#WeeklyMotivation:Be Optimistic

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

As you all know today is another lovely new week and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on new weeks like this. This is actually a part of the week I post motivational content just to brighten your day for the week and I hope you'll definitely feel motivated after reading this.

Today I'll be sharing with you a very important ingredient to success and i will also be sharing some vital tips that can help you attain this particular ingredient to success. This ingredient to success is simply known as Optimism just as it is been displayed on the title of this post.

What does it means to be Optimistic

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We need to understand the major meaning or definition of optimism before we can delve into what it take to be optimistic.

The word optimism according to Oxford dictionary simply means hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something. This connotes that you are said to be optimistic if you are that type of person with great sense of hope and confidence about the future or success of an outcome. The nearest opposite in meaning to the word optimistic is known as pessimistic. Your ability to do away with pessimistic behaviour or act simply means there's high chance of you being an optimist.


There are lot of great benefits attributed to being optimistic in whatever you do or being optimistic to whatever goals you set for yourself because as someone who is optimistic, you'll definitely attain good level of success towards your goals because you've initiated that level of self confidence in your lifestyle and your hope to be successful in whatever you do also increases because you already believed it will happen (and always remember to put in your best in anything you do).

This Explains it Better


The best way to explain the concept of Optimism is by comparing the behaviour or attitude of these two men known as Mr Amala and Mr Bagala when it comes to achieving the same goals.

Mr Amala and Mr Bagala both applied for a job in the same company. Unfortunately, the only vacant position available in the company was the position of the Chief Operating Officer(COO). Luckily for both applicants, it also turned out that both Mr Amala and Mr Bagala turned out to be best fit for the job after going through series of tests and interviews conducted by the competent bodies but unfortunately the company only needs one person for the post because the company can't have two Chief Operating Officer.

The information got to the CEO of the company and this made him develop interest in both applicants. He then decided to invite both of them for dinner with the sole intention of asking them some personal questions just to select the one who is best fit for the job.

The Big Question


The CEO welcomed both applicants in his house where they all exchange pleasantries with cute smile and happiness on their faces. They three of them sat together in the dining room where they all ate together and they all gisted together like brothers.

The CEO then decided to test their level of optimism. He already told them they are all going to visit a place after completing their meal. The CEO then drove the applicants to a strange environment which consist of big mountains and some weird scary animals. This got the applicants very scared while the CEO was just smiling. He then asked the big question that If you were to live in this type of environment for a week, how will you survive ?

Mr Ajala replied by saying i can never survive in this type of environment for a single day while Mr Bagala replied by saying i will definitely survive since my life is at stake here!. The reply the CEO got from both applicants made him more curious which made him asked Mr Ajala what makes you think you can't survive in this type of environment? Mr Ajala replied I really don't know how to answer that question but I all know is that I can't just survive here. The CEO directed the same question to Mr Bagala and Mr Bagala replied by saying "Life itself is a risk and this is why everything we do in life is also risky since we spend most of our time fighting for survival. The same applies to this environment, I will definitely take the risk to live here for a week and I will definitely survive since my life is at stake here just like I told you earlier".

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The CEO then told both of them to hop into the car as they head back to his house. While driving, the CEO made them realise that he is the owner of the place he showed them earlier on and the wild animals they saw there were his pets. He said he saved the lives of those wild animals from unofficial hunters who wanted to kill them for fun but fortunately the animals ran into his bushy land and he started feeding them and from there the animals gave birth to their offsprings on his land and he also added that most of those animals you saw there earlier on were actually trained and domesticated.

Who Got the Job?


On getting home, the CEO commended both of the applicants for their great enthusiasm to work for him in his company but unfortunately the company can only employ one of them as the Chief Operating Officer (COO). The CEO gave both of them a separate envelope with different colour. He gave Mr Ajala a red envelope while he gave Mr Bagala a blue envelope and he told them they can both go to their various houses.

Mr Ajala opened his envelope after getting home and he found out that he was giving a cheque of $10,000 with a small note on it which says "you're rewarded for your good performance but unfortunately we won't be able to employ you".

Mr Bagala also opened his blue envelope when he got home and he found out that he was rewarded with a cheque of $10,000 and an employment letter was attached to the cheque with a small note stating that "you got the job because of your level of Optimism"

Lessons Learnt


There are many lessons to be learnt here but the most important lesson I learnt from this write up is to always be optimistic in anything you do. I'm quite sure Mr Bagala got the job because of his level of optimism and this is also one of the most important quality or features needed to develop a company's growth.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Greetings friends.

In this life that is the key phrase to be optimistic as it is the perfect key to climb to success, trust in ourselves, have the living hope that we will always get ahead and achieve our goals.

Thank you for sharing your publication

Greetings @sandracarrascal

the key phrase to be optimistic as it is the perfect key to climb to success, trust in ourselves, have the living hope that we will always get ahead and achieve our goals.

Surely! We can achieve our goals if we are really optimistic and hopeful as this will definitely make us successful in whatever we do.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello @hardaeborla!
Very good story that you present us friend, definitely optimism is what will make us see things differently despite the circumstances we are going through, have the confidence that there is always something better and that if we can achieve what we propose, as they say you have to see the glass half full and not half empty. Greetings!

Greetings @yusvelasquez

optimism is what will make us see things differently despite the circumstances we are going through, have the confidence that there is always something better and that if we can achieve what we propose, as they say you have to see the glass half full and not half empty.

If there's really another best definition for optimism, I'll definitely prefer your definition. You've really explained what being optimistic is all about and I must tell you that I've learnt another new lesson from your comment.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕

Optimism is the passion that is needed to go through life. Being optimistic is simply focusing on the brighter side and focusing on hope.

This is an excellent read buddy. Thanks for sharing

Greetings @samminator ❤️

Optimism is really indeed focusing on the brighter side and having more hope just as you've stated because it really helps to build one's level of self confidence towards achieving goals.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

 3 years ago 

That's what characterises me in everything I do, I'm always very optimistic despite any situation, in fact I believe and I'm sure that the things that happen are always for something and for something very good, behind the bad things there is good.

Hi @hardaeborla

Good example to understand the difference of optimism and pessimism, the second one abounds a lot in these last years and I have really been analyzing which is the reason, why, cultures and different societies on a global scale have chosen to be pessimistic.

Best regards, be well.

Greetings @lupafilotaxia 💕

I still don't really understand why some people seems to be more pessimistic in their way of life instead of being optimistic because optimism will definitely make you successful while pessimism can make you a failure if care isn't taking.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

I love the publication dear friend, we need to understand that the journey of life isn't a smooth one at all but the ability to remain positive and go through life with a positive mentality will help us attain a better result.

Greetings @bimbo45

I am really glad you love this publication and I'm also happy that you were able to learn one or two lessons from this post about being optimistic.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello mate!

I believe being optimistic in the current circumstances is hard but that doesn't mean it's impossible. If anyone is thinking about being successful then the first thing to think about is being optimistic so you can put your goals afront of your face and concentrate in the process until you achieve them. Also being optimistic may change your overall look to the life and help you see the bright side of whatever you go through.

Nice read, thanks for sharing!

Greetings @lennyblogs 💕

I believe being optimistic in the current circumstances is hard but that doesn't mean it's impossible. If anyone is thinking about being successful then the first thing to think about is being optimistic so you can put your goals afront of your face and concentrate in the process until you achieve them. Also being optimistic may change your overall look to the life and help you see the bright side of whatever you go through.

I strongly corroborate with your words here! Developing that sense of optimistic mindset may seem very difficult sometimes but anyone who has than courage to be optimistic will definitely go far in life and more doors of success will continue to open for such person.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

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