Achievement 3 : Content etiquette by @Sinthiyadisha

in Newcomers' Communitylast year (edited)

Hello to everyone @Sinthiyadisha, this is my name after successfully finishing my accomplishment 2 assignment I am here to present my achievement 3 task which is about plagiarism and is called content etiquette I want to thank everyone for their support so far on my articles.

new etiquetti.png

content protocol I refer to courteous conduct in my common sense and topic etiquette is the accepted rule regarding behavior among people affiliated with a specific profession or company in two ways the laws or border patrol of each group should be upheld one of their strongest codes is plagiarism


plagiarism is the practice of representing another person's ideas words or creative works as one's own without properly attributing or acknowledging them it entails utilizing another person's original creative works without getting their consent or properly citing the creator


Many forms of plagiarism

  1. Printing precisely
    Plagiarism in its purest form takes place whenever certain material through something written by someone else is utilized directly regardless of citation or commas phrases. The practice of plagiarism that has been committed with intent cannot be done and is punishable by law. Direct plagiarism through the accurate proliferation of an argument that travels something else missing credit or underlining. The deliberate tampering of something from another individual is morally questionable, and untrustworthy in the school environment, and foundations for disciplining punishment, for example being removed.

According to UNSW, Sydney

At UNSW, plagiarism is when you use someone else's words or ideas and present them as your own. A kind of intellectual theft is plagiarism. Plagiarism can take many different forms, including unintentional copying without attribution and premeditated cheating. Consequently, you must give credit where credit is due if you utilize someone else's words or ideas in your work.

As stated throughout the brief overview previously regarding copied content takes place anytime a specialist uses an author's work while not providing credit to the publication's maker.

According to The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The definition provided by the School of Education of North Carolina, copyright abuse is the "deliberate or reckless individuals characterization of another's perspective words, thoughts, or ideas as one's own without attribution when combined with being submitted of instructional material, the degree to which examined or whatever else" (Instrument of Student the judicial system Governance, also known as 5). The Office of Customer Service of the Dean of Apprentices has the authority to deny enrollment and suspend pupils whom it believes plagiarize since it has been regarded as a kind of education-related fraud. The Duke University Courage System website has abundant details.
The majority of the time, students who plagiarize do it unintentionally. Instead, since many individuals do not sufficiently comprehend what copying others is, they copy elsewhere unconsciously. This is what we're supposed to mean when we are using the word "reckless." If, due to inaction, you fail to properly comprehend another person's thoughts the same penalties as if you had purposefully stolen someone else's work if you know how to do it. Therefore, you must recognize other people's contributions when they are due.

By the terminology mentioned before, copyrighting is "the knowingly or unintentionally inexperienced delivery of another's phrases, emotions, or groundbreaking concepts without additional recognition to submit regarding educational job opportunities."

According to Britannica
Plagiarism is the method of hijacking an additional person's writings as well as presenting them as an individual's own. The fraudulent practice is closely connected to forged information and theft and piracy which are typically illegal copyright infractions. There won't be any infraction of the contract if this repetition solely involves words employable for translating the same recommendations. If it appears to be exhibited that the continuous wording was decided around separately, there is also no violation of the patent.

Considering the basic tenets whose services have been previously responded to implementing sufficient proof is the act of taking somebody else out expressed in words written work and incorrectly portraying it as negligence.


Direct Copying:
Unintentional copy occurs when you quote an utterance or two unchanged from another source without bringing up it. In addition, no linking of the results can be attributed to any of the contained language or paragraphs. a situation where a writer quotations another person's text while introducing certain word or phrase modifications, this corresponds to the practice of plagiarism. This kind of imitation is typical. In the event you fill in the piece of writing without adequately agreeing with the initially developed created by someone other than yourself, it is considered copyright infringement.

Self Plagiarism:
represents the act concerning appropriating one's original content. Let's understand you otherwise composed an article. The customer is the owner of the piece when it is written for them. because you charge him money to perform the service, then, if you borrow phrases from the prior essay when creating an article for a different client, it will be considered plagiarism and might harm our image as an organization.

Patchwork plagiarism:
Patchwork group cheating, which is also recognized as "mosaic infringement" or "patchwork copying," is a descriptive name for the theft of ideas that have significance together with the writer's work being the original. This variety of hijacking may be suffered in both undetectable and overt methods that vary as well as openly. When you transcribe an entire subsection from an authentic source and adjustments it as a single clause, you begin to engage in patchwork quilts theft of ideas.

Reasons individuals perform copyright abuse incorporate some of the following:
• Lacks self-awareness yet is driven by a strong desire to be well-known.
• Being lazy is another issue.
• Inadequate time management abilities.
• The inability to choose from a variety of sources, etc.

How can plagiarism be prevented?

  1. Being genuine and sincere
  2. Watch out for counterfeiting.
  3. Avoid paste-ins and copy-pasting.
  4. Figure out to follow your path.
    I have read and fully know about the steemit etiquette in the Steemit community and shall attempt my most challenging to strictly adhere to it. I will never plagiarize, and I will always follow all the rules of the Steemit community.

My first achievement verified link is,

My second achievement verified link is,

Thank you, everyone,
Allah Hafez
Sinthiya disha


ধন্যবাদ আপনার এচিভমেন্ট টাস্ক সাবমিট করার জন্য ।

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on ..............."

পোস্টের শেষে আপনাকে এমন একটি বাক্য সাবমিট করতে হতো যেটি দিয়ে প্রমাণ হয় যে আপনি টাস্কটির সকল ক্রাইটেরিয়া সম্পূর্ণ ভাবে স্টাডি করেছেন । আমি আপনাকে সাজেস্ট করবো পুনরায় টাস্কটি একটু পড়ে দেখতে এবং যে বিষয়টি বাদ পড়ছে সেটি ইনক্লুড করতে ।

 last year 

Thank you, sir, I am including the missing sentence

এখনো ফাইনাল স্টেটমেন্টটি সাবমিট করা হয় নি । আমি আপনাকে এচিভমেন্ট টাস্ট পোস্টটি পুনরায় পড়ার জন্য আমন্ত্রণ জানাচ্ছি ।

 last year 

Thank you very much for commenting on my post. I have fixed the things you asked me to fix in my post. Looking forward to your valuable feedback.
Thank you.


Welcome to the steemit platform.Thank you for completing the Achievement-3 task. Hope you feel comfortable and enjoyable sharing here. Please continue to the Achievement 4 task. Here I will send the guide:

Achievement 4 Task

  • Say no to Plagiarism
  • Use your voting power.
  • Participate in All the latest projects from @ steemitblog .
  • Be a member of Club5050/Club75/Club100

rate 3

Feel free to contact me if you need any help:

Thank You

 last year 

Thank you, sir

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