Can STEEM make the big jump to the top?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

In recent weeks I have been reading publications that talk about the decrease in BTC rewards, there are many experts who are optimistic about this event and affirm that it can be the great moment of price recovery, even that it will become the catalyst that takes BTC to the top, managing to exceed its historical maximum reached in 2017.


But what about STEEM, can you at some point take a quantum leap that takes you to the top exceeding your historical maximum? What does our cryptocurrency need to rebound and claim at least the places it had when it reached its all-time high?

I am really looking forward to reading your opinions on this topic, I would like to have your help to get an idea of ​​what can happen with STEEM in the next few days, weeks, months or years.

Memories from my arrival to the platform.

I have been in STEEM since February 2018, and in cryptography in general, so I could not witness when STEEM reached its historical maximum $ 8.19 -97.9% Jan 03, 2018 that was two years ago.

When I arrived at this platform STEEM was in thirty (30) cryptocurrency position according to CoinMarketCap, now place in the seventy-seven position (77).


I have witnessed many positive things within the platform, as in STEEM many Apps are being developed that have good functioning, games that have become popular within the ecosystem, very attractive business projects and a lot of functions that make the STEEM blockchain one of the most dynamic and attractive in terms of interaction and participation.

According to data from Steem Apps there are currently 85 active Apps running, which makes it a dynamic blockchain, Active and with many options, the main currency and the different tokens of Steem Engine give different functions and use to your cryptographic assets.

In my opinion STEEM has everything necessary to be a successful blockchain, in fact, I think the platform as a whole is successful. One of my questions would be:

Why don't we see this success reflected in the price of your main currency?

What is the difference between other cryptocurrencies and STEEM?

Why other cryptocurrencies with less functionality than STEEM have a lot of value in the market?

What does STEEM need to jump in to raise its price in the market?


Final reflection

Everyone looks forward to mid-May when the reduction in BTC rewards occurs, because it may be the point where a price escalation begins and can finally exceed its historical maximum, or failing that it has a very significant rise in its price.

STEEM is becoming the point of convergence of crypto investors, some are coming to this ecosystem with intentions of doing business and establishing their companies in this blockchain, they are developing new games, promotions and marketing systems among others.

I think that we can expect from STEEM a solid recovery and that it becomes one of the main currencies of this market, due to the solidity of its business structure, the amount of opportunities for investment, security, trust and freedom granted by its decentralized character. .

Do not leave without leaving your opinion and your answer to the different questions asked.

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Steem flies under the radar. Markets tend not to be exact in their reflection of value.

SMTs and the Resource Credit pool are ideal sinks for STEEM. It is going make businesses and individuals have to hold steem power.

I think people will be happy where the price of the token is by the end of 2020.

Posted via Steemleo

Hi @taskmaster4450le, thanks for being here.

I think people will be happy where the price of the token is by the end of 2020.

Well we will fly with the rest and hopefully at least stay and have improvements for the end of the year.

 4 years ago 

Hello brother @fucho80.

This has been a very solid and constructive reading.
I really liked that you have evaluated the steem position in the markets and also the fact that you have considered the amount of Dapps as a determining factor.

Recently I read a post where they thought that steem has everything to be successful: dapps, tokens, smart contracts, games, now with SMT a great escalation is expected.
I think that the most important thing is needed: "more users".

More users represent more block production, more dynamism in the economy, better distribution of the rewards well.

In its best moments steem had many more active users, many people left the ship when they saw the prices fall. That led to the fall.
At that time, steem was evolving, but people didn't understand it and left.

Now steem is much more. It has more resources and dynamism, but users are missing.

We must not cease our efforts to promote the platform and make it popular. That will be our best contribution to the growth and recovery of our currency.

Your frien, Juan.

I think that the most important thing is needed: "more users".

Indeed. Problem is: The like the super-linear x² reward curve and free downvotes is very unattractive to new users and offsets all the good stuff.

better distribution of the rewards well

I'll have to disappoint you here: With the super-linear x² reward curve rewards will not be distributed more evenly when new users join.

We must not cease our efforts to promote the platform and make it popular.

But I can't, with good conscious, promote Steemit. Not as long as there is such a huge bias towards the whales.

Hi dear @juanmolina, thanks for those kind words

Recently I read a post where they thought that steem has everything to be successful: dapps, tokens, smart contracts, games, now with SMT a great escalation is expected.
I think that the most important thing is needed: "more users".

This is what we ask ourselves when we see all this deployment of resources on this platform and that does not affect prices, something happens. Yes, I believe in what you say, hopefully in the future we can convince many people that steem is the best option to invest and generate content.

We must not cease our efforts to promote the platform and make it popular. That will be our best contribution to the growth and recovery of our currency.

Well friend, we are busy with that, we would like a more focused effort specifically to attract more users to this platform that are willing to generate quality content.

Thank you friend, for those motivating words.

The answer to all your questions is: The greed of the whales. Making decisions to make the wealthy even more wealthy (like the super-linear x² reward curve) and making Steem unattractive for newcomer.

Hi friend @krischik, thanks for answering my questions.

The answer to all your questions is: The greed of the whales. Making decisions to make the wealthy even more wealthy (like the super-linear x² reward curve) and making Steem unattractive for newcomer.

So, we need more users creating content, however, the conditions are not the best to receive new users or worse, the conditions under which the platform operates increases new users due to the inequality in the distribution of rewards.

Thank you for your contribution friend!

Will there be a way to fix this?

Yes there is a way to fix this. The √x rewards curve which is already part of the system.


Or even better a 1-e⁻ˣ rewards curve.


Both would limit the power of the whales. Both will never be used because most witnesses are at least orcas and they won't profit form such power curb.

First, we need to understand that most altcoins are paired with bitcoin so a rise in bitcoin will lead to a rise in alt coins. So we hope steem rises with bitcoin.

On the other hand, More buying of steem will do the trick since accounts like @burnpost and the likes are doing real well to reduce inflation.

Further more, SMT could be a good push for steem price. At the end of it all, time will tell.

Hi, thanks for being here.

Friend @gbenga, very good reflection, is a set of things that may be needed to make a difference, we have to wait to see what happens.

Thank you!

Altcoins are generally down. Hopefully, Steem will rise with them when the market recovers again. Cheers!

Hello dear @gandhibaba, thanks for your comment.

Altcoins are generally down. Hopefully, Steem will rise with them when the market recovers again. Cheers!

It is the hope that we all have, I just wonder, what criteria apply for a blockchain like steem with all the advantages and functionalities it offers, to have such a low price, just that.

@Juanmolina already said:

I think that the most important thing is needed: "more users".

Also @krischik, think that inequality in the distribution of rewards is increasing content creators.

Indeed. Problem is: The like the super-linear x² reward curve and free downvotes is very unattractive to new users and offsets all the good stuff.

So if there is a willingness to apply corrections, if actions are taken, things may improve.

Thanks friend.

STEEM has everything necessary to be a successful blockchain

I'm eager to know what requisites "a successful blockchain" has. Maybe nobody knows that. But I think we need a positive trend in Steem price, active user's count and/or income from advertising.

Very good friend @deathcross, thanks for your comment.

It is true that we need that data, and knowing what elements a successful blockchain can have, what I try to expose is that Steem has many things to offer in terms of functionality and Dapss for all tastes, it is a nice ecosystem for many people, I think There are some adjustments that need to be made to make things better and more people remain interacting in the chain.

It is my personal opinion.

Functionality may be veery good. ecosystem sounds nice. But I don't see the money flowing towards Steem apps. Don't see the success of the Steem business model.

We need more real content and not endless reflections why the Steem price is not higher, like this post. All this has been said hundred times.
Nobody outside of Steem wants to read this!

Who makes you the police of this blockchain? If a content doesn't interest you then you should move on instead of downvoting with hate. By the way your posts are mostly in German, who reads German?

 4 years ago 

That's right @gandhibaba

I wonder if @stayoutoftherz would accept if he would be downvoted by someone few times "bigger" on steem than himself with comment, that: Nobody wants to read this german stuff :/

The German community hat app. 400 active users, you see the most recent report here

Besides, my content is not for Germans only, it is largely for anybody, and with "Google translate" it takes you 10 sec. max to be able to read it!

I was so kind and gave a rationale. As you know since HF21 everybody has the right to downvote, this has nothing to do with police or hate. I think you are quite hateful.

Hello @stayoutoftherz, with all due respect, I can understand that this publication is not of your interest, but there are many people on and off the platform who benefit from reading "reflections" how are you.

What you don't know is that through debates like this, consensual ideas can emerge that help strengthen STEEM.

I must assume from the rhetoric you use, that in the places you frequent you like to impose your ideas by force, if you don't like something you simply discard it without asking yourself if there is a way to fix it.

You gave your opinion, you rated negatively, you must be happy.

Thanks for coming, blessings!

You are the hater here. You downvoted @funcho08 because he posted about Steem. Fine. You also downvoted my post about loans. Is that also not a useful genre? You are a sadist. Go and fix your bitter and toxic self!

Sorry, but I downvoted you only AFTER you flagged 2 of my posts. If you remove your flags, I will remove mine. You started flagging me, so who is the hater?
The original poster is asking why the Steem price is not rising, and my answer is, in part because such a content gets almost 10 STU rewards while many newcomers here write decent content and get 0,1 STU rewards. This pisses many off, and HF21 gave us a tool to downvote bot users and otherwise overrewarded posts.

I don't understand when you say bot users and I don't want to feel alluded to, I've been in this place for almost two years fighting to maintain a decent consistency.

I am part of a community called @project.hope, a community that is growing based on honest effort, in our community we promote the perincipios of cooperation, interaction and commitment with all those who approach our environment.

I invite you to come and see first hand that we are making a difference for steem.

Thanks, appreciated. I will have a look.

 4 years ago 

Dear @stayoutoftherz

My friend @fucho80 already invited you to learn more about our community and our goals.

Please allow me also to share link to our website:


Sorry, but I downvoted you only AFTER you flagged 2 of my posts. If you remove your flags, I will remove mine. You started flagging me, so who is the hater?

The blockchain does not lie. You flagged me first! The records are here for everyone to see. I only flagged you back in self defense. Since you are a trouble maker, be my guest!

This pisses many off, and HF21 gave us a tool to downvote bot users and otherwise overrewarded posts.

The downvote tool is not for you to fight what "pisses" you off. It is to fight abuse of the reward pool. You are only looking for prey, those whom you feel you can oppress with your 50k SP. I will be your waterloo if you don't take your toxicity elsewhere.

Yes, I downvoted one post from you, because in my opinion it is overrewarded. For such high rewards, I need to write posts where I sit several hours and other users with less whale friends can write the most decent articles and never will gain such rewards. To balance this I occasionally use the downward pool, which is free to all after HF21. But as a reaction you went berserc and flagged in return several of my posts and now dragged one of your friends to downvote as well. I can live with that. I earn much more with curating than with writing, but if you continue, I will likewise flag all your posts as well. Just think and do the maths, if this is worthwhile. If you stop, I will stop too.

Yes, I downvoted one post from you, because in my opinion it is overrewarded.

Glad you have finally said the truth. Good.

For such high rewards, I need to write posts where I sit several hours and other users with less whale friends can write the most decent articles and never will gain such rewards

How am I responsible for the earnings of others? It is illusionary to imagine a Steem where everyone will earn the same reward or upvotes. Got that? It's called a "social media", your social influence will have impact on your rewards. Trump's tweet about his pet will by far carry more weight than you and I tweeting about keys to success. Got that???

By the way, it took me 3 days of research and reading to write that post you flagged and dismissed as overrewarded. You do not have a right to say which post is overrewarded or not because it is a matter of subjectivity. Got that???

But as a reaction you went berserc and flagged in return several of my posts and now dragged one of your friends to downvote as well. I can live with that.

Yes, I downvoted you back so that you'll know that nobody has a monopoly of violence, of downvotes. In your own logic, I also downvoted your posts which are written in German, which makes no sense to me because I am an English reader. Does that make sense? Sure, it doesn't. That is exactly what you do by disagreeing with posts because of rewards. Instead of looking for posts to downvote, go and curate a struggling author.

I have stopped downvoting your post, as long as you do not bring your idiosyncratic temperament my way. If you downvote me again, I will hire another friend with 500k+ SP to unleash his weaponry on you. You do not have a monopoly of violence, of downvotes. Best regards.

 4 years ago 

You're absolutely wrong @stayoutoftherz

I very much care about what @fucho80 had to say and seeing other quality comments - many other users did care as well.

Perhaps nobody from outside of steem wants to read this. But why would I care about anyone who is not part of STEEM community? Maybe our focus is on current userbase? Users that actually matters and count for something?


I see your point. I was hoping to see also content rewarded that is attracting also NEW users, and not content predominately focusing on the current user base. At least the topic was how Steem could rise, and the only way IS to attract users which are not yet there. But maybe I was too harsh in applying this argumentation. But I hope you see also, that too much self reflection does not help anybody. Debatable of course, how much is too much.

 4 years ago 

It's me again @stayoutoftherz

I've just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Big thx.

I would need to ask you for little favour. Recently I've decided to join small contest called "Community of the week" and I desribed our project.hope hive/community. Would you mind helping me out and RESTEEM this post - just to get some extra exposure? Your valuable comment would be also appreciated.

Link to my post: on steemit or on steempeak

Thanks :)
Yours, Piotr

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