Marketing Manipulation

in Project HOPElast year

A good weekend to all members of Project Hope and Steemit in general, I hope this has been a very profitable week for everyone.

Today when we talk about Marketing, we talk about an area in constant expansion, which is expected to continue to grow for a long time, much more now that the trend is to continue to deepen the use of digital, social networks and more. It is here where we could see the use of this tool, even without noticing it. And it is there where there is a kind of "magic" happens, that we could say that many are manipulated and without realizing it.



It is no secret that marketing is a powerful tool used to promote products and services, and its main objective is to persuade the target audience to buy the product or service offered. However, in some cases, marketing can be manipulative and misleading, which can lead people to make wrong decisions.

One of the methods of manipulation used by marketing is the creation of an artificial need. Advertisers can create a sense of need in the consumer by exaggerating the features and benefits of a product. By presenting a product in an attractive, emotional or persuasive way, advertisers can make consumers feel compelled to buy it, even though they don't really need it. This is something they achieve very often and with a lot of power.

Another manipulative marketing technique is the use of scare tactics. Advertisers can use fear as a tool to persuade consumers to buy their products. For example: they may show graphic images of illness or injury and present their products as a solution to avoid such problems. They can also use fear of social exclusion or lack of acceptance to motivate people to buy their products. And so the list of examples could be endless, but it still works.



In addition, they may also use the lack of information to manipulate consumers. In some cases, advertisers may hide important or misleading information about their products. For example, they may claim that their products are "natural" or "organic" when in fact they are not. Consumers can be influenced by these misleading claims and make purchasing decisions based on incorrect information.

Marketing can also be manipulative by using pressure tactics. For example, advertisers may offer limited-time discounts or promotions to motivate consumers to make a quick decision. Advertisers can also use social pressure to persuade people to buy their products, such as showing pictures of happy people who have already bought and used the product.

I have recently been doing some reading about this, because I know it is something we live with on a daily basis, and it is best to know about it to at least be less likely to fall for the manipulative techniques of marketers in general.


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