Skype takes a step forward in video calls

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Video calls without registration or installation.

Screenshot_2020-04-10 Organize conference calls on Skype with one click Skype (5).png


In some way what is happening worldwide affects us all, even more so when we are in our homes without being able to go out and without being able to see our relatives.

We are isolated to protect ourselves although it sounds cruel, but we must do it, because we cannot know who has the virus and who does not. Until the necessary tests are done to determine who is infected and who is not.
The symptoms give you an indication of who may be infected, however in the first hours it is often mistaken for a common flu.

As always, technology comes to our rescue so as not to lose communication with our families and friends who are not around. Isolation means that we are looking for the best way to communicate and in that sense there are many programs that provide video calling services.

Skype Meet Now, providing solutions

[Skype] ( In the middle of everything that is happening I create a solution, for now I don't know if it is temporary, but while we are isolated it is a solution brilliant. It has a new function of the videoconference service to cover the need that people have to be connected, in this way they improve the situation compared to other platforms that offer the service and are usually their direct competition.

The current closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been noted that video call services have increased in an impressive way, this information is indicated by the great experts in the sector.

What's new in Skype Meet Now

Considering the announcement of ** Skype Meet Now ** great, where it indicates that it allows video conferencing without the need to register anywhere or, failing that, download and install any other application, best of all is easy with just one click. a link that you can share with all your family or people with whom you want to communicate and start a conversation.

Screenshot_2020-04-10 Organize conference calls on Skype with one click Skype (4).png


Skype It has another great feature, you can record the call, and apparently you can make a connection with up to 50 people, however for you to have more information I invite you to visit its

Begin from this moment to communicate with all your loved ones. Communication is important and technology is available to you, take advantage of it.

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"In constant evolution".


A great and very timely information, in times when optimal communication is paramount. Thank you very much for sharing it, Professor @lanzjoseg. My support in the #toptres over here. A hug back!.

Thanks for sharing! This is new to me. Great to see Microsoft stepping up after seeing their competitor Zoom getting such a strong spike in users.

 4 years ago 

That is definitely good that there is competition this way there will always be someone who offers a better service.
I've heard some bad news from ZOOM

We have technology to thank, I cannot imagine what this period of isolation will look like without the presence of an internet facility and skype is doing well to help situation look more easy.

 4 years ago 

Certainly something great is what this tool offers.

 4 years ago 

It's great news that skype made their product more userfriendly. It's great to have several options when making video calls. It seems that Zoom has quite some security issues.

 4 years ago 

That I read in some news the security problem that Zoon has, I think that I take advantage of it Sk

These tools make confinement and distancing more bearable for many. It makes it easier for people to visually keep in touch, beyond text messages or you. That's very good.
The truth is that I have never used the skype service, with the WS that has been facilitated, but what you say about up to 50 people in the video call, is impressive.

Thanks for sharing it professor @lanzjoseg

 4 years ago 

If it is in any way it helps us communicate with our loved ones-


Thanks for sharing this, I hadn't seen this server from Skype.

It is a cruel time but this type of technology is really making a difference to keep people connected. I use video conferencing a lot at work normally but I have now find it expand even more and come into other areas of my life. In the last week, I have had three firsts:

  1. My company used a Microsoft Teams Live event to talk to our 450 staff across Europe with different presenters taking part
  2. I went to a virtual birthday party by Skype where multiple family members came from different countries and locations to celebrate a family birthday
  3. I held a regular youth group, where we normally meet in your local youth centre, where we held online activities using Zoom for young people and had about 30 young people on-line who joined in.

Lots of firsts!

Wow, really impressive.

 4 years ago 

Wow. Friend, I congratulate you on those pleasant experiences.

I have only connected with family members who managed to flee Venezuela.

We are lucky this technology allows us to do that.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Of course we know that certain companies will make lots of money this period and with this new innovation, skype is definitely going to be one of them.

 4 years ago 

Of course this is a way to bring more people to your product, good business strategy.

Thanks dear @lanzjoseg. We need all the competition both Skype and Zoom and others so that the service becomes better as each try to outdo the other. I use Zoom for now, but will check up Skype Meet Now

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