Planking Exercise- Beginners guide. By @okoriepresh27.

in Steem Fitness Hub3 years ago (edited)

Jerry Dunn once said; “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.”

We would find out in our workout session for today.

So, I welcome y'all to our training section today.
I remain @okoriepresh27 (Instructor01).
I believe we've been practicing our previous workout programs. If so, let's get down to today's.

Our workout program for today is- Planking Exercise.


As usual, we hope to understand the following at the end of our training section.

  • What's Planking?
  • Benefits of Planking.
  • Targeted muscle group.
  • Proper ways to do it!
  • Mistakes to avoid!

Let's get to work.



Planking is an isometric core muscle and strength exercise that helps to build your resistance and endurance level, improve your strength and body balance and also helps to burn abdominal fat.

Just like every other home exercise, planking is cost effective and can be done anywhere.

It's really an important program that needs to be on your workout routine.



Below are it's benefits:

  • Improves core strength.
  • Improves body flexibility
  • Improves body coordination and balance.
  • Improves mental health.
  • Increases endurance and resistance level.
  • Burns belly fat.



It is an isometric core muscle and strength exercise, so it targets the following muscle group:

  • Gluteal Muscles or Glutes- The muscle group responsible for your thigh and Hip movement.
    It's considered as the strongest muscle in human body.
  • Rectus abdominis- The muscle group for six packs.
  • Oblique Muscles- This muscle group makes it possible for you to turn and twist your waist. And to make a side bending.
  • Transverse abdominis- This is an abdominal muscles that helps to stabilize the pelvis and lumbar spine before the movement of the limbs.
    Building this muscle group helps us improve our body strength.



Before we talk about the way to do it right. We want us to know that there are many types of planking exercise.
They include;

Standard plank


Forearm plank


Knee plank


Side plank


Those are some of the planking positions.

But today, we would discus the Forearm position.

How do you get it right?!

Method 1: Placing your forearm on the floor, stretch out your legs and keep you back on a straight position.


Method 2: Your elbow should be below your shoulder and arms. The distance between both hands should be just about shoulder-width apart.

Method 3: Maintaining that position, squeezing your abdominal muscles (Belly) towards your spine.

Method 4: Then squeeze your buttocks and spine muscles as far as you can take.

Method 5: Keep your neck straight and breathe properly.

N/B: If placing your palms flat hurts your wrist, then you can try folding it!

If this hurts! 👇


Do this! 👇




1. Do not dip your back too lower while planking.
Instead, engage your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine.

2. While it is important not to drop yourself too low, it is also important not to raise your hip too high.
Always maintain a flat position, so your abs would engage in the workout.

3. Breathing is really important while working out.
Although it is often difficult to relax ourself when in a strenuous position, it is really necessary to allow ourselves receive oxygen while working out.

4. It is important to remember the words of Jerry Dunn which says; “Don’t limit your challenges. Challenge your limits.”
Yet, It's is important to know your limit.

Know when to take a break and not hurt your back and shoulders.

5. Maintain a steady neck and head while working out.
Your face should be facing the floor, that would help your neck maintain a neutral position.



We hope to seeing you practice this program.

If you have any question, leave it at the comment section, we'd surely reply you.

Also, do let us know your body goal in the comment section, it would help us know how to make our workout schedule.

See you around again.




This is amazing my Instructor01 @okoriepresh27. You got the agility, I'll try mine. Thanks for your lecture.

 3 years ago 

Thanks @ngodestiny.
I look forward to seeing your practice.

 3 years ago 

Good one, instructor01, we will follow your lessons this week

 3 years ago 

I look forward to that.

 3 years ago 

Thank you @okoriepresh27 for the 8th workout-challange tutorial. I will practice.

Hello @okoriepresh27, i personally enjoyed the training, thanks for those practical suggestions. I promise to do my best in the contest.

 3 years ago 

@simeon00 Fortunes to you regarding the contest.
I look forward to see it.

Hello @okoriepresh27, i followed through your training on planking exercise and those practical tips that you outlined in you lecture, well done. I will do my best in the contest.

 3 years ago 

I look forward to that.

 3 years ago 

I will surely give it a trial to see how it feels, though I do not have belly fat to burn.

 3 years ago 

@essygold That's a good one, give it a trial. I look forward to seeing your practice section.
But what is your body goal?
Let us know, so we can make a proper schedule for that.

We have supported this post. Keep on making great content in our community.

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