TRON and Steemit Integration

in Project HOPE4 years ago

👾 Hello Steemitverse 👾


Back to talk a little more about the integration of TRON into the world of Steemit, this time in the hands of the promoted challenge created by @steemitblog and supported by @steemcurator01

What do you think of the integration of Steemit and the TRON ecosystem?

I think it took a while to arrive. They had been talking about it for a long time but there was no movement. Suddenly the news was thrown, the value of the coins immediately increased and it was truly a tremendous madness. I see it with positive eyes towards a future 2021. Finishing a year and giving a pleasant Christmas to many of us who live on the Steemit platform.

Do you think this TRX integration will bring more TRON users to Steemit?

Without a doubt, I consider that many will come to Steemit. In itself, many have come from other platforms to earn a living (generate an extra income) in its various aspects: Art, production, writing, opinions, among others. Thus,
For those loyal TRON fans, this can be a niche in which they can feel comfortable once they establish themselves within the community.

Will this addition of TRX to rewards encourage more people to join Steem?

Yes, in turn ... as the 100% PowerUp has been promoted in the community by many users (such as @kiwiscanfly), we can generate reward or income generation strategies. As I said in another post regarding rewards on TRX, we can keep all rewards 100%, increasing our voting power and in turn withdrawing TRX for our own benefit. Making Steemit more attractive as now users can earn in three currencies at the same time (TRX, STEEM & SDB)

How can you personally use this news to promote Steem and invite people to join the platform?

Being direct and frank, knowing that many come to generate money in the community. It would offer them the opportunity to generate income in three different ways (TRX, STEEM & SDB), income that can be managed in the best way that they consider.

How can you optimize the amount of TRX you earn?

I think something cool would be to place an option in which we can choose between winning STEEM or TRX as a direct reward for the publications. This would be super interesting as it would give us the freedom to mobilize larger amounts of TRX within the community.

What will you do with the TRX you earn on Steem?

Directly I will withdraw them on a monthly basis. This time (December) I will not do it in such a way because it is an extensive month of expenses for holidays and gifts, but from January I will be withdrawing the amount of income in TRX that I generate on a monthly basis to include them in a BINANCE EXCHANGE Saving . Which currently gives a 1.90% interest. It is a way in which I will save within BINANCE.

Captura de pantalla 2020-12-07 a la(s) 2.19.32 a. m..png

And yes, that is my opinion on the integration of TRON in Steemit, let me know what you think about this in the comments!

Thanks for reading,


🔸 Iniciativa Impulso🔸


It is generally a great idea to be honest. Hopefully, it will be integrated properly and people will appreciate both blockchains a bit more. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more marketing and stuff

 4 years ago 

Hi @jacorv

My impression so far is that this integration will serve both blockchains. It had been delivered in very smooth manners, without any technical problems. Without nodes being down for a day or two (which was often the case with previous hard forks).

Communication between STINC (@steemitblog) and communities has been also performed quite well. This gives some sort of faith in future of STEEM. I think by now most of those who believed that Justin Sun is here to ruin STEEM should come to conclusion, that they were clearly wrong.

What do you think of the integration of Steemit and the TRON ecosystem?

I surely wish we could stake our TRX tokens and delegate them, the way we delegate SP. Otherwise - I would expect that most people will be selling received TRX rewards, knowing that they cannot really stake them and profit on holding it (except of hoping that price of token will increase).

Do you think this TRX integration will bring more TRON users to Steemit?

I do not expect that. TRON is very well known for LACK of users. I would rather expect that some Steem userbase will get interested with TRON more than they did so far.

I've tried to contact you via Discord. You're not very present there, right?

Check out recent post by @juanmolina on similar topic:

Cheers, Piotr

I fully agree with this:

I think by now most of those who believed that Justin Sun is here to ruin STEEM should come to conclusion, that they were clearly wrong.

If I am active on Discord. Last night I connected but I missed answering you. Today I will reconnect. Thanks for the interest and attachment 🙌👍

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Manually curated by @jasonmunapasee


Thank you for taking part in The Diary Game on Steem.

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The Steemit Team

Thank you so much for the huge support! <3

Hola jacorv.
Vas a tener que enseñarme más sobre esta integración. Yo estoy full confundida.
Ya tengo mi llave privada pero no sé quiénes son los super representantes... ni nada.

El viernes publicaré un post haciendo retiro y todo. Te etiqueto para que chequees. De igual manera puedes contactarme por twitter o discord.

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