“Steemit Engagement Challenge - S13/W5 - 90's vs 2K"

in Hindwhale Community8 months ago

Hello Everyone I am @abdul-rakib
From #Bangladesh


Hello dear members of the Hindwhale community how are you all? I'm going to start today's season 13 week five engagement with a comparison between the two decades. This theme is very surprising and interesting to me. I'm going to compare it today from my own story S13W5- "90's vs 2K".


If you lived in both the 90's and 2K generations, which one did you like the most?


I was born in the 90s, I was young, maybe I didn't enjoy the 90s fully, but the smell of the 90s is on me. So I know that I grew up in a pure environment. 2K I've gone from being a teenager to being a teenager. I would prefer the 90s. I love that 90's vibe I love that pure vibe.

The 90s may not have been as glamorous as it is now, but everything was authentic and nothing was fake like it is now. Communication between people was good even though communication was not as advanced as it is now.


How was school life now in the nineties?


School life in 90s was simple but teaching was very good but there were no advanced laboratories but people learned well. In the 90s, students respected teachers. Then everyone would go to Sir's house in batches. Sports abounded in Tiffin Bay. I have seen that in the classroom sirs would give punishment if they could not read. Most of the students used to walk to school then.

2K education is now very advanced and expensive. Now very few students go to sir's house to study in batches. Now have separate tutors for each subject. Mothers have to go with them to go to school. Have to bring again. Now the students do not go to the teacher or friend's house for any subject, they take it out quickly from Google. The use of technology is more noticeable. Overuse of technology is having an adverse effect in some cases.


Compare 90s entertainment with 2K entertainment.


In the 90s, our whole village had a radio in every house but the television was a black and white one too. It used to watch two movies a week and Alif Laila on Fridays. Every TV serial back then was decent to watch with the family.

2K's entertainment is now in the hands of young and old, even in the hands of children of minor age smartphones easily accessible internet, various social media platforms. And as much obscene content can be said to trade views on YouTube. Current healthy entertainment is very lacking.


Compare 90's and 2K's games/sports


In 90's there were some popular games Bangladesh Hadudu game was very popular that game is the national game of Bangladesh. Besides, children's games were Kanamachi, gollachoot, bird shooting, various kinds of games. If it's a video game for schoolboys, it's as if he's got the moon in the sky. We went to the video game center once a week. We played football by making balls out of paper.

Due to the welfare of the current technology, the game of the field has been lost and various diseases have taken root. Mobile games have become popular among children today. Among them is the blue-whale, which is a life-threatening game. Free-fire, pubg, and gambling are available.


Compare the sweetness of 90s and 2K.


Aha! Sweets in the golden days meant lollipops, lozenges and bubblegum, long bars made of sugar, they may not have been healthy but they were the best we had back then.

2K's sweets are different types of bahari colored sweets of different flavors cakes, ice creams. Which many people call dessert.

I'd say the 90's were better than the present. I know what the future holds for us.


I invite you @isha-rehman @wirngo @goodybest @adylinah @katherine012 to compare these two decades and mention your favorite decade.Steemit Engagement Challenge / S13W5- “90's vs 2K"


Thanks for reading my post
Good luck to you.
I wish you well


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.

There were some clear differences between the two decades. In the 90s, there was a strong sense of optimism and prosperity, fueled by the economic boom of the time. Technology was also a big focus, with the rise of the internet and personal computers. The fashion and music of the 90s were also distinctive, with grunge and hip hop having a big impact on the cultural landscape. The 2000s, on the other hand, were defined by events like 9/11 and the Iraq War, which created a more somber and uncertain atmosphere. The rise of social..

One of the biggest differences between education in the 90s and the 2k was the cost. In the 90s, education was relatively affordable, and many families could afford to send their children to school without too much financial strain. By the 2k, the cost of education had increased significantly, and many families found it difficult to afford school for their children. Another difference was the materials used in schools. In the 90s, most schools still relied on traditional materials like books and paper. By the 2k, schools had started to adopt more digital materials, like laptops and tablets....

One of the biggest differences between entertainment in the 90s and the 20s was the role of radio. In the 90s, radio was still a major source of news and entertainment. People would listen to the radio to hear the latest news, or to listen to their favorite music or talk shows. By the 20s, the internet had become the primary source of information and entertainment. Radio was still around, but it had become less central to people's lives. This is just one example of how entertainment has changed over the years. Do you have any other questions about the entertainment of the 90s and 20s?

Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge friend....

 8 months ago 

Thanks dear friend for your nice analytical valuable comment.


Right in our country the education system of 90s was very good but not expensive. And in today's era education system is not good but very expensive. Which has a lot of economic impact on the common people.

 8 months ago 

Yes, current education is costing a lot. Thanks for your valuable comments.

 8 months ago 

¡Saludos amigo!🤗

Curiosamente los 90's fue una década donde teníamos tan poco en cuanto a avances tecnológicos se refiere pero, había mejor educación y, pienso que esto opaca totalmente todo el despliegue de tecnología que hoy día tenemos.

Siento que jamás dejaré de lamentar que, en esta era de los 2000's se permitió perder la buena educación que caracterizó a los 90's.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica, un fuerte abrazo💚

 8 months ago 

Yes, the education of that time is not there now, then the students had a lot of loyalty and respect for the teachers. Now many times in the news, teachers are bribed by students. The friendships of those days are still tainted compared to the friendships of today. Thank you for your support.

I'm so old that I remember the radio at home...

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