in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

assalamualaikum everyone!

Welcome to my post.I am fine and I hope you are also fine enjoying good health with the grace of Allah Almighty. I have completed my achievement 2 and now I want to complete my next achievement 3. Which is about basic knowledge on producing and sharing original content etiquette.In this Achievements task we will mainly discuss about the term PLAGIARISM

Plagiarism mean:

PLAGIARISM mean steel the thoughts, imagination and idea of others and poverd as own ideas and thoughts. In it we have to use anything without the permission of author in their articles and do not give the source. In PLAGIARISM people proved the stolen ideas as their own.

Types of plagiarism


Self plagiarism:

Self-plagiarism,also know as Auto plagiarism it means that you reuse your articles, videos, work or content again and significant portion of his previously published work without any attribution.

  • This type of plagiarism is mostly used published researchers.

Mosaic plagiarism:

Mosaic plagiarism is a type of plagiarism in which people rearranged the sentences, words and quotes from the content of others and their content is the combination of their own words and the stolen sentence from the content of the other.

Direct plagiarism:

It is the type of plagiarism in which you copy the sentence same to same from others content and proved as your own.

Complete plagiarism:

This is the type of plagiarism in which people stolen the complete work for example text, videos, images or thoughts and published as their own name.

Accidental plagiarism:

Plagiarism may be accidental if it occurred because of neglect, mistake and unintentional paraphrasing.

  • In this type of plagiarism the person mistakenly copied the work of author.
    These are some types of plagiarism.

How to prevent plagiarism.

Now we will discuss some methods to prevent plagiarism.

  • It is very important to avoid plagiarism in our life for real success.


If you have used other thoughts, images and sentences in your content then give the source of the copied material for giving credit to real authors because when we copied the work of other people their hard work wasted.

  • This method is known as citation it is the better way to use the work of other people without worry.
  • So citation is a good thing.

How to give citation:

  • The method of giving citations is very easy.
  • Here I will discuss the methods of giving citations of images.

For pictures

Step 1

  • First of all copy the image and paste where you want.

Step 2

  • Second Then copy the link address or image address.

Step 3

  • Third put the bracket [ below the image write source and then close the bracket [large braket].

Step 4

  • Fourth Now put the small bracket ( and paste the link there and now close the brackets(small brackets)Carefully use brackets for proper citation.

For Quotes:

  • If you want to use the quote from any source . You have to simply place the symbol[ <] before starting the quote.

  • It is simple metod to giving the source of quotes.


  • Paraphrasing is another method to prevent plagiarism.
    In this method, you have to change the thoughts and information of the source into your terms without modifying its unique circumstances.
    You have to write the source paragraph into your own words without changing the meaning of the real paragraph.

Website Allows for pics:

These are some websites that are allowed for the pica and in the case of any other source. You have to give the proper source as I explained above.

Self writing:

  • The successful method to prevent plagiarism is that using your content using your ideas, thoughts, creations.
  • The one who steel literature can't learn anything himself.
    We can never be successful in our life if we do not separate plagiarism from ourselves.
  • Self writing is the best method and is more profitable. It also helps us to increase our creativities.
  • The most favorable and appreciable content is your own content in which you use your knowledge and thoughts.
  • So we should try to create our content and avoid plagiarism for success. If you want to be successful in your life be creative.
  • Steemit platform supports content that is free from plagiarism.
  • So this is my complete knowledge about content etiquette and my complete post of achievement 3.
  • I have also completely learned about all these things.
  • And I recommend it to all to avoid plagiarism for any abuse.
  • I hope that you all will like my post.
  • I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them
    The link for my others Achievements.



Special Mentions.


Seems like he Copied from

As this post is 5 days old but that is 9 days old so he is the real culprit of Cheating...!

We can Tolerate mistakes but not Plagiarism.


 3 years ago 

Dear @Hassanabid
You said that I have copied my post from @fizaashraf post but I want to tell you humbly that I did not copied my post from her post. The pics that are used may be same but I have taken these pictures from official website s and also given the citations. You can check my post and even I will request you to check my post. I have not copied my post.some sentence may be same but not the whole post. Please consider it .

@jawad101 can you please handle this ?

 3 years ago 

Please recheck my post. I did not copied my post.

 3 years ago (edited)

Rating: 2

Please get ready for the next task on Achievement 4: Applying Markdowns Link You expected to use some advance markdown tags using some of the given markdown templates.

Greeter helper
 3 years ago 


You have passed Achievement 3 on Content Etiquette. Understanding the concept of Plagiarism is very important on the steemit platform.

Please add the remark,

"I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and will do my best to embrace them"

at the end of this task post.
Once you are done reply to me so I can verify.

 3 years ago 

I have done my task please recheck my post. Thank you for guiding me.

 3 years ago 


A catchup vote was given for achievements 2 and 3

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