Coronavirus & AI (BlueDot)

in Project HOPE5 years ago (edited)

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BlueDot is a Canadian company that specializes in the application of AI and human applied to a global early warning system on the spread of infectious diseases.

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  • BlueDot Insights sends infectious disease alerts almost in real time.
  • BlueDot Explorer is a cloud-based GIS platform that integrates more than 100 diverse data sets, including global air travel and disease surveillance almost in real time.

In addition to predicting the Zika outbreak in Florida six months before the first case and having published more than 10 years of scientific research on the spread of infectious diseases in the world's most reputable magazines, BlueDot products are used by governments in 12 countries and several hospital networks in North America.

The tool is capable of processing natural language. It uses machine learning techniques (machine learning, in English) to cross information from news of global reach in 65 languages, published in local media where cases of influenza are mentioned, deaths without an apparent explanation and symptoms that are not located in a diagnosis specifically, both in humans and animals, airline traffic data and other reports of disease outbreaks.

The objective of BlueDot is to try to track the information as soon as possible and more quickly than the disease can spread.

Once artificial intelligence completes this automated data filter, epidemiologists verify that the conclusions make sense from a scientific point of view, and send a report to public health officials in a dozen countries.

The AI ​​system has already proved efficient in previous epidemics. BlueDot already worked a few years ago during the spread of the Zika virus.

Venezuela Present.


Final Observations

Government Malpractice

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported on the epidemic on January 9, 2020. The American Center for Disease Control (CDC) was a little faster and reported on Day 6.
Before the first cases of the Wuhan virus were made public, Artificial Intelligence was the first system that alerted the existence and spread of coronavirus. He did that before the end of 2019.

So why did the Chinese government hide the potential existence of a virus?

They only made it public once several cases had been confirmed, which made propagation control inefficient.

Civil and commercial air traffic, to and from China, involves considerable volumes. In addition, it should be considered that the destinations of these flights and sea crossings include cities from all continents.

Now the entire world population faces the possibility of a lethal disease with proportions of global epidemic.


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Friend @juanmolina, this bluedot is an interesting tool.
I must tell you that as a health professional I am at a kind of crossroads in relation to all this. I've even seen robots that have a greater capacity to make correct diagnoses than medical specialists with tens of years of experience. And this is good? These specialists will say no, because the human factor must always be essential, but particularly I say, if the technology is there, you have to use it, and achieve a balance, in the end the patient (in these cases) are the priority.

However, in the case you are raising about China, perhaps ignoring the warning issued by the bot has more to do with something economic, since that country is currently losing hundreds or billions of dollars as a result of the virus. Or maybe they didn't believe that such a thing could be happening. There may be many reasons for this.

Very good your publication. It's an issue of global impact.

 5 years ago 

Hi @josevas217

Surely bluedot sounds like an interesting tool. Hopefully it will be useful in the future.

thanks for sharing your view on that topic from the perspective of health professional.


It's good to know what's new, because you can't fight against it, knowing it allows you to know more tools that make the work of health personnel easier.

 5 years ago 

BlueDot already has a successful track record.
It is a technology that does work. But you will always need human intervention.

Currently there are AI processes that no longer need human intervention, but these advances are not in health

 5 years ago 

@tipu curate

 5 years ago 

Dear @juanmolina

World is lately turning up-side down with amounts of threats that we're all experiencing.

Trade war, climat change, global economic slow down, development of AI threatening job market .... and now this. Some bloody virus. Jezz.... 2020 will most likely be very difficult. For many.

global early warning system on the spread of infectious diseases

That sounds like a noble idea. Hopefully this idea will not be abused (I can come up easily with many ways that it potentially could).

Artificial Intelligence was the first system that alerted the existence and spread of coronavirus. He did that before the end of 2019.

That sounds very ... general. AI was first system to alert us? It's a bit like saying 'super computer' alerted us. A bit to little info :)

Plus how could any AI come to conslusion that coronavirus is spreading? AI analize data, and there wasn't much data to analize in the first place. Chinese authorities took care of it very well.

Upvote on the way,
Yours, Piotr

 5 years ago 

BlueDot works with governments and nations. Only available to government agencies.
The Chinese authorities are not users of Bluedot, therefore they were not going to heed these warnings.

However, they should have advanced their own investigations more quickly. But they waited too long. Now they are fighting the spread and losing the battle.

No friend. China did not make a good move.

Hi @juanmolina, thanks for sharing

Now the entire world population faces the possibility of a lethal disease with proportions of global epidemic.

It is incredible how the world population is put at risk only for defending economic interests.

 5 years ago 

You hit the nail!
It's all about money.

Amazing the work of AI, If artificial intelligence could get such signals before the end of 2019, why didn't the government do something about it before it became an epidermic. The possibility of corona virus becoming a pandemic is very high since the population of china is on a high side and a lot of people from around the world go to china for business purposes.

 5 years ago 

In my opinion we are already in the pandemic stage.

why didn't the government do something about it before it became an epidermic.

We already know the answer: Money!

Hi @juanmolina

Bluedot is a great tool, hopefully it will be used correctly, they can be the hands of a mad scientist, it would surely be the end of humanity.
It is impressive how AI is making great strides.
I believe that governments hide information because they make a lot of profit, I have always thought that whoever makes the virus, also does the antivirus and co-deals with both.

Good post, I congratulate you.

Posted using Partiko Android

 5 years ago 

I have always thought that whoever makes the virus, also does the antivirus and co-deals with both.

Not only in the computational area is this a reality.

Behind all this we could also be in the presence of a new wave of world population control.

The last one was in 1918 with the Spanish fever. More than 50 million dead.

Conspiracy theory. New world order.

Now we see: Dictatorships are dangerous for all humanity.

 5 years ago 

No doubt it is so. And when dictatorships dominate the third part of the world population, the repercussions have global reach.

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