#MondayMotivation: Be Self Disciplined

in Project HOPE3 years ago


Everyone!!! I hope you are having a great time over there? It's really nice to see you visit my blog today and I must say I'm really happy to have a great personality like you visiting my blog today 😊. Thank you once again 💕

As you all know today is another lovely Monday and I'm quite sure everyone of you know what I do on Mondays like this. This is actually a part of the week I post motivational content just to brighten your day for the week and I hope you'll definitely feel motivated after reading this.

There's actually this essential ingredient for success which every successful people possess and this is simply the ability to control one's feeling and overcome one's weakness. This simple statement is known as "Self Discipline". Self discipline is one of the ubiquitous word we hear or come across most of the time but the fact is that very few of us understand what self discipline is all about. I'll be narrating an important story which explains the concept and meaning behind self discipline and how it can really make you successful in anything you do, so I suggest you grab your delicious juice and pop corn to digest today's content as you read along through this post.

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As defined earlier, self discipline simply means the act to control one's thoughts or feelings and overcome one's weakness. The fact is that our body and mind are a bit connected in such a way that you feel somehow bored, unfulfilled or devastated whenever you do something without putting your mind into it most especially when you are learning something new or probably working in a work place which you don't have any sense of interest in but the reality is that when you put your mind into it, such task or activity becomes interesting and you develop that sense of passion to do more of it.

The fact is that we all experience this boredom or decreasing level of active optimism whenever we sometimes tend to start something new or sometimes when we are at the beginning level or first stage towards achieving our goals. This is now where the concept of self discipline comes into play. Self discipline will definitely help you achieve your goals by making you feel motivated and optimistic towards achieving your goals. This explains why people who are obstinate to achieving their goals keep threading the path to make them successful no matter what it will cost them to make this happen.

A Personal Experience From Biggi


I could remember a friend of mine during my undergraduate days at school who happens to be a fat boy by stature. He actually didn't like his stature and this is why we used to call him "Biggi" due to his stature. He sometimes felt shy or reluctant whenever it comes to socialising or relating with people because his body stature affected his self esteem.

On a faithful day, he took the decision of burning calories present in his body and this made him sought for means that would make him achieve his success. He signed up for exercise and body fitness routine at a gym/fitness center. His instructor told him to keep hitting the gym everyday that he's going to be monitoring his progress. He kept hitting the gym 24/7 during his stay at home with the holiday opportunity we got from the school while some other students were busy using their holidays to enjoy more junky foods.

After few months of staying at home, we got sms notification to resume back to school. While some people felt sad of resuming back to school probably because they are going to miss their family and friends at home, some students were also very happy to resume back to school.

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On that faithful day of resumption, I saw a muscular handsome tall guy coming towards me with confidence. I was a bit bit scared and terrified thinking who could this be! I felt insecure thinking someone wants to bully me to collect my money not until when I looked at this guy's face not knowing it was actually Biggi!. I was really astonished and I asked him how were you able to achieve this body fitness success? The simple reply he gave me was that his self discipline made him consistent towards achieving his goals.


Lau Haltz once said "without self discipline, success is impossible, Period". I think Lau Haltz was extremely very right about his statement because every successful people today always possess that great portion of self discipline. So in conclusion, if you really want to be successful at anything you do, try to be self disciplined by doing the right things that will make you achieve your goals consistently and avoiding or eradicating the obstacles or contaminants that seems to be stopping you from achieving your goals. Whenever you are able to master this technique, you've mastered the act of self discipline.

Thank You for your time and I hope you have a great day ahead with love from @hardaeborla


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Hello @hardaeborla!
To achieve what we propose in life is essential to have self-discipline that involves many things work, effort, perseverance, perseverance and that only depends on us and to be faithful to what we want, so we will achieve our goals. Greetings!

Greetings @yusvelasquez

To achieve what we propose in life is essential to have self-discipline that involves many things work, effort, perseverance, perseverance and that only depends on us and to be faithful to what we want, so we will achieve our goals.

These is the main reasons self discipline is extremely important because all what you've listed up there can only be achieved with the help of self discipline.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 😊💕

Hi @hardaeborla
Self-discipline is something that everyone should exercise permanently in all areas of life, because it is not just about one thing, but about things that take years to achieve.
This is the great detail that can lead us to success against all difficulties.
Biggi's story is a good one.

Greetings @josevas217😊💕

because it is not just about one thing, but about things that take years to achieve.

Hmm.. This really got me pondering a lot and I must say you're really very right about this. Self discipline is extremely important most especially when it comes to achieving goals that take years to achieve just as you've stated.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕😊

In order to achieve a goal first you need a plan. It means anyone needs to do a serious planification in order to make any project to become real.

But first anyone who wants to start a plan needs to get completely involved with everything needed to make it real. For that, a person have to find its own motivation and the only way to get it is through discipline. Without discipline and preparation any task would be extremely hard to achieve.

Greetings @bostonblake💕😊

But first anyone who wants to start a plan needs to get completely involved with everything needed to make it real. For that, a person have to find its own motivation and the only way to get it is through discipline.

Planning is extremely very important when it comes to attaining success or achieving one's goals in life and this can really be achieved if one is self disciplined enough and motivated to make this come happen.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕💗❤️😊

Thanks a lot 👍☺️

Their is one very good saying " if you want to achive something big in life you need to be focused and in discipline" this phase apply to every one life.

A person with self discipline and focused goal always achive his goal in life and make a difference.

In every field this helps in buisness or personal life or you are students. The first lesson we thought in school is to remain self discipline so that in life also you can apply this and make successful.

Greetings @adityajainxds 💕😊

"if you want to achive something big in life you need to be focused and discipline"

That's exactly the greatest word and rule of success and this really applies to both students schooling and adults working or entrepreneurs just as you've stated.

Thanks for your lovely comment with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕😊

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