Grandpa Gotta Eat—Food I LOVE Awards Hijacked By SteemiTron

in OCD5 years ago

Good Evening And Welcome this special Valentine's Night edition of Grandpa Gotta Eat.

Today was going to be a very special post. For a couple of weeks now, my wife and I had been planning a Valentine's Day outing which would include the movie Doolittle starring Robert Downey Jr. and a host of CGIed animals, and then a meal (probably dinner), at a yet to be decided restaurant of our choice.

Since this post, as always, is published in conjunction with the good folks behind @foodfightfriday, I was going to report out on the meal, of course.

Well, as the saying in showbiz goes, the movie and meal got preempted by work. So, instead, tonight's Grandpa Gotta Eat will be a previously written post that was never published.

Don't Fret—Love Is Still The Theme

With the Academy Awards just past, and Valentine's today, this previously written but never published post actually melds the two together.

How convenient, right? I mean, like, what are the odds?

So, without further ado, I offer you the first ever Grandpa Gotta Eat Foods I LOVE Awards.

Don't worry, you're going to love this.

The previously unpublished post will now start. It has been edited for time.

Foods I LOVE Awards

Let's move now to the categories for this first ever Foods I LOVE Awards.

They are:

  • Best Fruit
  • Best Juice
  • Best Soda
  • Best Italian Food
  • Best Mexican Food
  • Best English Food
  • Best Food Mom Used To Make
  • Best Meal I Ever Ate
  • Best Dessert
  • Best Candy

Best. Fruit. Ever.

Contenders in this category include:


  • Blueberries—for their sweet taste in pies.
  • Pineapple—for its tropical sweet and sour punch.
  • Raisins—for their versatility as a hot and cold cereal companion and a staple of trail mix.
  • Oranges—They come pre-cut (once you peel them) and packed with Vitamin C.
  • Guava—If a pear and a strawberry had a baby, it would taste like this.
  • Mango—Soft, juicy, fresh, sweet, and fruit of the Gods are just a few of the ways to describe it.

And The 2020 Foods I LOVE Award for Best Fruit goes toooooooooo...



We interrupt this post to bring you this breaking news bulletin.

Tron and Steemit have announced that:

TRON and Steemit’s development teams will immediately begin working together to bring Steemit and other Steem blockchain based DApps to TRON blockchain and its community of over 20 million users, products, and services.

More news on this momentous announcement as it becomes available. We now return you to your regularly scheduled post, already in progress.

...and that's what I think about Trump.

Okay, Mango. Someone give that fruit a water hose because they are en fuego!

Next up—Best Juice.

Best. Juice. Ever.

Nominees in this category are:


  • Lingonberry—The Scandinavians swear by it.
  • Pineapple—Sweet, acidic, tropical—what more could you ask for?
  • Apple—Chilled or hot, it's smooth and sweet.
  • Cranberry—Tart. But awesome.
  • Orange/Peach/Mango—Sweet nectar of the...


We re-interrupt this post with another breaking news bulletin.

About the Steemit/Tron announcement, Coindesk is reporting:

Steemit, the blockchain-based social media platform where users can be paid to curate or create content, is partnering with the Tron Foundation to bring Steem dapps and users to Tron.

No timeline for this migration was presented.

Steem, which was originally founded by Dan Larimer and Ned Scott, claims to have more than one million users, according to a press release.

Steem's announcement comes the same day VOICE, the new social media network backed by Larimer, launched in beta on a custom EOSIO network.

We know many of you are awaiting breathlessly to know more, so we will bring it to you as it develops. Meanwhile, back to your regularly scheduled post, already in progress.

...our roaming reporter, Cott Sned. Cott?

Thanks, Grandpa. I'm here in the green room with the winner, or should I say, winners, of the Best Juice 2020 Foods I LOVE award.

Orange/Peach/Mango, how do you think you pulled it off?

We're a triple threat combination that's hard to beat.

Woah. Love, the harmony, guys. Back to you Grandpa.

We continue with tonight's 2020 Food's I LOVE Awards categories with:

Best. Soda. Ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

The nominees are:


  • Frostie Rootbeer—A blast from the past. You used to buy it for 25¢. Now you can't touch it for less than $3.75 a bottle.
  • Dr. Pepper—The 23 different flavors of this svelte 130-year-old is nothing short of amazing. "When you reach 130, taste this good, you will not."
  • Cherry Coke—What Dr. Pepper would be, if it only had those two...


We bust in on this post for the third time to bring you this tantalizing tidbit about the Steemit/Tron affair that is currently consuming all of crypto.

About the joint venture, CoinTelegraph is reporting:

Steemit to Shift Its Proprietary Blockchain and Token to Tron Network

The Tron Foundation, a cryptocurrency firm that is known for hyping its long ledger of partnerships, appears to have entered a particularly important one today.

Tron and Steemit will be driving mass adoption together.

The news follows a reported bug on the Steem blockchain-based rewards platform for publishers in September 2019. In fact, the platform apparently experienced multiple bugs on its blockchain, with some of them halting the network operation for at least two days.

As promised previously, we will continue to break in as more is known about this humungo dungo mega-merger in the making. Now back to your regularly scheduled post, still in progress.

...ccini Alfredo—Whether you like your Alfredo by the sauce boat, or just go for the jugular (vein that is) and use an IV, this combination of seafood, pasta and artery clogging glop is literally to die for.

And the winner of the 2020 Food I LOVE Award for Best Italian Food goes toooooooo...


What's wrong? Too much glue?

I. almost. got... Okay. The award goes to...

Spaghetti and Meatballs!


I'd like to thank my noodles, hormone free ground beef and fresh sun ripened tomatoes for this award. If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't exist. Kind of like the Amazon rainforests in...


Yes we're back! Yes we've got more! Yes, we're going to give it to you!

Yahoo Finance adds this to the mountain of information and speculation coming out on the biggest thing to hit crypto since, well, crypto itself:

The Tron Foundation and Steemit Inc have announced a strategic partnership that will see the blockchain-centric social media platform migrate to the Tron blockchain.

However, there appear to be conflicting statements regarding whether or not the Tron Foundation or Justin Sun actually acquired or invested in the startup behind Steemit.

When asked if Tron Foundation had made an investment in Steemit, the representative said:

"No, Steam chose to move to the Tron blockchain and the two wil launch a joint accelerator to promote more development of the Steemit platform."

So far, no news has been published on the STEEM social media platform itself, despite several blogging and other format dApps to choose from. We'll annoyingly interrupt again as soon as someone else has anything at all to say about this colossal collaboration. Back to the post.


...with two of the 2020 Food I LOVE Award winners, Tinga and Shepherd's Pie. How you feeling right now, Ting?

No tengo palabras. Esto es, wow. Increíble.

What about you Shepherd's Pie?

It's brilliant. Bloody amazing. Can I say that here?

You just did. Back to you, Gramps.

We've got just four more categories to go. How is everyone feeling out there?



Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go!

Let's do! The next category for the 2020 Food I Love Awards is...


We're finally starting to get some reaction from the STEEM platform itself. Not from Steemit Inc, mind you, but Steem Witnesses, Community Leaders, and the rank and file. Here's what some of them have to say so far about all of this:

There's definitely more out there on STEEM now, and more will be coming, rest assured, after the Ned Scott AMA to be held tomorrow at 9 AM Pacific, Noon Eastern. Check your local listings for the time in your area. Now back to your regularly...oh, you know the drill.

...certainly was a barn burner of a Food Awards post, wasn't it? I'll have to try it again next year. Thanks for reading. Good night.

And We're Out

Maybe I'll have to publish another post like this next year. On purpose. As always...

Until next time...


Images sources—walmart, pixabay, courtesy of Glen Anthony Albrethsen

This edition of Grandpa Gotta Eat is published in conjunction with the weekly Food Fight Friday contest. All are welcome to participate. The rules are simple: Write about food, post on a Friday (yours will do), use the #fff tag and then go see what the other participants prepared. Winners are chosen by a jury of their peers.


I love all of the above foods, especially those pictured. Mmmmmm.... yummy!

Hey, @shaidon.

Probably would be hard in real life to choose just one. Thankfully, generally, we don't have to. :)

With the FFF competitions it’s often a difficult choice as to which photo becomes the main one.
But yeah, if you don’t have to choose between the foods when you are eating, it’s all good. :)

Your Food Fight Friday Contender has been entered into Round 82
May your contender make it out alive and not be placed in a permanent
Food Coma
70's show food gif.gif
Good Luck
Have a

Hey @glenalbrethsen, here is a little bit of BEER from @foodfightfriday for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

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