Achievement3 Content Etiquette by @ nsikakedem

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

image.pngimage source

Greetings, great steemit family, I'm @nsikakedem from Nigeria. I'm here to write my achievement3 post. Invited by @ijilady.

What is plagiarism?

Plagiarism is the act of using another person's work, image or text without having in mind to reference them or give credit to the owner.

Types of plagiarism

There are different types of plagiarism, I will mention but few;

  • Global plagiarism: Taking and passing out an entire work by someone as your own.

  • Hired plagiarism: It's paying someone to write an essay for you.

  • Bibliography plagiarism: Passing out research done by some else and claiming it to be yours.

How to avoid Plagiarism

These are few ways of avoiding plagiarism,

  • keep track of source you consult
  • quote and paraphrase
  • cite the original source
  • use plagiarism checker

What is quote?

Quote is the repetition of what someone has said or written without changing a word,example:

" The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"

What is citation?

Citation is the way of telling your reader that certain material in your work came from another source.

How do you cite?

In other to cite image from a source;

  • get to your browser
  • type the desire information example, freeimage of plagiarism
  • press and hold on image desired
  • copy and save the link
  • paste the image and attach the link


I have read and understood the steemit content etiquette on steemit community and will try every means possible to apply them all. I love steemit.

Special thanks to @ngoenyi

Achievement1 post


Give an example of citation by using a sentence or phrase not of your authorship , and give its link from where you have taken it.

 3 years ago (edited)

Hi @nsikakedem, I am pleased to inform you that your achievement 3 task has been verified, you may now move to the next achievement task which is about applying markdown.
I encourage you to complete all the Achievement posts by @cryptokannon. Click here.

Thanks for your successful completion of this task!!!

Task rate: 2

 3 years ago 

Hi, @nsikakedem,

Your post has been supported by @tocho2 from the Steem Greeter Team.

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