Steemit Engagement Challenge / S16/W4 - "Children Vs Extracurricular Activities "

in Hindwhale Community3 months ago

Hello Everyone, I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh


Raising a child is not just about spending money on the child and enrolling him in a good educational institution or buying lots of toys and equipment. A child's physical and mental growth should be adapted to the child's needs and physical play should create an environment in which the child is interested in playing. A great theme has been selected today for the fourth week of Season 16. S16/W4-"Children v extra-curricular activities".


How can extracurricular activities help children's physical and mental growth?


Texts make us theoretically wise but if children study for a long time, boredom sets in which makes them lose interest in learning. Apart from physical health, mental health is also necessary for the future generation to grow up properly. Along with education, sports are necessary for physical and mental health. These extracurricular activities help children grow in many ways including physical, cognitive, social and emotional development.

  • Physical Development: Playing sports like cricket, football, hockey or basketball that involve running around strengthens the bones of the child and these physical sports are very necessary for a healthy life.

  • Emotional Development: Through play, children learn how to communicate with others and cooperate and work in teams. Play develops confidence and self-esteem.

  • Learns Reality: Play involves winning and losing which teaches children reality.


Do children today choose extracurricular activities, or are they forced to participate by their parents?

Two types of children are found nowadays in a home addicted to devices and according to parents busy with studies by home tutors most of the time. Other children are interested in sports as well as studies.

During my time I used to come from school, have lunch, take some rest and go to the field and spend a lot of time in sports. Nowadays children are not interested.
But now I have noticed many mothers bring their children to the field and wait on the sidelines letting them play. A lot of children are enrolled in Kriya Academy, mainly because children nowadays are more addicted to devices. Today's parents are very conscious about their child's physical and mental well-being.


Are extracurricular activities necessary for children?

Of course, it is very necessary for the physical and mental development of the child. These extracurricular activities for children will keep the child away from the excessive technology addiction of this time. Extracurricular activities make children interested in studies.


What are the best extracurricular activities for children today?


For children's mental development, the child's attitude should be understood by knowing what the child is comfortable with and allowing the child to do activities according to his interest.

From my point of view it is very important to create cooperation between children rather than competition. It will remove the violent attitude and create a friendly relationship.Here the best extracurricular activities can be debate competitions, cultural activities, skating, football, basketball. A child needs to conduct himself beyond the curriculum to grow physically and mentally.

I invite you @cive40 @daprado1999 @chefdanie to participate in this awesome contest.


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

Assalamu'alaikum. Anda mempunyai perspektif yang bagus tentang anak dan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler. Dan itu adalah sebuah modal untuk bisa mendidik anak menjadi orang yang sukses dimasa depan. Semoga beruntung dengan kontes ini.

 3 months ago 

Walaikum Assalam,
Thanks for your valuable comments. Extracurricular Activities Physical and mental activities are very important for children.

Thank you, @abdul-rakib, for sharing your insightful thoughts on the importance of extracurricular activities for children's physical and mental development. Your emphasis on the role of sports in strengthening bones and fostering teamwork, as well as the need for balance between academics and extracurriculars, is particularly noteworthy. It's heartening to see parents becoming more conscious of their children's well-being and encouraging their participation in such activities.

 3 months ago 

A child, be it sports, art, music or whatever, will be a more disciplined and responsible child in the future. All physical or other sports outside education can be called extracurricular activities which are very important for children.

The importance of providing space for children to do extracurricular activities so that they can develop better, especially physically and mentally.

Very interesting post mate, thank you for the invitation.

 3 months ago 

Thanks fo valuable comment.
A child, be it sports, art, music or whatever, will be a more disciplined and responsible child in the future. All physical or other sports outside education can be called extracurricular activities which are very important for children.


We are in tune my friend, you should listen to the child, do not impose activities, usually they enjoy them if they are motivated or do it of their own free will, it is important that children perform especially outdoor activities that allow them to be in contact with nature, exercise. However, there are also great manual activities, it is just a matter of selecting the right one for the child, let them enjoy it.

 3 months ago 

Thanks for your valuable feedback.
I took your advice and I will try to treat my future child like this. Your experience will teach me well.

Latihan ekstrakurikuler adalah penawar bagi anak yang merasa bosan di dalam pelajaran akademiknya di sekolah, selain menambah wawasan dan teman latihan ini dapat melatih fisik dan mental agar lebih kuat.

Salam teman...

 3 months ago 

A child, be it sports, art, music or whatever, will be a more disciplined and responsible child in the future. All physical or other sports outside education can be called extracurricular activities which are very important for children.

Thanks for your valuable comments.

Ciertamente amigo @abdul-rakib, cuando el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje comienza a hacerse tedioso y aburrido, es cuando debe entrar en juego el diseño de actividades extracurriculares que propicien la participación de los niños para hacer el proceso más divertido, es decir, mientras aprenden se divierten, fomentan las relaciones interpersonales con otros niños, mejoran sus habilidades para el trabajo en equipo y contribuye con el desarrollo físico y emocional de los niños.

Saludos y éxito en el concurso.

 3 months ago 

A child, be it sports, art, music or whatever, will be a more disciplined and responsible child in the future. All physical or other sports outside education can be called extracurricular activities which are very important for children.

Thanks for your valuable comments.

 3 months ago 

You covered this topic in a very thoughtful and balanced way. I found it fascinating how you contrasted your own childhood with today's kids regarding outdoor play and screen time. That rings so true - our generation grew up running around outside from dawn till dusk, while nowadays it's a battle to keep kids away from devices.

 3 months ago 

A child, be it sports, art, music or whatever, will be a more disciplined and responsible child in the future. All physical or other sports outside education can be called extracurricular activities which are very important for children.

Thanks for your valuable comments.

 3 months ago 

My pleasure. 😊

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