Are we as bloggers achieving effective communication?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello dear readers, I open this publication with the following sentence:

"Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people." William Butler Yeats.

Communication is an art, whether it's in spoken or written language. There are people who have a great deal of knowledge in certain areas, however, no matter how hard they try to express an idea they may not be able to make it understood. And the fact is that to communicate is not only about having knowledge and knowing how to speak or write, but the proper use of ideas, of comparisons, is vital when communicating with a person or a group of people.

I have known people with an impressive capacity to absorb knowledge, who are great readers, however, at the moment of expressing themselves they cannot do it or simply do not know how to start, how to make the other person see what they want to see or how to answer what the other person is asking them. For this reason I think that the number of teachers is very large, but the number of "good teachers " is not so high, I think that in a way something similar happens with those of us who write on this platform...


Edited image / Source

There are issues of scientific, economic, philosophical, and other human knowledge that are often a little complex to understand, but our task as bloggers is to make our ideas clear, linked coherently to each other, and not to seem like a bunch of ideas in a post that have nothing to do with each other, I explain?

That is, there is a very basic order that I consider we should handle in general terms when writing, for me it would be the following:

Introduction, development and closing.|

So, without further ado, I think this is very basic to share our thoughts regarding any specific topic. I usually read some publications in which I feel that there is no logical order, I do not perceive at any moment that a closing is approaching and suddenly the post is over, and when I finish reading it also instead of not being aware of something new, what I end up with is more doubts, I make the effort to read it again, and I end up not understanding. Has something like this happened to you?

This brings its consequences, obviously. They are users that I will not really look for again to read, they are publications that I will go through without stopping, because I might consider that it is not worth spending my time on something that is not going to leave me anything. I'm probably being a bit radical, but time is very precious, and I think we should all make an effort to share content that leaves something in the reader, and if there isn't an effort to do that, I don't think there should be an effort to read it... this is a very personal position, obviously, that you might not agree with.

Another point I consider important:

Proper use of images

"Of all the inventions for mass communication, images still speak the most understood universal language. " Walt Disney

This is another of the great aspects in a publication, the images fulfill several functions, as I see it. One of them is the one that is striking, we cannot place, or we should not put as the main image something that does not catch the reader, that does not introduce him just by looking at the topic we are going to develop. Much more if we consider that at present we can count on millions of copyright-free images for this purpose.

Another important aspect of the images is that they give the reader a break, especially in long publications, they are really necessary.

I could not finish this post without mentioning that there are basic spelling and grammar rules specific to each language, we must try to respect them, the use of a period, a comma, are necessary pauses many times. A paragraph of 60 continuous lines is usually exhausting, the best thing is to learn how to use them correctly.

And to finish, I must declare myself imperfect (like everybody), in spite of having three years writing, I still make certain mistakes, but I make my best effort to improve, more considering that English is not my native language, and generally I write for Anglo-Saxons.

We are all in a continuous learning process... it is a reality.

I wanted to share these thoughts with anyone who would like to stop by and read me, I am open to all comments and suggestions.

Thankful in advance I say goodbye with the following sentence:

"To communicate effectively, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use that knowledge as a guide to communicate with others." Tony Robbins.

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Thanks much for sharing your view, I believe communication is very important in our daily activities, how we communicate and pass information for others to comprehend really matter I'm sure as blogger trying to reach the world it important to express our massage for easy understand and assimilation.

Good recommendations, I thank you for sharing them.The writing process is based on a structure, formed basicame for 3 things: 1) Introduction, 2) Development and 3) Conclusion.This is one of the first things they educate us on when writing a blog,a novel or a film / theater script.Of course there are a series of techniques and tactics to achieve nejo results, but I want to point out that I agree with you and that everything needs to be consistent.

A good suggestion my screenwriting teacher gave me is getting used to observe how those who are successful do it, and try to follow that model, and I can say that all the people who have tried it have done great.

Thank you for your valuable contribution, I really find it very interesting

Yes, Reinaldo, there are very basic things we must always keep in mind, starting from there. And to improve day by day.
Thank you very much for your good comment.

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @scilwa. También puedo ser encontrado en nuestra comunidad de colmena y Peakd así como en mi servidor de discordia

Tahnk you for your support @scilwa

No one is indeed perfect but we have to subject ourselves to constantly improving our minds and learn since there are so many things to learn every single day especially when it has to do with the skill of writing.

In good measure this ability to write, apart from being cultivated daily with the exercise of writing, is also done with reading.
Thank you very much for commenting

I agree!
Keep flourishing.

Thank you, have a nice week.

Greetings friend @josevas217

For this reason I think that the number of teachers is very large, but the number of "good teachers " is not so high, I think that in a way something similar happens with those of us who write on this platform....

This point is unobjectionable, a good teacher will always be among thousands, this because, the quality of a good teacher to transmit ideas stands out above the rest. Now, with respect to your approach, I estimate that most of the education professionals who make life on the platform, to date have not taken seriously the professional role they have on the platform, nor are they taking advantage of the informative element that these digital windows provide. I think that a well-structured manuscript with descriptive or even informative approaches is an effective weapon to communicate as bloggers of scientific content and express our hypotheses, or particular opinions, in a fluid way.

Hello @lupafilotaxia.
Thank you very much for that good comment.
Yes, I really think that the teaching profession could benefit a lot from these platforms and achieve good approaches, but focusing on that beyond the economic benefit, which surely with quality, sooner or later ends up coming.

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No doubt that communicating for some may be difficult, that includes writing, a post must be consistent and the use of images appropriate, I think that over time everyone is refining their style and finding their audience, but I think there must be the real interest of communicating information, in this platform perhaps many are more interested in the reward than in the message, and that does not help to convey the information.

The moment a complex topic is made simplified, it becomes extra easy for an effective communicative channel to become established, we learn and grow more everyday not neglecting the need for improvement in our daily blogging lifestyle.

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