Corkscrew Exercise - Beginners guide. By @okoriepresh27.

in Steem Fitness Hub3 years ago

It's a new day and a new week. A new opportunity for you to get up and be that you want to be.

A new opportunity for you to get that body goal you want.

But don't forget, someone gave us that opportunity, thank him for it.

And as you do, get your body ready for our training section today.

Let's see how far your abs can go with the program for today- Corkscrew.


Look forward to understanding the following at the end of the section:

  • What's Cockscrew?
  • Benefits of Cockscrew.
  • Targeted muscle group.
  • Proper ways to do it!
  • Mistakes to avoid!

Let's begin!



Corkscrew is a core-strengthing exercise that focuses on the lower back, hips and and the abs of an individual.
During the exercise, the obliques is engaged.

Corkscrew is a home and gym workout program.
Due to its cost effective and less equipment needed to carry it out, corkscrew can be done anywhere as long as its a good spot for you.

Add it to your workout routine, it's effective for your abs.



The following are it's benefits:

  • Burns belly fat.
  • Massages the lower back.
  • Stretches the hip flexors.
  • Strengthens the core muscles.
  • Works the abdominal muscles (obliques)



It targets the following muscle groups:

  • Core.
  • Shoulder.
  • Lower back.
  • Abdominal Muscle.



N/B: This tutorial is for beginners.

Method 1: Get a mat. Lie on your back and place your palms by your sides.
Bring your legs together and keep them straight.
Your body should maintain a straight position.


Method 2: Slowly lift your legs off the ground in a way that it still keeps your hip on the mat.


Method 3: Now, while still on the method 2 position, slowly lift your legs up the more so your hips would be off the mat.


Note though that your upper body should remain stable and calm during these processes.

Also, if you want to increase the difficulty level in other to feel more impact. You can slowly circle your legs in the air when in the method 3 position.

Method 4: Slowly return to the starting position, but this time, you won't let your legs touch the mat. It should be few inches off the floor.


When done with that, you've successfully completed a rep.

Repeat those processes for 40-50 seconds of 5-7 sets.



1: Avoid the temptation of separating your legs during the program.
They should be pressed together and maintaining a straight and stable position through the entire program.

2: Don't let your lower back to lift off the mat when your legs are moving.
It needs to pressed to the mat or floor through the entire program.

3: Avoid swinging your legs with the force of gravity, allow your core muscle to do the job.
Your power to swing your legs should come from it, so, keep it engaged during the exercise.



Practice all the programs thought, get to love them and share your experience with everyone here.

If you have any question, just ask them. You'd surely get your reply.

Also, don't forget to share with us your body goal and how far you've come to achieving it.

I hope to see you all in our next class.



 3 years ago 

I'll always appreciate you dear @okoriepresh27 for your candid efforts in carrying out your duties despite our empty pockets. But believe you me that we will smile together if we don't give up. Thank you.

 3 years ago 

Never mind the pockets now, a baby grows from the cradle. Lets keep doing it, and don't give up though the candle light is low, it will soon burn keep gathering momentum. The sky will be your stepping stone, there is no ceiling on your head. Keep going @meymeyshops and at @okoriepresh27 thank you.

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