Achievement 3 Task || by @ramzanbaow || Content Etiquette | 21-06-2021

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago


I hope you are all well and you are doing your job well and I pray you keep up the good work.

This is my achievement 3 post since coming to steemit and I wish I could play my best role on steemit. We must respect the law of steemit, which is very important for steemians.


The real purpose of Achievement 3 is to make us understand that we can only work on it. We cannot accept anything that is plausible. While working on the steemit, we must understand what we can and cannot do, and that plagiarism is a very bad thing. I hope you understand plagiarism well and you know what plagiarism means. Pleasureism means that we can't steal anything from other people while working on our steemit and there is sin in real life. We can't steal copy-paste or anything from anyone else, even for the smallest thing. This is a very important and precautionary law. If we need something from other people while working, we have to mention the name of the person and the place where he has placed the thing so that he is respected in every way. And it is better to give the source of something used by other people. Besides, stolen goods and plagiarism are not acceptable on this platform.


Copy work to an other’s person is like a drama because its not original or we can say also say that it’s a bad habit to copy the ideas of other people.

Types of plagiarism:

  • Complete plagiarism:
    Submit another work or task with your name. And pretend that it’s your work . And this task is done by you. Copy the author’s work without his content or reference.

  • Source based plagiarism:
    In this type of plagiarism User uses the incorrect reference or may not use this. Sometimes the user does not use the
    content or reference.

  • Direct plagiarism:
    It is a type of plagiarism where copy the text from document word to word.
    User may change the real content but actual meaning remains the same because he just changes the synonyms. And after that he shows that is his own document or task.

  • Accidental plagiarism:
    Which is accidentally applied due to neglecting of user It might occur when you don’t understand that how to paraphrase the real content.

  • Paraphrasing plagiarism:
    It means rephrasing some text in your own words. It also occurs when you don’t properly rephrase the original text.

Why should you avoid plagiarism:

Basically plagiarism is an ethical issue. We should not plagiarism any text because it comprises your integrity. It’s also a bad deed to copy ant one’s text, ideas, or documents. We get benefit at that time but we can’t get benefit permanently because we will lose leaning skill. And if we lose writing own self then we can’t move forward in successful ways.


Methods to use sources:

  • Cite your Source:
    When you wrote or choose someone’s content or documents of another author. You should use the reference or content of that author.

  • Include quotations:
    The simple way to remove plagiarism is if we are using the quotations of san one else then we have to use the quotation mark.

  • Paraphrase:
    Remember that if you are using the source of another’s author then you should use it correctly without any neglect ion.

  • Present your own ideas:
    Instead of using the other documents and references you should use own text or if it’s not possible then check meanings and write it in to your own words. Its I think best way to remove plagiarism.

  • Use a plagiarism checker:
    There are many plagiarism checking tools. We can check plagiarism by using these plagiarism checking tools.

I have read and understood the Steemit Etiquette on Steemit Community and I will try to follow to all etiquette and rules of this community.

Thanks for giving time to my post and I hope that you will appreciate me.

I really thanks:


Regards: @ramzanbaow

 3 years ago 

You make a very good post.
I am glad to see that you understand the content Etiquette.

 3 years ago 

Thanks dear for praying me .

 3 years ago 

Amazing post bro . Keep it up.

 3 years ago 

Thanks bro

hi @ramzanbaow, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.
Thanks for your successful completion of this task

task rate:3

 3 years ago 

Thanks a lot:
With all of this in mind, I will do my best to live up to your expectations.

 3 years ago 

Hi, @ramzanbaow,

Your post has been supported by @ngoenyi from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

yes and thanks a lot

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