricity, I don’t think this current generation will ever get to cope for long without looking for an alternative. Thank you for your valuable contribution!


Congratulations! This post has been voted through steemcurator04. We support quality posts, good comments anywhere and any tags.


Curated by : @waterjoe

Many thanks @waterjoe for the support 🙏🏻

What an interestingly article you have here indeed we can't do without electricity, it means a lot to us, because our appliances which we use on daily basis must be power with electricity..

Nice one and good luck here.

Absolutely! Our daily lives evolve around power supply
Thank you for your contribution

you have live without electricity and so your ideas are very realistic .Good luck

I have experienced that but I don’t think I can ever cope for a long period of time. My coping mechanism has limit.😆
Thank you for your comment!

Hi dear
How are you? I hope you are fine by the grace of Allah Almighty and I'm fine too Alhamdulillah. It is 100 % right that the electricity has made our life easier and now it would be difficult and challenging to live without electricity. We can communicate with one another through internet like video calls , voice calls and text messages but in the absence of electricity we would adopt different traditional methods to communicate such as letter writing. To preserve food if there will be no electricity we would adopt traditional methods such as canning and drying. Best of luck for contest. Wishing you success.


Hi! Hope you are doing great. I read your post and i came to know that life without electricity harks back to a simpler time, reliant on natural light and manual labor. It fosters a deeper connection with nature, but also presents significant challenges in comfort and convenience. Modern tasks become monumental, highlighting our dependency on this crucial energy source.

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