Order as a key to a successful life

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello dear friends!

have had the opportunity to read several posts related to success, and maybe it is because we all want to achieve it in what we do, either in the short or long term depending on what we propose. Some people think that success is achieved when you have money and that it is a matter of your luck in life and that not everyone manages to achieve it. However, if we review the stories of many people who have achieved success we see in common their constant work, effort, dedication, perseverance and perseverance.

There are many keys that we can take into account to achieve success, among them we can also mention maintaining good habits in our lives, which are focused on achieving what we want, so we must identify which ones will help us achieve our goals and put them into practice.

In this post I want to focus specifically on the importance of order to achieve success, particularly in these days that I have been most of my time at home, I have devoted myself to order many things that previously could not for not having so much time available and really the feeling of tranquility and relaxation has been very positive.

Now, what do you feel when you arrive at a place that is messy and dirty for example?

Image credit: pxhere.com

You may have the feeling that they live in a disorderly way, with discouragement and with little willingness to work, that they are used to, and conformed with this way of living, and that mentally they accept this situation so they do not look for ways to generate changes.

The images that we observe feed our subconscious, for example, dirt makes us think of poverty, problems, scarcity, while clean and tidy places give us the feeling of prosperity.

Image credit: pixabay.com

We must maintain order in our life, that means to be orderly with our thoughts, our things, activities, time, so we can get the following benefits:

  • Increase creativity, to create we must have a clear mind and a mess around us what it creates is mental disorder, while a clean, tidy environment makes ideas flow better.

    Image credit: pxhere.com

  • Increase sociability, since it will allow us to share more with friends and family, because we will feel more confident and more willing to invite them to a space suitable for this without feeling uncomfortable.

  • Increase productivity, according to results of studies, those who kept their homes tidy were in better shape because they were engaged in cleaning, washing and other activities, so they are more active, while untidy people are associated with laziness. At work, successful people always have a quick and timely response and this is achieved because they keep their minds and things in order, from locating a file, information and having their ideas in order.

  • And something important, is that you are happier, since it reduces the possibility of suffering from depression because the disorder or visual chaos helps to increase the segregation of cortisol, the hormone related to stress. If you are happier you are more productive in your activities.

Remember that if we want to achieve success at a personal, work, family, emotional level, we must change or seek new habits to help us achieve it, maybe at first it is not easy but we must take the first step recognizing that we must change and work to achieve it.

I hope you find this information useful, see you next time!


Hello @yusvelasquez

Excellent topic, I think that order dominates my world and I confess that in many things the results have not been favorable, when you say "increase productivity, according to the results of studies, those who kept their homes tidy were in better shape because they were engaged in cleaning, washing and other activities", is something that I identify with, a messy place generates stress and collapses my mood to the point of not wanting to do anything.

Best regards, be well.

Hello @lupafilotaxia!
Good that you have the habit of keeping things tidy, it definitely affects the mood of the people, and the coexistence in the family as that can be the cause of many problems. Thanks for commenting!

It's like the saying "look who you hang out with and I'll tell you who you are" because that's how friends are in all areas, they are those supports and if we are also lucky enough to have them share ventures with us, it is much lighter and more profitable, in some cases.
thanks for sharing

Hi @yusvelasquez
Talking about success is truly very relative. We all have goals that we pursue, some think very big, perhaps, others settle for less complex things, but in good measure we will measure our success with the measure of what we desire.
But, everyone must keep in mind much or all of what you mention, we cannot pretend to get what we want if we do nothing to get it.

I agree with you that success is relative, and depends on what you want and how each person sees it. But without a doubt, we must know what we want and work to achieve it, otherwise it will not come to our lives. Thanks for commenting, greetings!

"And something important, is that you are happier, since it reduces the possibility of suffering from depression because the disorder or visual chaos helps to increase the segregation of cortisol, the hormone related to stress" .

I have mentioned in other writings that I have suffered from depression for several years. I can confirm that what you say is true: disorder generates stress, and stress sooner or later makes you feel discouraged, sad, down. If that continues, we can succumb to a much more serious depression.

Order helps me feel good. It tidies up my mind and spirit. It is true what you say.

Thank you for your content.

Love, Sam.

Hello @antidepresion!
Thanks for your comment and for sharing your experience! It is true that being in a clean and tidy place the air you breathe is different and makes you feel better, sometimes you have to get the desire to do it even if you don't want to. Greetings!

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