An explanation of Tau: a type artificial intelligence

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)


Where did I first hear of Tau?

I first learned of Tau in a post by @kevinwong As I read his Tau Introductory post, which you can read here link. After reading the article by @kevinwong I looked up his reference articles on the Internet. Where I found an organization called the Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiative or IDNI. You can read more about them here

I would like to start with a definition of the Tau I credit to the IDIN above, Which defined Tau partially like this:

What is Tau

Tau is a decentralized blockchain network intended to solve the bottlenecks inherent in large scale human communication and accelerate productivity in human collaboration using logic based Artificial Intelligence. Currently, large scale discussions and collaborative efforts carried out directly between people are highly inefficient. To address this problem, we developed a paradigm which we call Human-Machine-Human communication: the core principle is that the users can not only interact with each other but also make their statements clear to their Tau client. Our paradigm enables Tau to deduce areas of consensus among its users in real time, allowing the network to boost communication by acting as an intermediary between humans. It does so by collecting the opinions and preferences its users wish to share and logically constructing opinions into a semantic knowledge base. Able to deduce consensus and understand discussions, Tau can automatically generate and execute code on consensus basis, through a process known as code synthesis. This will greatly accelerate knowledge production and expedite most large scale collaborative efforts we can imagine in today's world.

My thoughts

I found this intriguing because human communication is frequently ineffective in terms of communicating ideas and avoiding distractions caused by grammar, spelling or syntax. Occasionally also tone intrudes. Add to this our human difficulties of understanding and compiling knowledge. I am always reminded of how easy it is to miss important information even when watching and listening to a movie intensely, because if I watch the movie a second time I notice important pieces of dialogue and character actions I missed the first time or whose significance was initially overlooked.

I believe this occurs frequently in human dialogue.

We are distracted by tone, grammar or misspellings and miss some of the important content. It is important to try and focus on the ideas and meanings people are sharing with you. It is by focusing on that we learn from the thinking power of other brains.

The description of the Tau provides one method of improving human communication by creating a neutral intermediator to filter the descriptions and focus on the content, compare human dialogue side by side and then perhaps display where agreement or consensus exists, as well as where difference or divergence exists.

I think that while original creative thought is currently still a human function, the sorting and comparison of human content maybe more efficiently performed by machines. This use of artificial intelligence to remove distractions and present summaries of individual content should make human interactions more efficient and both meetings and correspondence more productive.

The additional area where I see this being useful is in administration and governance.

Whereby we seek decentralization in this niche called cryptocurrency, decentralization does by its very nature increases the number of human to human interactions and increases the number of information packets our eyes, ears and ultimately our brains must process content, ideas and derivative thoughts. The nature of this high numerical situation quickly exceeds our human efficiencies and using this as a process for administration leads to prolonged amounts of time to make administrative decisions.

The more complex nature of governance where creativity and derivative thinking are it’s very core characteristics, only multiplies this difficulty. It is unclear to me if the current Tau can help with the later, governance, but I think the former, administrative is a better starting point because we humans can an objectively identify administrative rules for the Tau to use to process all the human discussions, compare them to these rules and then quantify the numbers of consensual opinions and also the divergent ones. This allows the Tau to make administrative decisions, but also provide divergent thoughts and opinions for possible human consideration and intervention.

As for governance

I think the creative nature of governance thought and derivative thought nature of governance requires human decision capability, but even in this case the Tau can potentially aide humans in identification of consensus and divergence, so our time can be spent not on areas where we agree, those can be published for recognition, but on are our areas of divergence. Which is where our creativity lies and our human administration of governance should occur.

These are my initial thoughts about Tau and how I see it’s real world application in subsequent posts. But that real world application explanations requires some explanation and illustration of background knowledge. The volume of that information exceeds my overall goal of short essays with digestible amounts of information.


Remember nothing is beyond your comprehension, the world of decentralized finance is an economic equalizer because of scale. It is to finance what Micro-loans are to business.



Intelligent Decentralized Networks Initiative or IDNI.
You can read more about them here

@kevinwong Tau Language

This a sunset over the Waianae Mountains by @shortsegments

 4 years ago 

Hello, appreciated Sir, @shortsegments.

I would love for you to know a little more about our economy.
Since at Project Hope we seek self-sustainability, we have developed a small ecosystem that has allowed us to grow and give the most support to our members and subscribers.

By complying with a couple of simple procedures, you, respected Sir, will be able to reap considerably far greater rewards than you have yet received.

I would like to introduce you to my partner and Lead Founder of Project: @crypto.piotr (Discord user: crypto.piotr#3426).
I'm sure he can give you all the details.

Dear @shortsegments

I've been meaning to ask you. I was wondering, if you had a chance to read about our project.hope economy?

Perhaps I could share with you 2 links to 2 posts, where we explain how are we organized, what are our goals and vision and little bit of history.

You could then decide if this is something worth your participation.

Yours, @crypto.Piotr

Hi @crypto.pior
I am happy to learn more and look forward to receiving the links and reading the posts.

 4 years ago 

Dear @shortsegments

Please check out those 2 links:

a) our project.hope economy explained:

b) learn little bit about our history, goals and vision:

I would appreciate if you could invest some time and read it carefully, so you would have bigger understanding of "what is Project.hope".

Yours, Piotr

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