The Reason You Should Learn To Ask For Help Or Assistance

in Project HOPElast year

A few days back, I had a little chitchat with a friend, but before then, I had noticed that she was moody and unhappy for days. Then I had to ask her what the problem was. It was then that she opened up to tell me what she had been going through and how she needed help. I told her that she would have asked, and to my surprise, she said that she thought I would have known. Humorously, I told her that I am not Charles Xavier of the X-men that can read mind, so she should learn to ask. I helped out nonetheless, and she felt so happy. If she had asked earlier, she would have gotten the help earlier.


Image from Pixabay

The truth is that any human you see today is also a subset of another human. What this means is that you cannot make it alone and you will definitely need someone else to make it. Another truth is that asking is one of the basic parts of not just what makes us humans, but of communication in general. However, a lot of people do not ask, not because they are not in need, but because they have reservations with asking: maybe because of fear of getting a "no" or fear of rejection, or maybe because of their overinflated ego that will not let them to ask. But whichever it is, it will definitely limit you because most times, you can only receive when you have asked.

One should also know that in order for asking to be justifiable, you should ask for what is right, when it is right, and for the right reasons. For example, it will be far better to ask someone to teach you how to catch fish from the river than asking the person to be giving you fish. The former will place responsibility on you but the latter will merely turn you into a liability. So it is far better that you ask in order to assume and take responsibility then waiting for someone to take over your liabilities.

More so, you have to ask nicely, knowing that the person is not under compulsion to help or assist you, and it is not your right to be helped. There are some people, who have the right reason to ask, but have been turned down because they did not ask rightly. Asking rightly also entails asking at the right time. Imagine asking someone for a favour at the time that you have offended them and they are already angry with you, do you think you will ever get the favour? But the same favour can easily be given, and more, if you ask them when they are happy with you or when you have impressed them with something good that you have done.

Now, one may want to find out "what are the reasons you need to ask?" It is important to note that a lot of people are too busy pursuing after their goals that they will not even take notice of the fact that you need help. Also, just like what I told my friend, people do not have the ability to read minds, because humans have not achieved telepathy, so they will not know the help you need, so you have to learn to speak out. Even when you go to a doctor for example, you have to tell them what your challenges are. So help people to help you by asking.


Image from Pixabay

Furthermore, asking, particularly asking for clarification, explanation, description, or direction can demonstrate your level of confidence. There are some questions that you will ask or the assistance you will seek, it will reflect your true value and your true worth. For example; when someone asks you to teach them how to fish, you will understand that the person is actually responsible for their life and they value responsibility. As a matter of fact, one can easily infer the kind of person you are from what you ask for. So learn to ask rightly.

Thanks for reading

Peace on y'all


You are right oooo, but I really don't know how to ask for help at all, I don't like being a burden to others and even the little time I did, nothing happened, so I just resolved to keep things to myself until a miracle happens.

Sometimes, the miracle may just be waiting for you to ask before it happens. Don't you think so?

Thanks dear Bimbo.

You have said it all. At the end, no one is an island, we need input from others to stand tall

That's right. We all need each other.

Thanks buddy

hmmm... I am free asking doubts and questions on discort with the crypto community and they have been very civil and nice answering, clarifying, rectifying the matter.

But you need to take initiative, not be naive but already explored the platform but have a pressing doubth on it that you cannot sort out reading the docs or faq...

Personally, I don't ask for much, coz I have been mostly turned down...

  1. You need to ask the right person, because not everyone are willing to help you.

You have to be strong and move on and not get offended if your ignored...

Online communities help out. I learnt lot about cat welfare though community...

So, develop a base, be part of communities, get to know people, so you have a place to go for help when you need.

I have been stressed, anxious... and it's been hard managing assignments... that I am actually you know not doing my writing as well as before and confidence is going, motivation and all, because of a web3 assignment that I tried doing fast to meet dead line, ignoring other things.

So, you need to learn to negotiate and carve your space too...

Anyway... with difficulty making time to read and comment on some articles on PH, to do my bit as a PH commenity member... it's worth it, I could have choosen to just post articles and leave it at that, but no I have to support other community members too...

This is a very relevent topic your discussed here...

Wow! This is a highly insightful and nice comment. Of course, not everyone will be willing to help you even if you ask nicely and at the right time. So you also need to know how to manage "no" so that it will not weaken you.

Thanks a lot for coming around buddy.

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