My 2020: Just a normal day: In My World

in OCD5 years ago

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay


My 2020: Just a normal day: In My World


A normal day in my life these days, is probably even more boring than most steemians experience, since I don’t travel to a job every morning. I’m retired now, but even when I was working at my last job, I worked from home most of the time the last few years. Of course, my daily schedule was different then than it is now, but I am very used to working from my home office.

When I joined steemit in March, 2018, I was excited to have found something else to do although I was pretty busy already. I’d always thought of the time when I would retire as a time when I would have freedom to pursue writing and some of my other favorite hobbies. I hadn’t planned on writing so much, but then again, I didn’t know there’d be something like steemit coming along.

Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay
So, my normal day starts with a pretty early rising from bed. I set an alarm on my phone, but I normally wake up several minutes before the alarm sounds. I kill it then and get up quietly. First thing I do once I’m up is to make some coffee, and then I have it with a small piece of breakfast pastry for my “little” breakfast. The “big” breakfast comes later.


Once I have my coffee in hand and that bit of pastry, I sit down in my office to check out the latest news online as I sip the coffee and and consume the pastry, which usually takes around ten or fifteen minutes. Next, I check in on discord with the community I’m a member of, which is PowerHouseCreatives, and then I read some posts on steemit, commenting on and up-voting them.

Image by TheOtherKev from Pixabay
Then it’s time for me to feed my wild friends, the neighborhood crows. It takes me about an hour to cut up the bread and the other stuff I give them each morning. After I have it ready, I distribute the food in my backyard, and then I stay outside with them until they’re done eating, which doesn’t take long.


By the time I’ve finished feeding the crows, a few hours have gone by since I’d gotten out of bed. Now it’s time for my real breakfast, the big one, which by this time is ready for me to enjoy. It’s usually bacon, eggs, grits, potatoes and toast – my all-time favorite breakfast.

Three days out of the week, (after feeding the crows), I go to the gym to workout - Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Gym days aren’t what I consider my “normal” days though, as I have less time to work those days.


Image by David Mark from Pixabay


When breakfast has been consumed, (or I’m back from the gym), I’m off to my office to think about what, if anything, I’m going to write about. I normally don’t have a hard time coming up with something, but it’s even easier for me now that I’ve signed up for the @shadowspub daily list of writing prompts and ideas. If I find something there I can get a handle on, I’m all set to get started writing.

Sometimes, I have to do some research to make sure that my knowledge of a subject is correct and/or up-to-date, and to pick up on anything recently divulged about it that I hadn’t yet heard.

I also write entries for two or three writing contests each week, and the one I’m really into right now is “The 31 Sentence Contest,” run by @tristancarax. This is a pretty challenging contest where entrants must write a story with 31 sentences, and with the designated 0number of words each sentence must have.

Whatever it is that I’m writing about, once I get started I usually don’t stop for anything, as I don’t want to chance screwing up the flow when it’s working so well. I’ll think about eating something and then forget that I’d thought about it. If I do take a break, it’s because I’m far enough along that a break won’t hurt.

I’m normally finishing up mid to late afternoon, and then I usually look at the news online for another ten minutes or so, have some dinner and then back to the office to read any comments I’ve received and to write replies. I then practice guitar for an hour and this usually takes me pretty close to the time I hit the sack.


Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay
So this wraps up my normal day, as we’re still in the first month of 2020. It may seem boring as you read this, but honestly, I am very excited as I rise each day, about what I’m doing with my time. I’m being creative, I’m profoundly happy and I’m enjoying what I’m doing with that valuable time. It’s definitely been, and continues to be, time well-spent.

My 2020: Just a normal day: In My World © free-reign 2020


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Sounds like you are into an ideal scenario my friend. A dream day indeed, as our days are totally haphazard due to our charity work. Not one day is the same, but we make time to escape into nature and also to feed and play with the wild animals. Today we lost the beautiful little male sunbird to one of the cats here. The same cat that I spray with water whenever he goes near the chameleon bush. Maybe one day I will be able to have a structured day, but then again maybe it's just a dream Lol
Glad that you can concentrate on your great writings.

Thanks for reading!

It's terrible that one of your beautiful birds was killed by the cat. Poor thing.

Yep, I always expected I'd just take it easy when I retired, but having steemit has kept me busy... sometimes too busy and it's hard to catch up! :) You are busy with your charity and you still get posts out nearly daily, right? And they're great posts! You do well at both!

I admire your dedication for what you two do. Blessings to you and Marian!

Thank you for the kind words and it is as we get older that we get more organized my friend. The important thing is to make time for the things that you love and according to your post, you have done that well.
Your writings are excellent and I think and hope that you will continue to grow here on steemit.
Blessings also to you guys!

Good to read about your day. It sounds like Steem is a great part of your life.

Yep, it's like my job... except I LOVE every minute of it! :)

That's great! :)

Happy Sunday, @free-reign! I identify with you in this marauding for Steem when you are in a stage that has overcome the races and you shake them. A calm and relaxed life is what gives us happiness. Steem and the communities it creates offer us a world where we can write with meaning, knowing that we are read and rewarded with encouraging comments, which creates beautiful connections.

Yes! Isn't it great? I never dreamed I'd have this much fun, actually be earning something when I retired, and be doing something so worthwhile and enjoyable!

I need to move my computer into a room such as an office, because I check this damn thing every few minutes for notifications.
Sounds like a nice day to me.

I like to work behind a closed door to stave off distractions.

I really like days like this, but I'd be bummed if I wanted to go swimming. It's too chilly for me to go to the beach, but the beaches and their parking lots do fine with tourists here. Temps in the 60s are good for them; it's like spring. :)

For an introvert like me, your normal day sounds like a dream day for me. Glad you find your home in steem. Keep on writing and sharing your creativity flow with us. ❤

Thanks for reading and for your nice comment! It's a new lifestyle for me, more laid-back and relaxing, as opposed to always looking outside my home for enjoyable activity. I love to go to the beach but haven't been in quite a while, and that's pretty telling. :) Have a great day!

Lo importante es que te sientes bien, aunque no hagas nada. Sé feliz.

Muy cierto. ¡Estoy feliz al menos el 95% del tiempo! ¡Gracias por leer!

Happy Monday @free-reign! Great write-up. Writing and replying to comments certainly takes a chunk out of our day.

I’m so happy you feed the crows. 💗 January and February are hard months for animals and birds to find food.

I have respect for the crows for some reason, lol. I know that most people think they're the worst, I'm into trying to gauge their intelligence myself, even though I know they are very intelligent. They're getting to the point now where they're losing their fear of me, which has been my goal since I started feeding them. :)

Happy Monday to you up there in the snow, and thanks for stopping by!

Crows and ravens are intelligent birds. I get upset if I see one lying on the side of the road when hit by a car. Did you know crows mourn their death? When one dies they gather around for a few minuted of silence. It has been suggested this is to access the predator but it could be deeper than that.

We had a beautiful day today. I hope it stays mild for awhile. 😊

I've seen this happen! A couple of years ago, I heard an electrical "zap" sound. I thought a transformer had died or something. Not long after, so many crows came and were flying around a nearby telephone pole. I thought they'd been attacking some enemy.

I walked to the pole to see what caused the commotion and that's when I saw that one of the crows had been electrocuted by the power wires. I felt really sad for them, because I could see their acts of mourning.

They are very intelligent and very sociable beings, the crows.

I’m sorry for the dead crow but glad you witnessed their mourning and know it’s a fact. 🐦

I think it's great - particularly for a writer - to be able to get into a routine and keep it. Hitting the gym in there is a great bonus too!

I've been going to the gym for years. It keeps me feeling great! I don't think I could stop if I wanted to.

I've been a routine-loving guy ever since the army, lol. Little to no nasty surprises. I get enough of those when I'm on the road driving!

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