Three Reasons Why the Price of Hive Is Declining Lately

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

In the cryptosphere, speculations play the greatest role in determining the price of an asset. Most times, people only buy crypto assets in anticipation that prices will go up. Similarly, they tend to sell when they anticipate that prices will go down. The price of a crypto asset, therefore, is the equilibrium point between the selling and buying behaviours of the players in the market.

The Hive token, which is now the subject of this essay, was launched only a few weeks ago as a fork of Steem. The hype around the Hive token was so strong that at a point it was nearly selling for twice the price of Steem. Even now, it is still trading above the price of Steem.

Nevertheless, in the past few days, the price of Hive, it would seem, has been on a disturbing decline. From trading at about $0.30 just a few days ago, Hive is now trading at $0.17. Without bias, this is a sharp decline when measured against the performance of Bitcoin and the majority of the cryptos in the top 20 mark during the same period. This article examines some of the most probable reasons for this decline.

#### 1. Massive Sell offs from Airdrop Beneficiaries

Unlike some cryptos that came into existence through ICOs or mining, Hive came into existence through airdrop based on previously held Steem token at the time of the hardfork. So, the entire economy of Hive came to life through nothing but airdrop.

The interesting part is that before the airdrop, as one would have expected, there was a massive urge in the price of Steem. This was because many were jostling to buy Steem because they clearly knew that it would determine who-gets-what at the time of the airdrop.

We therefore we had massive Hive tokens in the wrong hands, the hands of those who got it solely for the purpose of cashing out. To this people, it is a win even if Hive were to be sold at 10 cents. They'll keep selling until they have exhausted their holdings.


#### 2. The General Crypto Market Sentiment

With the global outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, a shadow of uncertainty looms over all the financial systems of the world. The stock market crashed alongside the price of crude. And cryptos, like most assets, are not immunes from the arising uncertainties.

Therefore, we see a situation in which almost everyone is talking about Covid-19 instead of Bitcoin halving. A kind of lukewarm momentum has remained in the crypto space, leading to wobbling and feeble market sentiments.

Hive can be said to also be a victim. It is not likely that Hive will be left behind had the general market sentiments been generally favourable.


#### 3. The Belief that Hive is Overvalued

There is a queer belief out there that Hive is overvalued. This is because it is a fork of Steem. Many expects that Hive should at best only be equal to Steem and not surpass it. And as long as Hive stays on top of Steem, some believe that it is overvalued and will contiue to sell it.

The actions of the above category of people also play a major role in flooding the market with Hive token.


#### Conclusion

This writer believes, and for good reasons, that Hive is a fantastic token largely because of the community spirit powering it. Although it may face enormous pressure at this formative years, it has all it takes to bounce back and appreciate -especially as it get to be listed in other prominent exchanges like Binance.

Until I come your way again, I wish you a full Hive ahead.


I was amazed at the decline in the price of hive compared with the initial description, now i know better. I appreciate the update.

The hype around the Hive token was so strong that at a point it was nearly selling for twice the price of Steem. Even now, it is still trading above the price of Steem.

I was actually astonished about this when one of my friends initially told me about it but I couldn't believe not until I checked the price myself 😂.

The interesting part is that before the airdrop, as one would have expected, there was a massive urge in the price of Steem

I was actually thinking this was due to the huge purchase of steem from other exchanges by most community members who were aiming for hive tokens.

And as long as Hive stays on top of Steem, some believe that it is overvalued and will contiue to sell it.

This is really surprising though but isn't it possible for a crypto forked from a blockchain system overcome it's source?

This writer believes, and for good reasons, that Hive is a fantastic token largely because of the community spirit powering it.

Most hive community members also have this same belief and I hope everyone dream comes true.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla in courtesy of @crypto.piotr 💕❤️💕❤️💕

It was inevitable when Hive was tradeable on an exchange the price would drop. I think it is early days now and time will tell which comes out on top. Still on the fence!

It was inevitable when Hive was tradeable on an exchange the price would drop. I think it is early days now and time will tell which comes out on top. Still on the fence!

Hehehe I think that you're right. Only time will tell.

People always believe an airdrop is it free money...

Hello dear @gandhibaba, great analysis of the topic.

We hope the token will hold its value or be able to recover from this early decline.

I believe just the same way people got hive to power up, so did some people get hive to sell off. A lot of account that knew they would not get the airdrop could send tokens to exchanges thereby getting the token via the medium. What happens then is that people start to sell off their hive to wager steem. As much funds are being pulled out in millons in regards of steem, the price tends to be relatively stable or just experienced a little drop in price.

 4 years ago 

Dear @gandhibaba

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was lately wondering why HIVE token is so weak, since it's the best time of it's performance. Great hype and so much SP being powered down and moved into HIVE. I would expect price of hive token to do so much better and it made me wonder - what will happen once most large stakeholders will power down their SP and HIVE purchaing power will be reduced. Not a good sign.

solid read, Upvoted already
Yours, Piotr

I would expect price of hive token to do so much better and it made me wonder - what will happen once most large stakeholders will power down their SP and HIVE purchaing power will be reduced. Not a good sign.

Well, only time will be the absolute judge. I am sure that a whole lot of unforseen circumstances will overtake events, leaving everyone confused. The rivalry between Steem and Hive is a delicate one and the pendulum could swing in favour or disfavour of both tokens at different times. By this, I mean Steem could outperform Hive and Hive could do the same at different times. We'lll see what happens. Thanks for stopping by - much pleasure.

And today it was a turn around!
New announcements in steemitblog also.
Best vibes, @GhandiBaba!!

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